H.B. 4748

By: Gattis

Natural Resources

Committee Report (Unamended)






The Williamson County Municipal Utility District No. 21 was created by the 79th Legislature, 2005.  Today that land remains undeveloped. 


H.B. 4748 extends the time limit for holding the confirmation election and authorizes the district to divide into two districts.



It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.



H.B. 4748 amends the Special District Local Laws Code to extend from September 1, 2009, to September 1, 2013, the time limit for holding a confirmation and initial directors' election and the date for the dissolution contingent on that election for Williamson County Municipal Utility District No. 21.  The bill extends from September 1, 2012, to September 1, 2016, the expiration date of the provisions related to the district.


H.B. 4748 changes the date until which the temporary directors of the district serve from the earlier of the date directors are elected or September 1, 2012, to the earlier of the date the initial directors are elected or September 1, 2009.  The bill requires successor temporary directors to be appointed or reappointed, if initial directors have not been elected and the terms of the temporary directors have expired, to serve terms that expire on the earlier of the date the initial directors are elected or the fourth anniversary of the date of the appointment or reappointment.  The bill authorizes the owner or owners of a majority of the assessed value of the real property in the district, if initial directors have not been elected and the terms of the temporary directors have expired, to submit a petition to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requesting that TCEQ appoint as successor temporary directors the five persons named in the petition. The bill requires TCEQ to appoint as successor temporary directors the five persons named in the petition. 


H.B. 4748 extends from September 1, 2012, to September 1, 2016, the date of expiration of the temporary provisions of the district. 


H.B. 4748 authorizes the district to be divided into two districts after the creation of the district has been confirmed at an election if the district does not have any outstanding debt secured by district taxes or revenue, the district has not annexed land or been divided, and each new district created by the division contains at least 100 acres.  The bill sets forth provisions related to the division procedures; the governing of the new districts; and the powers and duties of the new districts.



On passage, or, if the act does not receive the necessary vote, the act takes effect September 1, 2009.