81R5919 SLB-F
  By: England H.B. No. 1134
  relating to the authority of the Dallas County Flood Control
  District No. 1 to enter into a tax abatement agreement and to
  designate a reinvestment zone.
         SECTION 1.  Section 16A, Chapter 1081, Acts of the 68th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1983, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 16A. TAX ABATEMENT CRITERIA.  The district may enter
  into a tax abatement agreement and may designate an area as a
  reinvestment zone on a finding by the board of directors that the
  proposed commercial-industrial or residential project or projects
  meet the criteria prescribed by Section 16D of this Act.  The
  agreement must provide for the availability of tax abatement for
  both new facilities and structures and for the expansion or
  modernization of existing facilities and structures.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 16C(b) and (c), Chapter 1081, Acts of
  the 68th Legislature, Regular Session, 1983, are amended to read as
         (b)  The resolution must describe the boundaries of the zone
  and the eligibility of the zone for commercial-industrial or
  residential tax abatement.
         (c)  Area of a reinvestment zone designated for
  commercial-industrial or residential tax abatement may be included
  in an overlapping or coincidental commercial-industrial or
  residential zone established under Chapter 312, Tax Code.
         SECTION 3.  Section 16D(b), Chapter 1081, Acts of the 68th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1983, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The designation of a reinvestment zone for
  commercial-industrial or residential tax abatement expires five
  years after the date of the designation and may be renewed for
  periods not to exceed five years.  The expiration of the designation
  does not affect an existing tax abatement agreement made under this
         SECTION 4.  Section 16E(a), Chapter 1081, Acts of the 68th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 1983, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The district may agree in writing with the owner of
  taxable real property that is located in a reinvestment zone, but
  that is not in an improvement project financed by tax increment
  bonds, to exempt from taxation a portion of the value of the real
  property or of tangible personal property located on the real
  property, or both, for a period not to exceed 30 years, subject to
  the rights of holders of outstanding bonds of the district, on the
  condition that the owner of the property make specific improvements
  or repairs to the property.  An agreement may provide for the
  exemption of the real property in each year covered by the agreement
  only to the extent its value for that year exceeds its value for the
  year in which the agreement is executed.  An agreement may provide
  for the exemption of tangible personal property located on the real
  property in each year covered by the agreement other than tangible
  personal property that was located on the real property at any time
  before the period covered by the agreement with the district.  An
  agreement may cover more than one commercial-industrial or
  residential project.
         SECTION 5.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  a tax abatement agreement entered into or a designation of a
  reinvestment zone made by the Dallas County Flood Control District
  No. 1 on or after the effective date of this Act. A tax abatement
  agreement entered into or a designation of a reinvestment zone made
  by the district before the effective date of this Act is governed by
  the law in effect when the contract was entered into or the
  designation was made, and that law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.