By: Kuempel H.B. No. 407
  relating to participation and credit in, contributions to, benefits
  from, and administration of the Texas County and District
  Retirement System.
         SECTION 1.  Section 841.001, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subdivisions (1), (6), and (17) and adding Subdivision
  (1-a) to read as follows:
               (1)  "Actuarial equivalent" means a benefit that, at
  the time it is begun, has the same present value as the benefit it
  replaces, based on seven percent annual interest and either:
                     (A)  the mortality table published by the
  Conference of Actuaries in Public Practice and known as the UP-1984
  table with an age setback of five years for retired or disabled
  annuitants and an age setback of 10 years for beneficiaries, with a
  30-percent reserve refund assumption for the standard benefit; or
                     (B)  a mortality basis adopted under Section
               (1-a)  "Accrued benefit" means the sum of a member's
  accumulated contributions and service credit calculated as of a
  specified date.
               (6)  "Compensation" means the sum of payments that are
  made to an employee for performance of personal services as
  certified by a participating subdivision, including nonmonetary
  compensation, the value of which is determined by the governing
  body of the subdivision, on which contributions by an employee to
  the retirement system are based [that do not exceed the amount
  established by board rule], which may not exceed either the limit
  provided by Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
  [(26 U.S.C. Section 417)], as indexed in the manner provided by that
  section, or a lesser amount established by rule of the board of
  trustees. The term includes amounts by which payment for earnings
  is reduced because of employer pick-up of employee contributions to
  the retirement system under Section 845.403, deferral of
  compensation under benefit plans or tax-sheltered annuity programs
  adopted by the subdivision under Section 401(k), 403(b), or 457 of
  the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the costs of benefits furnished
  under qualified cafeteria plans adopted by the subdivision under
  Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and deductions for
  Federal Insurance Contribution Act taxes, federal income taxes, or
  other obligations of the employee [and that are made to an employee
  of a participating subdivision by the subdivision for service,
  including nonmonetary compensation, the value of which is
  determined by the governing body of the subdivision]. The term does
  not include workers' compensation benefits received by a member
  under Section 504.011, Labor Code.
               (17)  "Subdivision" means a political subdivision of
  the state that is not eligible to participate in any other statewide
  retirement system or that is not currently participating in a
  retirement system established by the legislature.  The term
  includes the Texas Association of Counties, the retirement system
  [Texas County and District Retirement System], and a city-county
  hospital jointly managed under Subchapter B, Chapter 265, Health
  and Safety Code.  The term does not include a branch, division,
  department, employee classification group, or other separately
  identified component of a political subdivision.
         SECTION 2.  Section 841.006, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 841.006.  EXEMPTION FROM EXECUTION. (a)  All
  retirement annuity payments, other benefit payments, and a member's
  accumulated contributions are unassignable and are exempt from
  execution, garnishment, attachment, and state and local taxation.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the board of trustees
  by rule may authorize the retirement system, in accordance with a
  retiree's voluntary election, to:
               (1)  deduct qualified health insurance premiums from
  the retirement annuity otherwise distributable to a retiree who is
  an eligible public safety officer or a retiree who meets any
  expanded eligibility provision for a similar tax exemption under
  subsequent federal legislation; and
               (2)  pay the deducted amount directly to the health
  plan provider, subject to the requirements of Section 402(l),
  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or other applicable federal law, and
  the rules adopted by the board.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 841, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 841.0091 to read as follows:
  (a) On receipt of a qualified domestic relations order incident to
  a divorce that awards a portion of a member's accrued benefit to a
  former spouse of the member and that strictly follows the terms and
  format of the model qualified domestic relations order, as well as
  any other requirements, adopted by the board of trustees for this
  purpose, the retirement system shall divide the accrued benefit
  into two separate benefits that, in combination at the time of
  division, are actuarially equivalent to the undivided accrued
         (b)  Following a division described by Subsection (a), the
  portion of the accrued benefit awarded the alternate payee is
  considered the alternate payee's sole and separate property in
  which the member has no interest. The board of trustees by rule
  shall define and specify the rights and responsibilities of the
  alternate payee and the terms and features of the benefit awarded
  the alternate payee under the order, but in no event may the
  alternate payee vest in the accrued benefit before the member vests
  or attain greater rights than are attained by the member or the
  member's beneficiary.
         (c)  Notwithstanding Section 804.101, the board of trustees
  by rule may prescribe terms on which the interest awarded the
  alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order
  described by this section may be transferred at the alternate
  payee's death.
         (d)  The board of trustees has sole authority and discretion
               (1)  specify the terms and format that are required for
  a qualified domestic relations order to be acceptable for purposes
  of Subsection (a);
               (2)  require strict compliance for qualification;
               (3)  specify the dates on which a distribution to an
  alternate payee may or must begin; and
               (4)  establish rules for the administration of this
         (e)  This section applies to all domestic relations orders
  described by this section that the retirement system first
  determines to be qualified on or after September 1, 2009, and to
  those domestic relations orders determined to be qualified before
  September 1, 2009, that the system further determines can be
  construed to allow a division described by this section without
  harm or injury to the member's interest awarded under the original
  qualified order. The actuarial equivalent value of the accrued
  benefit payable to an alternate payee may not be greater than the
  actuarial equivalent value of the accrued benefit as if there had
  been no division and the accrued benefit had been payable to the
  member in the form of an annuity.
         SECTION 4.  Section 842.108, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  (a) [(b)]  A member who has separated from employment with a
  participating subdivision may submit an application to withdraw the
  member's accumulated contributions attributable to service with
  that subdivision. A withdrawal cancels the person's [credited
  service and] service credit attributable to service with that
  subdivision on the date the retirement system makes payment of any
  portion of the member's accumulated contributions[.   Credited
  service that has been canceled may not be used to determine
  eligibility for a later retirement unless it is reestablished under
  Section 803.203, 843.003, or 843.0031].
         (b) [(c)]  Except for a [terminated] membership terminated
  under prior law or in accordance with Section 842.109(b) [described
  by Subsection (a)], interest is computed on the balance in the
  member's individual account in the employees saving fund on January
  1 of the year of withdrawal through the month before the month in
  which the withdrawal occurs [for a person described by Subsection
         (c) [(d)]  If a person eligible to receive a withdrawal or
  another non-periodic distribution [under this section or Section
  844.401] elects to have all or a portion of the distribution
  [accumulated contributions] paid directly to an eligible
  retirement plan and specifies the plan to which the distribution is
  [contributions are] to be paid on forms approved by the board of
  trustees, the retirement system shall make the payment in the form
  of a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer but is under no obligation
  to determine whether the other plan in fact is an eligible
  retirement plan for that purpose.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (c), the board of trustees
  shall adopt rules to administer this section as necessary to
  maintain the retirement system as a qualified plan under Section
  401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The rules may include
  the adoption of definitions and limitations relating to
  distributions, eligible recipients, and eligible retirement plans.
         SECTION 5.  The heading to Section 842.110, Government Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 6.  Sections 842.110(a) and (b), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person who has
  withdrawn the person's accumulated contributions or who has retired
  from a participating subdivision with a service retirement annuity
  based on a bona fide termination of employment and with a break in
  service of not less than one calendar month resumes membership in
  the retirement system without repayment of the amount distributed
  or cancellation [suspension] of the person's annuity if the person
  becomes an employee of any participating subdivision.
         (b)  A person who resumes employment with the same
  subdivision from which the person was previously employed and does
  not meet the requirements of Subsection (a) is considered not to
  have been eligible for a withdrawal and not to have retired with
  respect to that subdivision.  The person's membership will be
  restored, the person's service retirement annuity will be canceled
  [discontinued, the person's membership will be restored], and the
  person must return any amounts distributed and payments
  received.  Appropriate adjustments will be made for any amounts not
         SECTION 7.  Section 843.001, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 843.001.  TYPES OF CREDITABLE SERVICE.  The types of
  service creditable as credited service in the retirement system are
  prior service, current service, and optional service. A member may
  not be credited in this system with more than one month of credited
  service for a specific calendar month, regardless of the number of
  employers of the member, the positions held, or the types of
         SECTION 8.  The heading to Section 843.0031, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 9.  Section 843.0031(b), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  A member who has withdrawn accumulated contributions
  from the retirement system and who subsequently resumes employment
  with a subdivision may at any time before retirement pay to the
  system a lump sum in any amount that does not exceed the actuarial
  present value of the additional benefits that would have been
  attributable to the withdrawn contributions.  Any amount paid
  under this subsection and interest accrued on the amount may not be
  considered in the computation of service credit [credits].
         SECTION 10.  Section 843.004, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 843.004.  COMPOSITION OF SERVICE CREDIT.  Service
  credit consists of allocated prior service credit, current service
  credit, and multiple matching credit as authorized by a
  participating subdivision [and accumulated interest under this
         SECTION 11.  Section 843.201, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  EMPLOYMENT.  [(a)]  In accordance with rules adopted by the board
  of trustees, the governing body of a participating subdivision by
  order may authorize the establishment of credited service and prior
  service credit in the retirement system for service performed in a
  public hospital, utility, or other public facility or governmental
  function during a time the facility was operated or function was
  performed by a unit of government other than the subdivision and
  before the date that the public hospital, utility, or other public
  facility or governmental function was taken over by the subdivision
               [(1)     the effective date of the subdivision's
  participation in the retirement system, if the facility was
  acquired or the governmental function was taken over by the
  subdivision before that date; or
               [(2)     the date of acquisition of the facility or the
  date the governmental function was taken over, if the facility was
  acquired or the governmental function was taken over after the
  effective date of the subdivision's participation in the retirement
         [(b)     A member eligible to establish credited service and
  prior service credit under this section after an order under
  Subsection (a) is one who was employed by a public facility or by an
  entity performing the governmental function:
               [(1)     on the effective date of subdivision
  participation, for service under Subsection (a)(1); or
               [(2)     on the date of acquisition of the facility or the
  date the governmental function was taken over, for service under
  Subsection (a)(2).
         [(c)     The allocated prior service credit percentage
  allowable under this section may be limited by the order of the
  governing body to zero or to any percentage that is a multiple of
  five percent.]
         SECTION 12.  Section 843.401, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 843.401.  CURRENT SERVICE GENERALLY.  Current service
  is service performed by an employee of a participating subdivision
  while a member of the retirement system and credited as provided
  under this subtitle and in accordance with rules adopted by the
  board of trustees [section]. [The retirement system shall credit a
  member with one month of current service for each month for which
  the required contributions are made, reported, and certified by the
  employing subdivision.]
         SECTION 13.  Sections 843.502(a), (b), and (c), Government
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Qualified [, "qualified] military service" means
  service in the uniformed services, as that term is defined in the
  Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994
  (38 U.S.C. Section 4301 et seq.), that meets the requirements of
  that Act as it now exists or is amended as to the character of
  service performed.
               (2)  "USERRA" means the Uniformed Services Employment
  and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (38 U.S.C. Section 4301 et
         (b)  All members of the retirement system are entitled to be
  credited with service for qualified military service that is
  subject to USERRA [the Uniformed Services Employment and
  Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (38 U.S.C. Section 4301 et seq.)].
  Notwithstanding any provision of this subtitle to the contrary,
  contributions, benefits, credited service, and service credit for
  qualified military service will be provided in accordance with
  USERRA and Section 414(u) of the Internal Revenue Code of
  1986.  The board of trustees may adopt rules for the administration
  of this section, including rules that modify the terms of this
  subtitle for the purpose of compliance with the provisions of
  USERRA [that Act].
         (c)  An eligible member may establish [The governing body of
  a participating subdivision also may, on the terms provided by
  Section 844.704, authorize the establishment of] credited service
  in the retirement system for qualified active duty military service
  not creditable under Subsection (b) [as provided by this
  subsection].  Qualified military service includes military service
  before becoming an employee of the subdivision.  A member eligible
  to establish credited service under this subsection is one who is
  vested, based on credited service only in this system and without
  regard to service that may be established under this subsection, in
  a service retirement annuity that may begin at the age of 60 [has
  credited service in the retirement system for at least the minimum
  period required to receive a service retirement annuity at the age
  of 60 from the subdivision from which credit under this subsection
  is sought].  An eligible member may establish not more than five
  years of credited service under this subsection by filing an
  application with the retirement system.
         SECTION 14.  Section 843.504, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 843.504.  NO DOUBLE CREDITING OF SERVICE.  Except as
  provided by Chapter 803, only one month of credited service may
  [not] be established in the retirement system [under this
  subchapter] for any calendar month for all [of] service that is
  creditable [credited] under [another section of] this subtitle [or
  by another retirement system or program established or governed by
  state law].
         SECTION 15.  Subchapter F, Chapter 843, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 843.505 to read as follows:
  trustees by rule may authorize the retirement system, on
  application by a member and for the sole purpose of determining
  eligibility for retirement from this system, to recognize service
  performed under another system participating under Chapter 803 that
  would have been recognized by this system under that chapter if the
  service had not been canceled by a withdrawal of contributions.
         SECTION 16.  Section 844.003, Government Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (c) and (e) and adding Subsection (f) to read
  as follows:
         (c)  The effective date of a member's disability retirement
  is the date the member designates at the time the member applies for
  retirement under Section 844.301, but the date must be the last day
  of a calendar month and may not precede the later of the date the
  member became disabled or the date the member terminated
  [terminates] employment with all participating subdivisions.
         (e)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a), (b), (b-1), [and] (c),
  and (f), the effective retirement date of a member may not precede
  the first anniversary of the effective date of participation of the
         (f)  The board of trustees by rule may authorize a retiring
  member to designate an effective service or disability retirement
  date that is not more than six months before the date the retirement
  system receives the retirement application. A rule adopted under
  this section may not suspend another requirement provided by this
  section for retirement.
         SECTION 17.  Sections 844.006(d) and (f), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The [If a qualified domestic relations order, as that
  term is defined by Section 804.001, so provides, the] benefit
  payable to a retiree who is receiving payments of a standard or
  optional retirement annuity [computed on the joint lives of the
  retiree and the person designated as beneficiary by the retiree]
  may be divided by the retirement system into two annuities in
  accordance with the terms of a model qualified domestic relations
  order adopted by the board of trustees by rule [if:
               [(1)     the person who was designated as beneficiary by
  the retiree is the same person as the alternate payee;
               [(2)     the order specifies that one of the two annuities
  is payable over the remaining life of the retiree, with no payments
  to be made under that annuity after the death of the retiree; and
               [(3)     the order specifies that the annuity payable to
  the alternate payee is payable over the remaining life of that
  person, with no payments to be made under that annuity after the
  death of the alternate payee named in the order].
         (f)  The board of trustees has sole authority and discretion
  to specify the terms and format that are required for a domestic
  relations order to be acceptable for purposes of this section, to
  require strict compliance for qualification, and to define the
  terms and features of the benefit awarded an alternate payee under
  the order. The board [retirement system] by rule may establish
  requirements for forms, documentation, and procedures necessary or
  desirable for the administration of this section.
         SECTION 18.  Section 844.008, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 844.008.  LIMITATION ON PAYMENT OF BENEFITS.  
  (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, the
  benefit payable to a retiree of the retirement system may not exceed
  the maximum benefit permitted under Section 415(b) of the Internal
  Revenue Code of 1986 [(26 U.S.C. Section 415(b))] as adjusted in
  accordance with Section 415(d) of that code. Any adjustments are
  applicable to the postretirement benefits of retirees as well as to
  the benefits of retiring members. For the purpose of determining
  whether the benefit of a retiring member or retiree exceeds the
  limitations provided in this section, all defined benefit plans of
  the employer and of entities required to be aggregated with the
  employer for purposes of Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of
  1986 are to be treated as one defined benefit plan [and all defined
  contribution plans of the employer and of entities required to be
  aggregated with the employer] for purposes of Section 415 of that
  code [are to be treated as one defined contribution plan]. The
  limitation year for determining maximum benefits is the calendar
         (b)  An employer may not provide employee retirement [or
  deferred] benefits under a defined benefit plan other than the
  retirement system to the extent that the provision of the benefits,
  when considered together with the benefits provided under the
  retirement system, would result in the failure of the retirement
  system to meet any of the limitation requirements of Section 415 of
  the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [(26 U.S.C. Section 415)], and the
  benefits of the other plan will automatically be reduced,
  eliminated, or adjusted to the extent necessary to prevent the
         SECTION 19.  Section 844.101, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  ANNUITY.  To receive a retirement annuity for service, an eligible
  member must apply by filing a valid application with the retirement
  system [on or before the member's effective retirement date
  designated on the application].
         SECTION 20.  Section 844.301(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A member may apply for disability retirement by filing a
  valid application for retirement with the retirement system [on or
  before the member's effective retirement date designated on the
         SECTION 21.  Section 844.404, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  (a)  A benefit, including any optional group term life benefit,
  payable on the death of a member or annuitant may not be paid to a
  person convicted of causing that death but instead is payable to a
  person who would be entitled under this subtitle to the benefit had
  the convicted person predeceased the decedent. If no person would
  be entitled to the benefit, the benefit is payable to the decedent's
         (b)  The retirement system is not required to change the
  recipient of benefits under this section [pay a benefit under
  Subsection (a)] unless it receives actual notice of the conviction
  of a beneficiary [the person who would have been entitled to the
  benefits]. However, the retirement system may delay payment of a
  benefit payable on the death of a member or annuitant pending the
  results of a criminal investigation and of legal proceedings
  relating to the cause of death.
         (c)  The retirement system is not liable for any benefit paid
  to a convicted person before the date the system receives actual
  notice of the conviction, and any payment made before that date is a
  complete discharge of the system's obligation with regard to that
  benefit payment. The convicted person holds all payments received
  in constructive trust for the rightful recipient.
         (d)  If an annuity is in pay status, the [(c)  The]
  retirement system shall pay in a lump sum the actuarial equivalent
  of [convert] the remainder of any annuity or payments that would
  otherwise have been payable to [throughout the life of] the
  convicted person to the person entitled to the benefit under
  Subsection (a) or to the decedent's estate [an actuarially
  equivalent annuity payable to the decedent's estate in 60 monthly
  annuity payments]. The time of the actuarial equivalence is the
  earlier of the time the retirement system receives the notice of the
  conviction under Subsection (b) or the time the retirement system
  begins the delay in payment of a benefit under Subsection (b).
         (e) [(d)]  For the purposes of this section, a person has
  been convicted of causing the death of a member or annuitant if the
               (1)  has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to or has
  been found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of an offense
  at the trial of which it is established that the person's
  intentional, knowing, or reckless act or omission resulted in the
  death of a person who was a member or annuitant, regardless of
  whether sentence is imposed or probated; and
               (2)  has no appeal of the conviction pending and the
  time provided for appeal has expired.
         SECTION 22.  Subchapter G, Chapter 844, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 844.601 to read as follows:
         Sec. 844.601.  PLAN FUNDING BY NON-ADOPTING COUNTY. (a)
  This section applies only to a county that began participation in
  the retirement system before January 1, 1992, and has not adopted
  the provisions of Subchapter H.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsections (c) and (d), the
  county shall contribute to its account in the subdivision
  accumulation fund at the same rate of current service compensation
  as the employee contribution rate for the county.
         (c)  If in any year the retirement system's actuary
  determines that the contributions of the county to the subdivision
  accumulation fund under Subsection (b) will not finance the
  county's obligations to the fund within the closed or open
  amortization period recommended by the actuary and adopted by the
  board of trustees for all subdivisions, the governing body of the
  county shall adopt an order to reduce the amortization period to the
  maximum period established by the board. The actuary shall
  determine appropriate remedies for review and adoption by the
  county. An order adopted under this subsection must first be
  approved by the board of trustees and must require:
               (1)  a reduction in the employee contribution rate to a
  rate not less than four percent of current service compensation;
               (2)  additional employer contributions under a
  supplemental contribution rate as provided by Subsection (e);
               (3)  a reduction in the percentage for determining
  multiple matching credits in five percent increments for
  contributions made after the effective date of the reduction; or
               (4)  any combination of these actions.
         (d)  An order adopted under Subsection (c) takes effect on
  the first day of the calendar year that begins after the date the
  retirement system's actuary makes a determination described by
  Subsection (c).
         (e)  A supplemental contribution rate under this section is
  the rate of contribution by the county to its account in the
  subdivision accumulation fund, in addition to the contributions
  required under Subsection (b), that the retirement system's actuary
  determines and certifies is required to amortize the obligations of
  the county to the subdivision accumulation fund within the
  established amortization period.
         (f)  A county that has not adopted the provisions of
  Subchapter H may not adopt additional options and may not increase
  service credits or benefits otherwise allowable under this subtitle
  except for an increase in the rate of employee contributions or an
  increase in the percentage of multiple matching credits to a rate or
  percentage that does not exceed the rate or percentage in effect on
  January 1, 2010.
         SECTION 23.  Section 844.701, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 844.701.  APPLICABILITY. Except for a county
  described by Section 844.601, this [(a)  This] subchapter applies
  to each subdivision that participates [begins participation] in the
  retirement system [after December 31, 1991].
         [(b)     The governing body of any subdivision participating
  before January 1, 1992, by order or resolution may adopt the plan
  provisions of this subchapter to be effective on January 1 of the
  year following the year in which the order or resolution is received
  by the system.
         [(c)     Other provisions of this subtitle apply to the plan
  provisions of this subchapter except as modified by this
         SECTION 24.  Section 844.704, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 844.704.  BENEFITS.  (a)  The [On the adoption of the
  plan provisions of this subchapter, the] governing body of a [the]
  subdivision shall select a percentage for determining multiple
  matching credits [under Section 843.402.     The governing body shall
  select a percentage] of zero or any percentage that is a multiple of
  five percent and that does not exceed 150 percent[, or it may select
  the multiple matching percentage that the subdivision has in effect
  on the date of its adoption of the plan provisions of this
  subchapter].  The governing body may later increase the percentage
  used in determining multiple matching credits under Section 843.402
  to any percentage that is a multiple of five percent and that does
  not exceed 150 percent, to take effect on the next January 1 after
  the date the increase is adopted[, except that the sum of the
  percentage for current service credits under Section 843.402 and
  the percentage for multiple matching credits may not exceed 250
  percent].  In its order or resolution, the governing body may
  provide that the increased percentage will be used in determining
  multiple matching credits [under Section 843.402] only for employee
  contributions made after the effective date of the increase or that
  the increased percentage will be used both prospectively and
  retroactively in determining the multiple matching credits for all
  employee contributions not otherwise matched at a higher
  percentage.  The governing body may thereafter reduce the
  percentage used in determining multiple matching credits [under
  Section 843.402] for contributions made after the effective date of
  the reduction to zero or any percentage that is a multiple of five
  percent, to take effect on the next January 1 after the date of the
         (b)  The [On the adoption of the plan provisions of this
  subchapter, the] governing body shall select a percentage for
  determining allocated prior service credits of zero or any
  percentage [under Section 843.105.     The governing body shall
  select a percentage] that is a multiple of five percent. [For a
  subdivision that began participation before January 1, 1992, the
  percentage cannot be less than the percentage in effect immediately
  before the adoption of the plan.]  The governing body may increase
  the percentage used in determining allocated prior service credits
  [under Section 843.105], to take effect on the next January 1 after
  the date of the increase.  The percentage may not exceed one-half
  of the percentage that results from adding 200 percent to the lowest
  percentage for determining multiple matching credit currently
  applicable to any employee contribution with respect to the
         (c)  The subdivision shall provide current service credits
  in accordance with Section 843.402.
         (d)  With the approval of the board of trustees, the [The]
  governing body of a subdivision may adopt any benefit increase or
  additional benefit, option, right, or feature as authorized under
  this subtitle [or authorize:
               [(1)     an increase in retirement annuities under Section
               [(2)     an increase in retirement annuities under Section
               [(3)     the reestablishment of service credit previously
  forfeited under Section 843.003;
               [(4)     the establishment of credited service for
  military service under Section 843.502(c);
               [(5)     an optional service retirement eligibility
  provision described by Section 844.1021; or
               [(6)     the partial lump-sum distribution on service
  retirement under Section 844.009].
         (e)  The governing body may not adopt an increase or addition
  to the subdivision's plan [the benefits of this section] if the
  adoption would result in the combined rates of the subdivision's
  normal contributions and prior service contributions for the first
  calendar year following the adoption exceeding the maximum rate
  prescribed by Section 844.703(c), unless a waiver under that
  section is in effect.
         (f)  Other than an order or resolution of initial
  participation in the retirement system and except as otherwise
  authorized by the board of trustees, an [An] order or resolution
  under this section must be filed with the retirement system not
  later than December 15 of the year preceding the year in which it
  will take effect and may not take effect until the order or
  resolution is approved by the board of trustees as meeting the
  requirements of this section. An [After approval by the board, an]
  order or resolution adopted after participation begins may take
  effect only on January 1 of a year[, except that an order or
  resolution for a subdivision that begins participation after
  January 1, 1992, may take effect on the date the subdivision begins
         SECTION 25.  Section 845.107, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 845.107.  AUDITS AND REVIEWS [AUDIT]. (a) In this
               (1)  "Audit" means an audit authorized or required by a
  statute of this state or of the United States or initiated or
  commissioned by the board of trustees. The term includes a
  financial audit, compliance audit, economy and efficiency audit,
  effectiveness audit, performance audit, risk audit, and
               (2)  "Audit working paper" includes all information,
  documentary or otherwise, prepared or maintained in conducting an
  audit or preparing an audit report, including:
                     (A)  internal or external communications relating
  to the audit that are made or received in the course of the audit;
                     (B)  drafts of an audit report or portions of
  those drafts.
         (b)  Annually, or more often, the board of trustees shall
  have the accounts of the retirement system audited by a certified
  public accountant.
         (c)  In addition to the financial audit required by
  Subsection (b), the board of trustees may initiate or commission an
  audit or investigation of activities, functions, or operations of
  the retirement system as the board determines appropriate.
         (d)  Audit working papers prepared, maintained, or assembled
  by the retirement system or an agent of the system are not a record
  of the board of trustees for purposes of Section 845.112, and are
  confidential and excepted from the disclosure requirements of
  Chapter 552.
         (e)  Unless made confidential under other law, an audit
  report, when accepted by the board of trustees in its final form, is
  a record of the board and public information.
         (f)  A review or investigation initiated by the director on
  the director's own motion concerning internal processes and
  procedures of the retirement system for internal management
  purposes only is confidential and excepted from the disclosure
  requirements of Chapter 552.
         SECTION 26.  Section 845.110, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  On recommendation of the retirement system's actuary,
  the board of trustees by rule may adopt a mortality basis to be used
  in determining actuarial equivalents.
         SECTION 27.  Section 845.114(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  In this chapter [section], "participant" means a
  member, former member, retiree, annuitant, beneficiary, or
  alternate payee of the retirement system.
         SECTION 28.  Section 845.1151, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 845.1151.  ELECTRONIC INFORMATION.  [(a)   In this
  section, "participant" has the meaning assigned by Section
         [(b)]  The retirement system may provide confidential
  information electronically to a participant and to a subdivision
  and receive information electronically from those persons,
  including by use of an electronic signature or certification in a
  form acceptable to the retirement system.  An unintentional
  disclosure to, or unauthorized access by, a third party related to
  the transmission or receipt of information under this section is
  not a violation by the retirement system of any law, including a
  rule relating to the protection of confidential information.
         SECTION 29.  Section 845.305(b), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  All assets of the pension trust of the retirement system
  shall be credited according to the purpose for which they are held
  to one of the following funds:
               (1)  employees saving fund;
               (2)  subdivision accumulation fund;
               (3)  current service annuity reserve fund;
               (4)  income [interest] fund;
               (5)  endowment fund; or
               (6)  expense fund.
         SECTION 30.  The heading to Section 845.309, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 845.309.  INCOME [INTEREST] FUND.
         SECTION 31.  Section 845.309(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The income [interest] fund shall account for the
  determination and allocation of net investment income or loss.
         SECTION 32.  Section 845.315(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  As of December 31 of each year, the board of trustees
  shall make the following allocations that in the aggregate equal
  the net investment income or loss for the year:
               (1)  to the current service annuity reserve fund,
  interest as allowed under this subtitle on the mean amount in the
  current service annuity reserve fund during that year;
               (2)  to the optional group term life [supplemental
  death benefits] fund, interest as allowed under this subtitle on
  the mean amount in the optional group term life [supplemental death
  benefits] fund during that year;
               (3)  to the general reserves account of the endowment
  fund, a positive or negative amount determined by the board;
               (4)  to the employees saving fund, current interest as
  allowed under this subtitle on the member account balances on
  January 1 of that year of all persons who are members on December 31
  of that year;
               (5)  to the accounts of subdivisions, other than
  subdivisions otherwise described by this section, [an amount
  derived by applying a] positive or negative amounts [rate,] as
  determined under rules adopted by the board prescribing the
  allocation methodology for the accounts[, to the January 1 balances
  of that year]; and
               (6)  to the accounts of subdivisions to which Section
  842.052 or 842.053 applies, positive or negative amounts as
  determined by the board.
         SECTION 33.  Sections 845.402(b) and (c), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  After timely notice to the board of trustees, the [The]
  governing body of a participating subdivision may increase the rate
  of its member contributions effective with [on] the first pay
  period beginning in the following [day of any] calendar year.
         (c)  After timely notice to the board of trustees, the [The]
  governing body of a participating subdivision may reduce the rate
  of its member contributions effective with [on] the first pay
  period beginning in the following [day of any] calendar year [if, at
  least 90 days before the date of the reduction, the subdivision has
  given written notice of the reduction to the board of trustees and
  if the actuary determines that the reduction would not impair the
  ability of the subdivision to fund all obligations against its
  account in the subdivision accumulation fund before the 20th
  anniversary of the subdivision's most recent actuarial valuation
         SECTION 34.  Subchapter E, Chapter 845, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 845.405 to read as follows:
  COMPLIANCE. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  subtitle, the board of trustees may authorize a subdivision to
  remit to the retirement system contributions, deposits, and other
  payments on the basis of a period that is less than a month,
  including a weekly, biweekly, or other semimonthly period. A
  subdivision authorized to remit amounts more frequently than
  monthly shall make reports and filings and perform other actions
  accordingly, and the retirement system shall credit payments
         (b)  The board of trustees may make an authorization under
  Subsection (a) by rule applicable to all subdivisions similarly
  situated or by order applicable to designated subdivisions. A rule
  adopted under this subsection is amendable or revocable in the
  manner provided for adoption, amendment, or repeal of rules
  generally. An order adopted under this subsection is revocable
  wholly or partly by subsequent board order.
         (c)  If the board of trustees adopts a rule or order under
  Subsection (b), the board shall also adopt rules, applicable to a
  subdivision electing or designated to take actions described by
  this section more frequently than monthly, to alter the periods
  required for submission of payments and reports, including the
  period when a late penalty begins to accrue or is deducted from a
  subdivision's account in the subdivision accumulation fund, in a
  manner consistent with the periods provided by this subtitle.
         (d)  A participant may not receive less credited service,
  service credit, or benefits due to an authorization under this
  section than the participant would have received on a monthly
         SECTION 35.  Section 845.407(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (c), (d), and (e), a
  participating subdivision that fails to provide the information
  required by Section 845.403 or to pay all contributions required by
  this subchapter to be made and remitted to the retirement system not
  later than the 15th day of the month in which they become due shall
  pay a penalty under this section. The penalty for a past-due
  monthly remission is equal to interest on the past-due amounts for
  each day past due at a nominal interest rate of 12 percent, plus a
  $500 administrative fee. If the penalty is not paid within three
  months after the date notice of the penalty has been sent to the
  subdivision, the retirement system shall deduct the penalty from
  the subdivision's account in the subdivision accumulation fund.
  The interest portion of the penalty shall be deposited by the
  retirement system in the distributable income account of the income
  [interest] fund. The administrative fee portion of the penalty
  shall be deposited by the retirement system in the expense fund.
         SECTION 36.  Sections 845.503(a) and (b), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The retirement system may reduce future payments of
  benefits based on the account of a member, a retiree, or other
  former member to recoup an amount overpaid or otherwise paid in
  error to or on the behalf of a participant [the member, former
  member, retiree, annuitant, or beneficiary].  If no future
  payments are due, the retirement system may recover the overpayment
  in any manner that is permitted for the collection of any other
         (b)  The retirement system may not recover from a participant
  [member, former member, retiree, annuitant, or beneficiary] any
  overpayment made more than three years before the date the
  overpayment is discovered.  This subsection does not apply to an
  overpayment a reasonable person should know the person is not
  entitled to receive.
         SECTION 37.  Section 844.601(b), Government Code, as added
  by this Act, applies only to employer contributions to the Texas
  County and District Retirement System that become due on or after
  January 1, 2010. A county subject to Section 844.601(b),
  Government Code, is obligated to make employer contributions to the
  Texas County and District Retirement System before January 1, 2010,
  at the rate in effect on August 31, 2009.
         SECTION 38.  The following laws are repealed:
               (1)  Section 843.0031(a), Government Code;
               (2)  Sections 843.502(d) and (e), Government Code;
               (3)  Sections 844.605, 844.606, 844.607, 844.608, and
  844.609, Government Code;
               (4)  Section 845.115(f), Government Code; and
               (5)  Section 95, Chapter 873 (H.B. 1587), Acts of the
  80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007.
         SECTION 39.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, this Act takes effect January 1, 2010.
         (b)  Sections 841.0091 and 844.601, Government Code, as
  added by this Act, Section 845.315, Government Code, as amended by
  this Act, and Section 37 of this Act take effect September 1, 2009.