H.B. 3560

By: Phillips

Culture, Recreation & Tourism

Committee Report (Unamended)






The Texas deer breeding industry must make annual monitoring reports regarding Chronic Wasting Disease to both the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Texas Animal Health Commission, however, the reports have different due dates. The reports consume the valuable time of both the breeder and the agencies.  Obtaining copies of the disease reports from local veterinarians, completing the different forms required by each agency, and meeting with agency representatives is also very time consuming.  In 2005, TPWD more than doubled breeder fees to $400, justified by promises of a database that would expedite permits.  The database has yet to be developed and breeders report that permit re-issuance now lags up to two years. This delay causes deer breeders great concern as to whether they are out of compliance with mandatory legal requirements. Legislation enacted by the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, authorizes TPWD to issue permits that are valid for longer than one year, however, even if that increase were to occur, breeders are still required to report their herd inventory to TPWD and the commission annually. Both agencies lack the personnel for the chronic wasting disease monitoring program. This duplication results in many deer breeders opting out of the more laborious commission program because it is too expensive and time consuming to participate in.


H.B. 3560 requires TPWD in conjunction with the commission to develop a shared database in order to permit breeders to submit herd inventory information in a form not requiring data entry by both agencies.



It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Texas Animal Health Commission in SECTION 1 of this bill.


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Parks and Wildlife Commission in SECTION 1 of this bill.



H.B. 3560 amends the Parks and Wildlife Code to require the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) in conjunction with the Texas Animal Health Commission, to develop and maintain a database to be shared by both agencies.  The bill requires the database to include the reporting data required to be provided by each deer breeder to TPWD under provisions regarding a deer breeder's permit, and to the Texas Animal Health Commission. The bill requires TPWD and the Texas Animal Health Commission, to the extent possible, to share the database, to eliminate the need for a deer breeder to submit duplicate reports to the two agencies. 


H.B. 3560 requires the Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Texas Animal Health Commission, by rule, to provide incentives to deer breeders whose cooperation results in reduced costs and increased efficiency by offering reduced fees for the deer breeder permit and a permit with an extended duration.  The bill authorizes the Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Texas Animal Health Commission to adopt rules to implement the bill's provisions.  The bill requires TPWD and the Texas Animal Health Commission to develop a preliminary version of the deer breeder database not later than June 1, 2010.  The bill defines "database."



On passage, or, if the act does not receive the necessary vote, the act takes effect September 1, 2009.