H.B. 4110

By: Martinez Fischer

Natural Resources

Committee Report (Unamended)






The Texas Water Development Board plays an integral part in the management of our state's scarce water resources. The board's ability to attract employees and raise awareness about programs is an important key to achieving the board's overarching goals.  Currently, the board does not have specific statutory authority to purchase promotional items.


H.B. 4110 grants the board this authority, allowing it to increase awareness about board programs and employment opportunities. The bill provides that promotional items are just one facet of "branding" the board in the context of attracting and recruiting job applicants and raising awareness about programs.



It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.



H.B. 4110 amends the Water Code to authorize the executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board, with the approval of the board and on the board's behalf, to purchase, donate, sell, or contract for the sale of items to promote the programs of the board, including caps or other clothing, posters, banners, calendars, books, prints, and other items as determined by the board.  The bill authorizes the board to use its Internet website to advertise and sell such items.  The bill requires the money received from the sale of such a promotional item to be deposited in the general revenue fund and restricts use of the money to the exclusive use by the board to further the purposes and programs of the board.  The bill specifies that provisions governing the use of dedicated revenue regarding management of funds in the treasury do not apply to money deposited in the general revenue fund under the bill's provisions.



September 1, 2009.