81R6342 KLA-F
  By: Villarreal H.B. No. 955
  relating to expanding the capacity of volunteer income tax
  assistance programs.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter NN to read as follows:
         Sec. 2306.1091.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Federal income tax filing season" means a period
  of each year that begins January 2 and ends April 30.
               (2)  "Free File program" means the free federal income
  tax preparation and electronic filing program for eligible
  taxpayers that is developed through a partnership between the
  Internal Revenue Service and private tax software companies.
               (3)  "Grant program" means the volunteer income tax
  assistance grant program established under this subchapter.
               (4)  "Volunteer income tax assistance program" means a
  program operated through a collaboration of the Internal Revenue
  Service and another entity under which taxpayers eligible for the
  Free File program receive free assistance in preparing federal
  income tax returns.
  ASSISTANCE (VITA) GRANT PROGRAM.  The department shall establish a
  volunteer income tax assistance grant program through which the
  department will award grants each year to support the
  implementation and operation of volunteer income tax assistance
  programs in the subsequent federal income tax filing season.
         Sec. 2306.1093.  ADMINISTRATION OF GRANT PROGRAM.  In the
  year preceding the federal income tax filing season in which grant
  recipients will operate volunteer income tax assistance programs,
  the department shall:
               (1)  issue a request for proposals to participate in
  the grant program on or before June 30;
               (2)  select and notify grant recipients on or before
  September 1; and
               (3)  distribute grant program money on or before
  November 1.
         Sec. 2306.1094.  ELIGIBILITY.  To be eligible for a grant, an
  applicant must be located in this state and be:
               (1)  a nonprofit educational institution, a nonprofit
  faith-based or community-based organization, or any other
  nonprofit organization;
               (2)  a political subdivision of this state, including a
  county or municipality; or
               (3)  a regional or local coalition that has at least one
  lead organization that meets the criteria specified by Subdivision
  (1) or (2).
         Sec. 2306.1095.  APPLICATION. An entity that meets the
  eligibility requirements specified by Section 2306.1094 may apply
  for a grant by submitting a written application to the department on
  a form prescribed by the board. The application must include:
               (1)  proof of designation by the Internal Revenue
  Service as a volunteer income tax assistance program sponsor;
               (2)  the applicant's Electronic Filing Identification
  Number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service;
               (3)  a letter of support from the applicant's regional
  Internal Revenue Service Stakeholder, Partnerships, Education, and
  Communication representative;
               (4)  a statement that the applicant agrees to use grant
  money distributed under this subchapter primarily to serve
  taxpayers eligible for the Free File program; and
               (5)  an agreement to operate a volunteer income tax
  assistance program using a mixture of funding the total operating
  funds of which for any year consist of not more than 65 percent
  grant program money distributed under this subchapter.
  GRANTS. In determining whether to award a grant to an applicant who
  otherwise meets the eligibility requirements specified by this
  subchapter, the department may give special consideration to
  applicants who will:
               (1)  serve areas that have historically experienced:
                     (A)  low earned income tax credit claim rates;
                     (B)  high usage rates of refund anticipation loans
  or similar products; or
                     (C)  low participation rates, as compared to other
  areas, in free tax preparation programs by families eligible for
  the earned income tax credit;
               (2)  assist persons filing federal income tax returns
  in attaining financial stability; or
               (3)  assist persons filing federal income tax returns
  with enrolling in or contributing to college savings plans or
         Sec. 2306.1097.  LIMITATION.  A single grant recipient may
  not receive more than 25 percent of the total amount of grant
  program money distributed in one year.
         Sec. 2306.1098.  USE OF GRANT PROGRAM MONEY. Grant program
  money may be used only to pay:
               (1)  the wages of volunteer income tax assistance
  program staff;
               (2)  the costs of operating the volunteer income tax
  assistance program, including rent, computers, furniture, office
  supplies, telephone service, and Internet service; and
               (3)  the costs of recruiting and training volunteers.
         Sec. 2306.1099.  PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT.  Each grant
  recipient shall enter into a performance agreement with the
  department detailing the department's expectations for the use of
  the grant program money and the work to be performed by the
         Sec. 2306.1100.  PERFORMANCE REPORT.  Each grant recipient
  shall submit a performance report to the department not later than
  May 30 of the year in which the recipient operates a volunteer
  income tax assistance program using grant program money. The
  performance report must include detailed information about:
               (1)  each expenditure of grant program money made by
  the recipient; and
               (2)  the amount of earned income tax credit funds
  generated directly by the volunteer income tax assistance program
  operated by the recipient using grant program money.
         Sec. 2306.1101.  GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING. (a) To the extent
  authorized by federal law and subject to appropriation for this
  purpose, the department shall distribute as grants authorized by
  this subchapter at least 0.25 percent of the funds received by this
  state during each state fiscal biennium under the federal Temporary
  Assistance for Needy Families block grant.
         (b)  The comptroller shall transfer funds received under the
  federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant from
  the Health and Human Services Commission to the department as
  necessary to implement this section.
         (c)  In addition to funds described by Subsection (a), the
  department shall distribute as grants authorized by this subchapter
  other money that is:
               (1)  appropriated for that purpose; or
               (2)  designated by the department and otherwise
  available for that purpose.
         Sec. 2306.1102.  RULES.  The board shall adopt rules as
  necessary to implement this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  (a)  In this section, "grant program" means the
  volunteer income tax assistance grant program established under
  Subchapter NN, Chapter 2306, Government Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Section 2306.1093, Government Code, as
  added by this Act, for grants awarded under the grant program in
  2009 that will be used to operate volunteer income tax assistance
  programs during 2010, the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs shall:
               (1)  issue a request for proposals to participate in
  the grant program on or before September 15, 2009;
               (2)  select and notify grant recipients on or before
  November 15, 2009; and
               (3)  distribute grant money on or before December 15,
         SECTION 3.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.