81R16561 UM-F
  By: Rodriguez, Naishtat, Herrero, Hughes, H.B. No. 785
      Davis of Harris, et al.
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 785:
  By:  Rose C.S.H.B. No. 785
  relating to employment services for persons with disabilities.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter S to read as follows:
         Sec. 531.751.  EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. (a) The executive
  commissioner shall ensure that employment services are structured
  in a manner that is designed to assist persons with disabilities to
  obtain and maintain meaningful employment in integrated settings.
         (b)  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules necessary
  to eliminate barriers to employment services for persons who
  receive services in Section 1915(c) waiver programs that offer
  employment services, including rules that:
               (1)  expand the annual hourly limit for employment
  services in any program in which the hours are capped;
               (2)  ensure employment services include assistance
  with obtaining employment; and
               (3)  ensure that employment services are available
  under the consumer-directed services option.
         (c)  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules regarding
  employment services offered through Section 1915(c) waiver
  programs and ICF-MR facilities licensed under Chapter 252, Health
  and Safety Code, and general revenue funded employment services
  provided through local mental retardation authorities. The rules
  must ensure that as part of the service planning process for a
  person receiving services:
               (1)  employment options are discussed and employment
  strategies are developed to achieve employment goals; and
               (2)  each provider of employment services considers the
  availability and accessibility of transportation as part of the
  employment plan.
         (d)  The Department of Aging and Disability Services shall
  provide training and technical assistance regarding the provision
  of employment services to:
               (1)  providers required to provide or contract for the
  provision of employment services under Section 1915(c) waiver
  programs that offer employment services;
               (2)  ICF-MR facilities licensed under Chapter 252,
  Health and Safety Code, and required to provide or contract for the
  provision of employment services; and
               (3)  local mental retardation authorities providing
  general revenue funded employment services.
  STANDARDS; REQUIRED APPROVAL. (a) The commission, the Department
  of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, and the Department of
  Aging and Disability Services shall collaboratively develop
  minimum standards for employment services providers that provide
  services through either department.  The minimum standards, to the
  extent possible, should be consistent with the minimum standards
  stated in the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services' 
  terms and conditions for employment services provider contracts, as
  those terms and conditions existed on January 1, 2009.
         (b)  The Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
               (1)  review and approve applications to provide
  employment services to ensure that all employment services
  providers meet the minimum standards adopted under Subsection (a),
  regardless of:
                     (A)  the type or duration of employment services
  provided; or
                     (B)  whether the persons receiving the services
  are clients of the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
  Services or the Department of Aging and Disability Services;
               (2)   maintain a list of employment services providers
  that meet the minimum standards; and
               (3)  make the list available to a person that requests
  information regarding employment services, regardless of whether
  the person receives services from the department.
         (c)  A person may not provide employment services through a
  contract with the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
  Services or the Department of Aging and Disability Services,
  through a contract with a provider of services who contracts with
  the Department of Aging and Disability Services, or to a client
  under the consumer-directed services option through the Department
  of Aging and Disability Services unless the person has applied for
  and been approved as an employment services provider by the
  Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services.
         (d)  The approval by the Department of Assistive and
  Rehabilitative Services of a person as an employment services
  provider under this section does not constitute a contractual
  obligation, and a health and human services agency is not required
  to contract with a person approved under this section. A person who
  contracts with a health and human services agency to provide
  employment services is governed by the terms and conditions of the
  contract, regardless of whether the person has received an approval
  as an employment services provider from the Department of Assistive
  and Rehabilitative Services.
         (e)  The executive commissioner shall ensure that agreements
  or contracts are developed as needed to allow the Department of
  Aging and Disability Services and the Department of Assistive and
  Rehabilitative Services to provide employment services through
  providers approved by the Department of Assistive and
  Rehabilitative Services.
  executive commissioner shall ensure that training regarding social
  security income and benefits and federal work incentives is
  required for appropriate employees of the Department of Aging and
  Disability Services and the Department of Assistive and
  Rehabilitative Services in order to provide a person with a
  disability accurate and appropriate information and referrals
  related to social security income and benefit programs and federal
  employment services.
         (b)  The Department of Aging and Disability Services shall
  ensure that case managers and others who coordinate program
  services have access to and are trained to provide information
  regarding the use of social security, federal work incentives, and
  the Medicaid buy-in program to interested consumers. The
  department shall designate employees to provide the information
  required by this section to consumers and their families.
         (c)  The executive commissioner shall ensure that contracts
  with each local mental retardation authority require the authority
  to designate an employee to provide the information required by
  this section to consumers and their families.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 533, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 533.0371 to read as follows:
  WORKSHOPS.  (a)  In this section, "sheltered workshop" means an
  employment setting in which individuals with disabilities are:
               (1)  substantially segregated from individuals without
  disabilities, other than non-disabled individuals who are
  providing services to those individuals with disabilities;
               (2)  congregated with other individuals with
  disabilities who are similarly employed; and
               (3)  paid less than the minimum wage under state or
  federal law.
         (b)  The Department of Aging and Disability Services shall
  develop a plan to significantly reduce reliance on sheltered
  workshops as an employment option for people with disabilities.  
  The plan must identify all federal funding opportunities that would
  assist the department in reducing reliance on sheltered workshops.
         (c)  The plan developed under Subsection (b) must provide for
  the significant reduction of reliance on sheltered workshops not
  later than September 1, 2015.
         SECTION 3.  Section 117.058(a), Human Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department shall establish and require employee
  participation in a specialized training program for certain
  employees, including vocational rehabilitation counselors and 
  vocational rehabilitation transition specialists and transition
  counselors, whose duties involve assisting youth with disabilities
  to transition to post-schooling activities, services for adults, or
  community living.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter A, Chapter 302, Labor Code, is
  amended by adding Section 302.016 to read as follows:
  (a)  In this section, "disability navigator services" includes
  services that:
               (1)  are provided through a one-stop approach; and
               (2)  assist persons with disabilities in navigating a
  variety of programs that promote work incentive information,
  including locating and maintaining employment.
         (b)  The commission shall identify funding options that will
  allow the commission to increase the number of individuals
  providing disability navigator services to a level that ensures
  that each local workforce area has access to at least one individual
  who provides disability navigator services.
         (c)  The commission shall implement this section subject to
  the availability of funds for this purpose.
         SECTION 5.  (a)  The Health and Human Services Commission
  shall analyze employment services provider Medicaid payment rates
  and rate methodology and determine the optimum rates and rate
  methodology that will ensure an adequate employment services
  provider base for individuals with disabilities. In conducting the
  analysis, the commission shall consider the use of an outcome-based
  methodology for payment of employment services providers,
  including the methodology and rate structure used by the Department
  of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services on January 1, 2009.
         (b)  Not later than September 1, 2010, the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall provide a report to the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  that contains the results of the analysis performed under this
  section and recommendations for any necessary legislation as
  determined by the commission.
         SECTION 6.  (a)  A person providing employment services
  through a contract with the Department of Aging and Disability
  Services or the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
  Services, through a contract with a provider of services who
  contracts with the Department of Aging and Disability Services, or
  to a client under the consumer-directed services option through the
  Department of Aging and Disability Services on September 1, 2009,
  may continue to provide employment services without approval under
  Section 531.752, Government Code, as added by this Act, until
  September 1, 2011.
         (b)  Not later than September 1, 2010, the Department of
  Aging and Disability Services shall submit to the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission the plan
  required by Section 533.0371, Health and Safety Code, as added by
  this Act.
         SECTION 7.  The Health and Human Services Commission, the
  Department of Aging and Disability Services, and the Department of
  Assistive and Rehabilitative Services shall identify all funds
  appropriated or otherwise made available in the federal American
  Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 that could lawfully be used to
  support employment services programs, and apply for and actively
  pursue all necessary actions to procure those funds for those
         SECTION 8.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.