Senate Research Center                                                                                                     H.B. 3079

81R17395 SLB-D                                                                                              By: Hughes (Hegar)

                                                                                                                Agriculture & Rural Affairs







Current law prohibits the possession, sale, or purchase of certain game, but allows the sale of inedible parts of a deer, including the hide, antlers, bones, hooves, and sinew.


This bill would allow the sale of feathers, bones, or feet of a game bird other than a migratory game bird and the sale of the feathers of a migratory game bird in accordance with federal law.  The bill would also allow the sale of the hair, hide, antlers, bones, hooves, horns, skulls, or sinew, as applicable, of pronghorn antelope, deer, desert bighorn sheep, collared peccary or javelina, red squirrel, or grey squirrel.


H.B. 3079  amends current law relating to the sale or purchase of certain parts of game animals or birds.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1.  Amends Section 62.021(c), Parks and Wildlife Code, as follows:


            (c) Provides that this section does not prohibit the sale of:


(1)  a live game animal, a dead or live game bird, or the feathers of a game bird if the sale is conducted under authority of a license or permit issued under this code; or


(2)  the following inedible parts:


(A) an inedible part, including the feathers, bones, or feet, of a game bird other than a migratory game bird that was lawfully taken or is lawfully possessed;


(B)  the hair, hide, antlers, bones, horns, skull, hooves, or sinew, as applicable, of a deer, pronghorn antelope, desert bighorn sheep, collared peccary or javelina, red squirrel, or gray squirrel; or


(C) the feathers of a migratory game bird in accordance with federal law.


SECTION 2.  Makes application of this Act prospective.


SECTION 3.  Effective date:  September 1, 2009.