81R24043 BEF-F
  By: Eissler, Chisum H.B. No. 461
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 461:
  By:  Hopson C.S.H.B. No. 461
  relating to the detection and treatment of dyslexia, including the
  use of certain professional titles by dyslexia practitioners and
  therapists; providing a criminal penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle G, Title 3, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 403 to read as follows:
         Sec. 403.001.  SHORT TITLE. This chapter may be cited as the
  Dyslexia Practitioners and Therapists Title Recognition Act.
         Sec. 403.002.  STATE TITLE RECOGNITION STANDARDS. (a)  The
  requirements in effect on September 1, 2009, to achieve membership
  in the Academic Language Therapy Association as an associate
  academic language teacher are adopted as the state dyslexia
  practitioner title recognition standards.
         (b)  The requirements in effect on September 1, 2009, to
  achieve membership in the Academic Language Therapy Association as
  a certified academic language therapist are adopted as the state
  dyslexia therapist title recognition standards.
         (c)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission by rule may adopt an updated version of the
  Academic Language Therapy Association's membership requirements as
  the state's dyslexia practitioner or dyslexia therapist title
  recognition standards if the executive commissioner determines
  that adoption of the updated requirements is consistent with the
  purpose of providing public assurance that persons who use titles
  recognized under this chapter are trained and experienced providers
  of quality professional services for individuals with dyslexia or
  related disorders.
         Sec. 403.003.  CERTIFICATION REQUIRED. (a) A person may not
  use the title of, or represent to the public that the person is, a
  "registered dyslexia practitioner" or "associate academic language
  teacher" or use the initials "RDP" or "AALT" unless the person is
  certified by the Academic Language Therapy Association as meeting
  the state dyslexia practitioner title recognition standards.
         (b)  A person may not use the title of, or represent to the
  public that the person is, a "registered dyslexia therapist" or
  "certified academic language therapist" or use the initials "RDT"
  or "CALT" unless the person is certified by the Academic Language
  Therapy Association as meeting the state dyslexia therapist title
  recognition standards.
         Sec. 403.004.  CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a) A person commits an
  offense if the person violates Section 403.003.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a misdemeanor
  punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000.
         SECTION 2.  (a)  An interim committee is created to study
  and recommend legislation to increase awareness of early detection
  and treatment of dyslexia and related disorders. The committee's
  study shall examine:
               (1)  early detection and intervention;
               (2)  access to treatment in rural areas of the state;
               (3)  the role of public education and higher education
  in detection and treatment;
               (4)  treatment for older students and adults; and
               (5)  any barriers related to accommodations for
  individuals with dyslexia and related disorders.
         (b)  The committee consists of the following nine members:
               (1)  three members appointed by the lieutenant governor
  as follows:
                     (A)  two senators, one of whom represents a rural
  area; and
                     (B)  one member who represents an institution of
  higher education that offers courses in dyslexia and related
               (2)  three members appointed by the speaker of the
  house of representatives as follows:
                     (A)  two state representatives, one of whom
  represents a rural area; and
                     (B)  one member who represents a nationally
  accredited training center; and
               (3)  three members appointed by the governor as
                     (A)  one member who is a certified academic
  language therapist;
                     (B)  one member who is a public school dyslexia
  designee; and
                     (C)  one member who is a parent of a student with
         (c)  The committee shall elect a presiding officer from among
  its members.
         (d)  The committee shall convene at the call of the presiding
         (e)  Committee members may not receive compensation or
  reimbursement of expenses for serving on the committee.
         (f)  Not later than December 1, 2010, the committee shall
  report the committee's findings and recommendations to the
  lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives,
  and the governor.
         (g)  Not later than the 60th day after the effective date of
  this Act, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of
  representatives, and the governor shall appoint the members of the
  interim committee created under this section.
         SECTION 3.  Section 2 of this Act expires September 1, 2011.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.