81R21441 PB-F
  By: Hochberg H.B. No. 1196
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1196:
  By:  Ritter C.S.H.B. No. 1196
  relating to the payment of wages by an employer through an
  electronic transfer of funds to a payroll card account.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 61, Labor Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter G to read as follows:
         Sec. 61.151.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Fee" includes any fee, charge, surcharge, or
               (2)  "Offers a payroll card" includes:
                     (A)  a direct offer of a payroll card to an
  employee by an employer; and
                     (B)  the distribution by an employer to employees
  of material describing a payroll card program prepared by a payroll
  card issuer other than the employer.
               (3)  "Payroll card" means a card issued to an employee
  by an employer or other entity on behalf of the employer used to
  access the employee's wages.
               (4)  "Payroll card account" means an account that is
  established by an employer to pay each participating employee's
  wages by making an electronic funds transfer to the account, and
  under which the employee receives a payroll card to access the funds
  in the account.
               (5)  "Payroll card issuer" means:
                     (A)  an employer who issues a payroll card to an
  employee; or
                     (B)  a bank or other financial institution that
  issues a payroll card to an employee on behalf of an employer.
  An employer may elect to pay wages through an electronic transfer of
  funds to a payroll card account established at a federally insured
  depository institution.
         Sec. 61.153.  INITIAL DISCLOSURE TO EMPLOYEES.  (a)  Before
  instituting a payroll card account program, an employer who elects
  to use such a program shall provide to each employee a written
  disclosure, in plain language, that describes all of the employee's
  options regarding payment of wages. The disclosure must meet the
  requirements of this section.
         (b)  The disclosure must state the terms of the payroll card
  account option, including:
               (1)  a complete itemized list of all fees that may be
  deducted from the employee's payroll card account by the employer
  or payroll card issuer;
               (2)  that third parties may assess transaction fees in
  addition to the fees assessed by the employee's payroll card
  issuer; and
               (3)  for fees that may be deducted or charged by the
  employer or payroll card issuer, the dollar amount of each fee.
         Sec. 61.154.  EMPLOYEE CONSENT REQUIRED. (a)  An employer
  who elects to use a payroll card account system may initiate payment
  of wages to an employee by electronic funds transfer to a payroll
  card account only after the employee has voluntarily consented in
  writing to that method of payment. Consent to payment of wages by
  electronic funds transfer to a payroll card account may not be a
  condition of hire or of continued employment.
         (b)  The written consent signed by an employee under this
  section must include the terms of the payroll card account.
         (c)  The employer must:
               (1)  provide a copy of the signed written consent to the
  employee; and
               (2)  retain the signed written consent during the
  period that the employer uses a payroll card account system
  affecting that employee.
         (d)  As long as each employee is given a written form that
  meets all the requirements of this section on which to provide
  consent to payment through electronic funds transfer, an employer
  may comply with the employee consent requirements of this section
  by giving the employee the option of receiving wages through a
  payroll card account, a direct deposit plan, or any other method
  offered by the employer.
         Sec. 61.155.  NOTICE OF CHANGES. An employer who elects to
  use a payroll card account system shall provide to each employee
  participating in the system written notice of any change to any of
  the terms of the payroll card account that includes an itemized list
  of any fee that may have changed.
         Sec. 61.156.  USE OF EMPLOYEE INFORMATION. Unless the
  employee consents in writing to the use, information generated by
  the employee's possession or use of a payroll card or payroll card
  account may only be used to process transactions and administer the
  payroll card and the payroll card account.
         Sec. 61.157.  CHANGE IN METHOD OF PAYMENT. (a)  An employee
  who has consented under Section 6l.154 to be paid wages by
  electronic funds transfer to a payroll card account may request
  that the employer pay wages to the employee by another method
  allowed by law and offered by the employer.
         (b)  The employee may make the request:
               (1)  on a written form provided by the employer; or
               (2)  if provided through the employer, through an
  electronic format.
         (c)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of the
  employee request, the employer shall begin payment of wages by the
  method requested by the employee under Subsection (a).
         Sec. 61.158.  OPERATION OF PAYROLL CARD ACCOUNT. (a)  An
  employer shall provide each employee participating in the payroll
  card account system with access to one free transaction history
  each month, which must include each deposit, withdrawal, deduction,
  or charge made by any person from or to the employee's payroll card
         (b)  An employer shall provide each participating employee
  at least one transaction per pay period at no cost to the employee
  for an amount up to and including the total amount of the employee's
  entire net pay, as stated on the employee's earnings statement. The
  free transaction must be available to the employee on and after the
  employee's regular payday.
         (c)  With the exception of the cost required to replace a
  lost, stolen, or damaged card, an employer may not charge a
  participating employee:
               (1)  any initiation, participation, maintenance,
  loading, or other fee to receive wages payable in an electronic
  funds transfer to a payroll card account;
               (2)  any inactivity or dormancy fee; or
               (3)  any fee for use of customer service.
         (d)  An employer may not deduct from a participating
  employee's payroll card or charge to the employee any fee imposed by
  the payroll card issuer that was not disclosed to the employee
  before the fee was initiated.
         (e)  An employer who offers a payroll card account option to
  an employee by using materials in a language other than English must
  provide the written disclosure, written consent form, and all
  payroll card account agreements required by this subchapter in the
  other language.
         Sec. 61.159.  PAYROLL CARD ACCOUNT NOT CREDIT. (a)  A
  payroll card or payroll card account may not be linked to any form
  of credit, including a loan against future pay or a cash advance on
  future pay.
         (b)  The prohibition in Subsection (a) does not apply to:
               (1)  an inadvertent overdraft that occurs
  notwithstanding procedures designed to avoid overdrafts; or
               (2)  overdraft protection on the payroll card account
  that is specifically agreed to by the employee.
  employer, or another entity on behalf of the employer, may not issue
  payroll cards other than from a federally insured depository
         (b)  The agreement between the employer and the depository
  institution must specify that:
               (1)  the insured depository institution maintain
  account records that disclose the existence of a custodial
  relationship between the employer and the participating employees;
               (2)  the employer, the insured depository institution,
  or any other third party maintain records that disclose the
  identities of the actual owners of the funds and the amount owned by
  each actual owner;
               (3)  the deposits must be owned by the named owner
  listed in the account; and
               (4)  the insured depository institution may not allow
  overdrafts on the payroll card, with or without a fee, unless
  overdraft service is requested by the named owner.
         SECTION 2.  Section 61.016(a), Labor Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  An employer shall pay wages to an employee:
               (1)  in United States currency;
               (2)  by a written instrument issued by the employer
  that is negotiable on demand at full face value for United States
  currency; or
               (3)  by the electronic transfer of funds to:
                     (A)  a direct deposit plan as described by Section
  61.017; or
                     (B)  a payroll card account established under
  Subchapter G.
         SECTION 3.  Section 61.017, Labor Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (d) to read as follows:
         (d)  An employer may elect to pay wages to an employee
  through a payroll card account system that uses electronic funds
  transfer to deposit the wages in the employee's payroll card
  account. An employer who desires to pay wages through a payroll
  card account system shall comply with Subchapter G.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.