Senate Research Center                                                                                                     H.B. 1526

81R24836 TRH-D                                                                           By: Crownover et al. (Hinojosa)

                                                                                                                               Natural Resources







The Texas Department of Transportation has begun demanding that operators of certain natural gas pipelines remove their facilities if those pipelines are located longitudinally along highway rights-of-way.  As development of new pipeline infrastructure is built, specifically in the Barnett Shale located in Tarrant County and surrounding area, it is important to clearly identify where pipelines may be located in public rights-of-way. 


H.B. 1526 authorizes the placement of pipelines over, under, along, and across public rights-of-way. 




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1.  Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 111, Natural Resources Code, by adding Section 111.0831, as follows:


Sec. 111.0831.  AUTHORITY OF CERTAIN COMMON PURCHASERS TO USE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR PIPELINE.  (a)  Provides that a common purchaser as defined by Section 111.081(a)(2) (relating to the definition of "common purchaser") has the right to lay, maintain, and operate a pipeline over, under, across, and along a public road as provided by this chapter only if:


(1)  the pipeline complies with all safety regulations adopted by the Railroad Commission of Texas relating to pipeline facilities; and all applicable state and county regulations regarding the placement of a pipeline facility on a right-of-way, including a regulation on the horizontal or vertical placement of the pipeline; and


(2)  the common purchaser ensures that the public road and any associated facility is promptly restored to its former condition of usefulness after the installation or maintenance of the pipeline.


(b)  Authorizes the Texas Department of Transportation to require the owner or operator of a natural gas pipeline to relocate the pipeline at the expense of the owner or operator of the pipeline, if the pipeline is located on a right-of-way of the state highway system; or  at the expense of this state, if the pipeline is located on property in which the owner or operator of the pipeline has a private interest, notwithstanding Section 203.092 (Reimbursement for Relocation of Utility Facilities), Transportation Code.


SECTION 2.  Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2009.