relating to relating to Gonzales Healthcare Systems. |
SECTION 1. Section 1032.051(b), Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(b) Directors serve staggered [two-year terms unless] |
four-year terms [are established under Section 285.081, Health and
Safety Code]. |
SECTION 2. Section 1032.052, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1032.052. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice [At least 45
days before the date of an election of directors, notice] of an |
[the] election of directors shall be published in accordance with |
Section 4.003, Election Code, [one time] in a newspaper or |
newspapers that individually or collectively have general |
circulation in the district. |
SECTION 3. Section 1032.110, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1032.110. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS. A construction |
contract that involves the expenditure of more than the amount |
provided by Section 271.024, Local Government Code, [$10,000] may |
be made only after competitive bidding [advertising] in the manner |
provided by Subchapter B, Chapter 271 [Chapter 252 and Subchapter
C, Chapter 262], Local Government Code. |
SECTION 4. Subchapter D, Chapter 1032, Special District |
Local Laws Code, is amended by adding Section 1032.161 to read as |
follows: |
(a) The board may borrow money at a rate not to exceed the maximum |
annual percentage rate allowed by law for district obligations at |
the time the loan is made. |
(b) To secure a loan, the board may pledge: |
(1) district revenue that is not pledged to pay the |
district's bonded indebtedness; |
(2) a district tax to be imposed by the district in the |
next 12-month period following the date of the pledge that is not |
pledged to pay the principal of or interest on district bonds; or |
(3) a district bond that has been authorized but not |
sold. |
(c) A loan for which taxes or bonds are pledged must mature |
not later than the first anniversary of the date the loan is made. A |
loan for which district revenue is pledged must mature not later |
than the fifth anniversary of the date the loan is made. |
SECTION 5. Subchapter E, Chapter 1032, Special District |
Local Laws Code, is amended by adding Sections 1032.209 and |
1032.210 to read as follows: |
BONDS. In addition to the authority to issue general obligation |
bonds and revenue bonds under this subchapter, the board may |
provide for the security and payment of district bonds from a pledge |
of a combination of ad valorem taxes as authorized by Section |
1032.202 and revenue and other sources authorized by Section |
1032.206. |
Sec. 1032.210. USE OF BOND PROCEEDS. The district may use |
the proceeds of bonds issued under this subchapter to pay: |
(1) any expense the board determines is reasonable and |
necessary to issue, sell, and deliver the bonds; |
(2) interest payments on the bonds during a period of |
acquisition or construction of a project or facility to be provided |
through the bonds, not to exceed five years; |
(3) costs related to the operation and maintenance of |
a project or facility to be provided through the bonds: |
(A) during an estimated period of acquisition or |
construction, not to exceed five years; and |
(B) for one year after the project or facility is |
acquired or constructed; |
(4) costs related to the financing of the bond funds, |
including debt service reserve and contingency funds; |
(5) costs related to the bond issuance; |
(6) costs related to the acquisition of land or |
interests in land for a project or facility to be provided through |
the bonds; and |
(7) costs of construction of a project or facility to |
be provided through the bonds, including the payment of related |
professional services and expenses. |
SECTION 6. Chapter 1032, Special District Local Laws Code, |
is amended by adding Subchapter G to read as follows: |
Sec. 1032.301. DISSOLUTION; ELECTION. (a) The district |
may be dissolved only on approval of a majority of the district |
voters voting in an election held for that purpose. |
(b) The board may order an election on the question of |
dissolving the district and disposing of the district's assets and |
obligations. |
(c) The board shall order an election if the board receives |
a petition requesting an election that is signed by at least 30 |
percent of the registered voters in the district. |
(d) The order calling the election must state: |
(1) the nature of the election, including the |
proposition to appear on the ballot; |
(2) the date of the election; |
(3) the hours during which the polls will be open; and |
(4) the location of the polling places. |
(e) Section 41.001(a), Election Code, does not apply to an |
election ordered under this section. |
Sec. 1032.302. NOTICE OF ELECTION. (a) The board shall |
give notice of an election under this subchapter by publishing once |
a week for two consecutive weeks a substantial copy of the election |
order in a newspaper with general circulation in the district. |
(b) The first publication of the notice must appear not |
later than the 35th day before the date of the election. |
Sec. 1032.303. BALLOT. The ballot for an election under |
this subchapter must be printed to permit voting for or against the |
proposition: "The dissolution of Gonzales Healthcare Systems." |
Sec. 1032.304. ELECTION RESULTS. (a) If a majority of the |
votes in an election under this subchapter favor dissolution, the |
board shall find that the district is dissolved. |
(b) If a majority of the votes in the election do not favor |
dissolution, the board shall continue to administer the district |
and another election on the question of dissolution may not be held |
before the first anniversary of the date of the most recent election |
on the question of dissolution. |
If a majority of the votes in the election held under this |
subchapter favor dissolution, the board shall: |
(1) transfer the land, buildings, improvements, |
equipment, and other assets that belong to the district to Gonzales |
County or another governmental entity in Gonzales County; or |
(2) administer the property, assets, and debts until |
all money has been disposed of and all district debts have been paid |
or settled. |
(b) If the district makes the transfer under Subsection |
(a)(1), the county or entity assumes all debts and obligations of |
the district at the time of the transfer, and the district is |
dissolved. |
(c) If Subsection (a)(1) does not apply and the board |
administers the property, assets, and debts of the district under |
Subsection (a)(2), the district is dissolved when all money has |
been disposed of and all district debts have been paid or settled. |
TAXES. (a) After the board finds that the district is dissolved, |
the board shall: |
(1) determine the debt owed by the district; and |
(2) impose on the property included in the district's |
tax rolls a tax that is in proportion of the debt to the property |
value. |
(b) On the payment of all outstanding debts and obligations |
of the district, the board shall order the secretary to return to |
each district taxpayer the taxpayer's pro rata share of all unused |
tax money. |
(c) A taxpayer may request that the taxpayer's share of |
surplus tax money be credited to the taxpayer's county taxes. If a |
taxpayer requests the credit, the board shall direct the secretary |
to transmit the money to the county tax assessor-collector. |
Sec. 1032.307. REPORT; DISSOLUTION ORDER. (a) After the |
district has paid all its debts and has disposed of all its money |
and other assets as prescribed by this subchapter, the board shall |
file a written report with the Commissioners Court of Gonzales |
County summarizing the board's actions in dissolving the district. |
(b) Not later than the 10th day after the date the |
Commissioners Court of Gonzales County receives the report and |
determines that the requirements of this subchapter have been |
fulfilled, the commissioners court shall enter an order dissolving |
the district and releasing the board from any further duty or |
obligation. |
SECTION 7. Section 1032.053, Special District Local Laws |
Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8. (a) All elections for directors of Gonzales |
Healthcare Systems held before the effective date of this Act, and |
all governmental and proprietary actions of Gonzales Healthcare |
Systems taken before the effective date of this Act, are validated, |
ratified, and confirmed in all respects as if the actions had been |
taken as authorized by law. |
(b) This section does not apply to any matter that on the |
effective date of this Act: |
(1) is involved in litigation if the litigation |
ultimately results in the matter being held invalid by a final |
judgment of a court; or |
(2) has been held invalid by a final judgment of a |
court. |
SECTION 9. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2009. |