81R28414 E
  By: Anchia, Farrar H.B. No. 280
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 280:
  By:  Strama C.S.H.B. No. 280
  relating to energy efficiency goals and programs and demand
  reduction targets; creating an office of energy efficiency
  deployment in the state energy conservation office.
         SECTION 1.  Section 39.905, Utilities Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (b), and (d) and adding Subsections
  (a-1), (a-2), (b-5), (d-1), (d-2), (d-3), (e-1), and (h) to read as
         (a)  It is the goal of the legislature that:
               (1)  electric utilities will administer energy
  efficiency incentive programs in a market-neutral,
  nondiscriminatory manner but will not offer underlying competitive
               (2)  electric utilities will assist in building an
  infrastructure of trained and qualified energy service providers
  that will allow and encourage the participation of retail electric
  providers in the delivery of services and that will ensure that all
  customers, in all customer classes, will have a choice of and access
  to energy efficiency alternatives and other choices from the
  market, including demand-side renewable energy systems, that allow
  each customer to reduce energy consumption, peak demand, or energy
               (3)  except as provided by Subsection (b)(8), each
  electric utility annually will provide, through a cost-effective
  portfolio of market-based standard offer programs or limited,
  targeted, market-transformation programs, incentives sufficient
  for retail electric providers and competitive energy service
  providers to acquire additional [cost-effective] energy efficiency
  for [residential and commercial] customers other than customers who
  operate a transmission-level industrial facility, equivalent to at
                     (A)  30 [10] percent of the electric utility's
  annual growth in demand, not including demand from
  transmission-level industrial facilities, [of residential and
  commercial customers] by January 1, 2012 [December 31, 2007];
                     (B)  one-half of one [15] percent of the electric
  utility's peak [annual growth in] demand, not including demand from
  transmission-level industrial facilities, [of residential and
  commercial customers] by January 1, 2013; and [December 31, 2008,
  provided that the electric utility's program expenditures for 2008
  funding may not be greater than 75 percent above the utility's
  program budget for 2007 for residential and commercial customers,
  as included in the April 1, 2006, filing; and
                     [(C)     20 percent of the electric utility's annual
  growth in demand of residential and commercial customers by
  December 31, 2009, provided that the electric utility's program
  expenditures for 2009 funding may not be greater than 150 percent
  above the utility's program budget for 2007 for residential and
  commercial customers, as included in the April 1, 2006, filing;]
                     (C)  one percent of the electric utility's peak
  demand, not including demand from transmission-level industrial
  facilities, by January 1, 2016;
               (4)  each electric utility in the ERCOT region shall
  create specific programs sufficient to [use its best efforts to
  encourage and] facilitate the involvement of the region's retail
  electric providers in the widespread delivery of efficiency
  programs and programs for demand-side renewable energy systems
  [demand response programs] under this section;
               (5)  retail electric providers in the ERCOT region, and
  electric utilities outside of the ERCOT region, shall provide
  customers with energy efficiency educational materials; [and]
               (6)  notwithstanding Subsection (a)(3), electric
  utilities shall continue to make available, at 2007 funding and
  participation levels, any load management standard offer programs
  developed for industrial customers and implemented prior to May 1,
               (7)  electric utilities will make their best efforts to
  ensure continuity in funding for market-based standard offer
  programs with proven demand at levels consistent with that demand;
               (8)  a customer who participates in a standard offer
  load management or demand response program is not precluded from
  participating in other load management or demand response programs
  during different intervals; and
               (9)  for an electric utility operating solely outside
  of ERCOT in areas of this state that were included in the Western
  Electricity Coordinating Council on January 1, 2009, the utility
                     (A)  continue to provide standard offer programs,
  limited and targeted market transformation programs, or programs
  that address the major barriers to energy efficiency as required by
  Subdivision (3); or
                     (B)  provide energy efficiency programs and
  measures directly to a class of customers.
         (a-1)  The commission annually shall compute the sum of all
  measurable and verifiable demand response and load management
  capacity independently implemented by electric utilities, retail
  electric providers, and the independent organization certified
  under Section 39.151, including programs used to shift load
  off-peak or reduce local or systemwide peak demand. The commission
  is not required to act under Subsection (a-2) if the quantity of
  load management and demand response capacity, measured as a
  percentage of statewide peak demand, and excluding any reduction
  resulting from a program in existence on January 1, 2009, exceeds:
               (1)  one percent by December 31, 2012;
               (2)  two percent by December 31, 2014; and
               (3)  three percent by December 31, 2016.
         (a-2)  Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), the
  commission, in cooperation with the independent organization
  certified under Section 39.151, shall design new demand response
  and load management programs, or expand existing programs,
  including peak load management programs and programs that are
  designed to enhance the reliability of the grid. Programs adopted
  under this subsection must be designed to:
               (1)  achieve cost savings for consumers;
               (2)  ensure that residential elderly customers,
  critical care residential customers, and low-income residential
  customers do not experience harmful health effects from the
  programs; and
               (3)  ensure that benefits provided by the utility are
  passed through to the participating customer.
         (b)  Subject to the limitations of Subsection (b-5), the
  [The] commission shall provide oversight and adopt rules and
  procedures to ensure that the utilities can achieve the goal of this
  section, including:
               (1)  establishing an energy efficiency cost recovery
  factor for ensuring timely and reasonable cost recovery for utility
  expenditures made to satisfy the goal of this section;
               (2)  establishing an incentive under Section 36.204 to
  reward utilities administering programs under this section that
  exceed the minimum goals established by this section;
               (3)  providing a utility that is unable to establish an
  energy efficiency cost recovery factor in a timely manner due to a
  rate freeze with a mechanism to enable the utility to:
                     (A)  defer the costs of complying with this
  section; and
                     (B)  recover the deferred costs through an energy
  efficiency cost recovery factor on the expiration of the rate
  freeze period;
               (4)  ensuring that the costs associated with programs
  provided under this section are borne by the customer classes that
  receive the services under the programs; [and]
               (5)  ensuring that programs are implemented in a manner
  in which program incentives are passed on to end-use customers
  through rebates, discounts on products and services, and other
  direct benefits that reduce the costs of the products and services
  to the end-use customer; [the program rules encourage the value of
  the incentives to be passed on to the end-use customer]
               (6)  ensuring that standard offer programs operate at a
  scale sufficient to ensure that all eligible customers have access
  to the programs and program benefits under this section;
               (7)  establishing a minimum standard offer payment
  available to all eligible customers that may be reduced by the
  amount of other available state incentives equal to at least 70
  percent of avoided cost as determined by the commission for the
  installation of demand-side renewable energy systems;
               (8)  on application by a utility, and when considered
  necessary by the commission, increasing or decreasing the demand
  reduction goals under Subsection (a) based on each utility's
  capacity to implement efficiency measures and demand response
  programs, and providing incentives under Section 36.204 to reward
  utilities administering programs under this section that exceed the
  minimum goals established under this section;
               (9)  without compromising the ability to achieve
  statewide energy efficiency goals, developing different standards
  for program offerings in remote regions of this state and for
  program offerings in regions of this state where the demand for
  energy efficiency services exceeds the local utilities' capacity to
  provide them, to allow a utility to partner with local governments
  and community organizations to provide energy efficiency services;
               (10)  establishing standards for consumer disclosures
  by energy services companies that include the expected reduction of
  energy consumption, the anticipated payback period, and disclosure
  of any incentive received from the energy service provider from the
  state or federal government.
         (b-5)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this title,
  the average of the aggregate cost for programs under this section
  for individual utilities located in areas in which customer choice
  has been introduced may not exceed $0.0010 per kilowatt hour for
  nontransmission level customers in any calendar year, regardless of
  whether the costs:
               (1)  are part of the utility's energy efficiency cost
  recovery factor under this section; or
               (2)  are included in the utility's most recent base rate
         (d)  The commission shall establish a procedure for
  reviewing and evaluating market-transformation program options
  described by this section [subsection] and other options. A
  market-transformation program that is launched as a pilot program
  may be continued for more than three years only if the commission
  determines that the pilot program is an appropriate means of
  addressing special market barriers that prevent or inhibit the
  measure or behavior addressed by the pilot program from being
  delivered or adopted through normal market channels, under the
  electric utility's standard offer programs [In evaluating program
  options, the commission may consider the ability of a program
  option to reduce costs to customers through reduced demand, energy
  savings, and relief of congestion.     Utilities may choose to
  implement any program option approved by the commission after its
  evaluation in order to satisfy the goal in Subsection (a),
               [(1)  energy-smart schools;
               [(2)  appliance retirement and recycling;
               [(3)  air conditioning system tune-ups;
               [(4)     the use of trees or other landscaping for energy
               [(5)     customer energy management and demand response
               [(6)     high performance residential and commercial
  buildings that will achieve the levels of energy efficiency
  sufficient to qualify those buildings for federal tax incentives;
               [(7)     programs for customers who rent or lease their
  residence or commercial space;
               [(8)     programs providing energy monitoring equipment
  to customers that enable a customer to better understand the
  amount, price, and time of the customer's energy use;
               [(9)     energy audit programs for owners and other
  residents of single-family or multifamily residences and for small
  commercial customers;
               [(10)  net-zero energy new home programs;
               [(11)  solar thermal or solar electric programs; and
               [(12)     programs for using windows and other glazing
  systems, glass doors, and skylights in residential and commercial
  buildings that reduce solar gain by at least 30 percent from the
  level established for the federal Energy Star windows program].
         (d-1)  In addition to the market-transformation programs
  described by Subsection (d), the commission may establish, and if
  established, each electric utility may implement,
  market-transformation incentive programs that:
               (1)  encourage the use of new building technologies and
  construction practices that are anticipated to be included in a new
  edition of the International Residential Code or International
  Energy Conservation Code;
               (2)  offer incentives for a building that meets federal
  Energy Star standards or exceeds by at least 15 percent the energy
  conservation standards of the most current edition of the
  International Residential Code or International Energy
  Conservation Code;
               (3)  offer increased incentives for a building that
  exceeds by at least 30 percent the energy conservation standards of
  the most current edition of the International Residential Code or
  International Energy Conservation Code; and
               (4)  encourage the testing of new building technologies
  and construction practices that integrate renewable energy into
  building designs.
         (d-2)  Each electric utility shall administer an energy
  efficiency program designed to also meet an energy savings goal
  calculated from its demand savings goal, using a 25 percent
  capacity factor. For purposes of this subsection, "capacity
  factor" is defined as the ratio of the utility's annual energy
  savings goal, in kilowatt hours, to the peak demand goal for the
  year, in kilowatts, multiplied by the number of hours in the year.
         (d-3)  A utility may work with municipalities or other
  governmental entities to establish building energy codes that
  promote greater energy efficiency than the minimum standards
  required by state or local law. If a utility and governmental
  entity develop a building energy code under this subsection, the
  utility may count not more than 50 percent of the savings in peak
  demand and energy savings that result in the first 12 months after
  the code is implemented toward the utility's goal for energy
         (e-1)  The commission shall exempt costs related to
  marketing, information dissemination, and training from the
  requirements of Subsection (e).
         (h)  In this section, "demand-side renewable energy system"
  means an energy generation system that:
               (1)  uses distributed renewable generation, as defined
  by Section 39.916; or
               (2)  reduces the need for energy consumption by using a
  renewable energy technology or natural mechanism of the
  environment, including a geothermal heat pump or solar water
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 447, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Section 447.0025 to read as follows:
         Sec. 447.0025.  OFFICE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY DEPLOYMENT.  (a)  
  The office of energy efficiency deployment is created in the state
  energy conservation office.
         (b)  The office of energy efficiency deployment shall design
  and implement a statewide campaign to educate consumers, utilities,
  and public entities about, and to promote the use of, energy
  efficiency and demand response programs available in the state.  
  The office of energy efficiency deployment and the state energy
  conservation office may enter into contracts for professional
  services to carry out this statewide campaign.
         (c)  In designing and implementing a campaign under
  Subsection (b), the office of energy efficiency deployment shall
  collaborate with retail electric providers, transmission and
  distribution utilities, and energy service providers.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  The Public Utility Commission of Texas shall
  conduct a study paid for by electric utilities regarding the
  feasibility of mechanisms to decouple electric utility revenues and
  earnings from the amount of electricity consumed by utility
  customers so that investor-owned electric utilities, electric
  transmission and distribution utilities, municipally owned
  electric utilities, and electric cooperatives may prevent
  fluctuations in retail electric energy consumption from affecting
  the ability of those types of utilities to recover fixed costs of
  service that do not ordinarily vary directly with changes in
  electric energy consumption or sales volume.
         (b)  The study must address:
               (1)  disincentives to the promotion of efficient use of
  electricity by better practices and better technology, including
  concerns regarding:
                     (A)  a utility's lost revenues from electricity
  sales that may result from energy efficiency improvements or energy
  saving practices that reduce electricity consumption; and
                     (B)  a utility's recovery of the utility's costs
  for programs promoting electric energy efficiency; and
               (2)  the effects of decoupling electric utility
  revenues and earnings from the amount of electricity consumed by
  customers, including the effect decoupling would have on low-income
         (c)  In conducting the study, the Public Utility Commission
  of Texas may consider and evaluate mechanisms proposed or applied
  in other states for:
               (1)  allowing rates of return on energy efficiency
  investments in a manner like those for other capital investments;
               (2)  providing an increased rate of return on overall
  investments or on energy efficiency investments;
               (3)  providing financial incentives for meeting energy
  efficiency targets; and
               (4)  recovering energy efficiency program costs.
         (d)  The study may not be performed by a person:
               (1)  who performs services for an electric utility;
               (2)  who has performed services for an electric utility
  in the two years before the study begins; or
               (3)  who is in the process of bidding to perform
  services for an electric utility at the time the study begins.
         (e)  The Public Utility Commission of Texas shall report the
  conclusions of the study to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of
  the house of representatives, and each committee of the 82nd
  Legislature that has jurisdiction over electric utilities.
         (f)  The report must:
               (1)  include recommendations tailored by category to
  investor-owned electric utilities, electric transmission and
  distribution utilities, municipally owned electric utilities, and
  electric cooperatives;
               (2)  include recommendations on the use of a credit
  trading system to achieve increased energy efficiency; and
               (3)  state:
                     (A)  whether decoupling will result in an increase
  in the installation of energy efficiency measures by consumers;
                     (B)  whether decoupling will result in higher or
  lower energy bills for consumers;
                     (C)  whether decoupling will result in higher or
  lower electricity rates;
                     (D)  whether decoupling will result in lower risk
  to electric utilities; and
                     (E)  whether electric utility rates of return
  should be reduced as a result of decoupling.
         (g)  The report and recommendations must be delivered not
  later than January 31, 2011, and must contain specific
  recommendations regarding transmission and distribution utility
  revenues and earnings in relation to electric energy efficiency,
  including legislative proposals.
         SECTION 4.  (a)  The Public Utility Commission of Texas shall
  conduct a study paid for by electric utilities regarding the
  programs offered under Section 39.905, Utilities Code. The study
  must address:
               (1)  the effectiveness of the programs required by
  Section 39.905, Utilities Code, and whether the cost caps described
  by Subsection (b-5) of that section should be revised;
               (2)  the feasibility of increasing existing energy
  efficiency efforts to achieve a two percent reduction of electric
  utility peak demand, not including demand from transmission level
  industrial facilities, not later than January 1, 2021;
               (3)  an assessment of the cost impact, by customer
  class, on a dollar per kilowatt hour basis, necessary to achieve:
                     (A)  a one percent reduction in electric utility
  peak demand, not including demand from transmission level
  customers, not later than January 1, 2016; and
                     (B)  a two percent reduction in electric utility
  peak demand, not including demand from transmission level
  customers, not later than January 1, 2021;
               (4)  whether demand response and load management
  programs designed under Sections 39.905(a-1) and (a-2), Utilities
  Code, will result in a reduction of statewide peak demand of four
  percent not later than January 1, 2019, and five percent not later
  than January 1, 2021;
               (5)  the cost impact, by customer class on a dollar per
  kilowatt hour basis, of demand response and load management
  programs designed under Sections 39.905(a-1) and (a-2), Utilities
  Code; and
               (6)  the level of free ridership on programs described
  by Section 39.905, Utilities Code.
         (b)  The study may not be performed by a person:
               (1)  who performs services for an electric utility;
               (2)  who has performed services for an electric utility
  in the two years before the study begins; or
               (3)  who is in the process of bidding to perform
  services for an electric utility at the time the study begins.
         (c)  Not later than December 15, 2012, the Public Utility
  Commission of Texas shall report the conclusions of the study to the
  lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives,
  and each committee of the 82nd Legislature that has jurisdiction
  over electric utilities.
         SECTION 5.  Section 39.905(b-2), Utilities Code, is
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.