81R7110 PB-D
  By: Legler H.B. No. 1136
  relating to disqualification for the receipt of unemployment
  compensation benefits for violation of an employer drug testing
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 207, Labor Code, is
  amended by adding Section 207.0445 to read as follows:
  (a) In this section, "substance abuse" means the abuse of:
               (1)  a controlled substance or controlled substance
  analogue, as defined by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code;
               (2)  a dangerous drug, as defined by Section 483.001,
  Health and Safety Code; or
               (3)  any other similar substance, the use of which is
  regulated under state law.
         (b)  An individual is disqualified for benefits if the
  commission determines that the individual was discharged from the
  individual's last work for violation of the employer's written drug
  testing policy.
         (c)  A disqualification for benefits under this section
  continues until the individual has returned to employment and:
               (1)  worked for six weeks; or
               (2)  earned wages equal to six times the individual's
  benefit amount.
         (d)  The commission may not disqualify an individual based on
  a violation of the employer's written drug testing policy if, on the
  basis of evidence presented by the individual, the commission
  determines that:
               (1)  the employer was not in compliance with the
  requirements of this section;
               (2)  at the time of the violation for which the
  individual was discharged, the individual was participating in a
  treatment program for substance abuse and since that time has been
  continuously participating in, or has successfully completed, the
  treatment program;
               (3)  the use of the substance by the individual was
  prescribed by a physician as medically necessary for the
  individual; or
               (4)  the test used to document the individual's alleged
  substance abuse was not conducted as required by this section.
         (e)  An employer may require an employee to undergo drug
  testing only if the employer's written policy requires testing:
               (1)  on a random basis for all employees;
               (2)  based on a reasonable suspicion of substance
  abuse; or
               (3)  as part of an accident investigation.
         (f)  For a disqualification to be made under this section,
  the employer must have in effect a uniform written drug testing
  policy relating to employee substance abuse that complies with the
  requirements of this section. The employer must provide a copy of
  the policy to each employee. The employer shall post a written copy
  of the policy or a notice that describes the policy at appropriate
  locations at each place of business.
         (g)  Before requiring an employee to submit to drug testing,
  the employer must provide the employee with a form, prescribed by
  the employer, on which the employee shall acknowledge that the
  employee has received a copy of the employer's drug testing policy.
  The form must be designed in a manner that allows the employee to
  indicate any over-the-counter or prescription medications that the
  employee has taken recently or any other information relevant to
  the reliability of a test result.
         (h)  To support a disqualification under this section, an
  employer must prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the
  employee refused to submit to drug testing that meets the
  requirements of this section or the employee has violated the
  employer's written drug testing policy. As regards a violation of
  the policy, only the results of drug testing performed in
  accordance with the employer's written drug testing policy are
  admissible as evidence.
         (i)  An employee required by an employer to submit to drug
  testing under this section is entitled to refuse to undergo the
  testing but may be subject to discipline by the employer as a
  consequence of the refusal. If an employee may be disciplined,
  including discharged, for refusing to submit to drug testing, the
  employer must explain the consequences of refusal to the affected
  employee in writing before the time of the refusal.
         (j)  At a minimum, an employer's written drug testing policy
  must state:
               (1)  the circumstances under which testing may be
               (2)  the right of an employee to refuse to undergo the
  testing and the consequences of refusal; and
               (3)  any disciplinary or other adverse personnel
  action, including termination of employment, that may be taken by
  the employer based on a positive test result.
         SECTION 2.   The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a claim for unemployment compensation benefits that is filed
  with the Texas Workforce Commission on or after that date. A claim
  filed before that date is governed by the law in effect on the date
  the claim was filed, and the former law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.