Senate Research Center                                                                                                          S.B. 58

81R2144 KCR-D                                                                                                           By: Zaffirini



                                                                                                                                              As Filed





Currently, the law allows for the existence of an automated statewide juvenile information and case management system. The state has authorized a statewide system, but funds have not been secured to implement it.


The purpose of this legislation is to authorize funding for the Juvenile Justice Case Management System (system) which will enable state and county agencies to compile a comprehensive juvenile justice information and case management system.  The bill will provide for the common data collection, reporting, and management needs of Texas juvenile probation departments as well as create flexibility to accommodate individualized requirements and will allow for collaboration and corroboration of information, allowing agencies to intervene sooner with a "big picture" view of a particular juvenile's situation.  The bill will benefit juvenile offenders because it will allow a particular juvenile justice entity to have access to a juvenile's history and needs and respond accordingly.  In addition, the system will be able to track assessment and success rates of offenders.


The creation of a statewide system will maximize technology development and leverage resources of the state and counties through the development partnership and cost-sharing by juvenile justice entities.


As proposed, S.B. 58 requires the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission to participate in and assist counties in the creation and maintenance of a statewide system to meet certain requirements relating to children in the juvenile justice system, identifying at-risk and delinquent offenders, and cross-jurisdictional sharing of information.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1.  Amends Sections 58.403 and 58.404, Family Code, as follows:


Sec. 58.403.  JUVENILE INFORMATION SYSTEM.  Requires the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission (TJPC) to participate in and assist counties in the creation and maintenance of a statewide system to aid and facilitate in processing cases, delivering services to children in the juvenile justice system, identifying at-risk and delinquent children, and cross-jurisdictional sharing of information related to juvenile offenders between certain agencies. Deletes existing text authorizing TJPC in partnership with local counties to participate and assist in the creation and maintenance of a statewide system.


Sec. 58.404.  INFORMATION COLLECTED BY COMMISSION.  Requires, rather than authorizes, TJPC to collect and maintain information related to juvenile offenders and their offenses, including information collected and maintained under Subchapters B (Juvenile Justice Information System) and D (Local Juvenile Justice Information System).


SECTION 2.  Effective date:  September 1, 2009.