81R25275 JTS-D
  By: Strama, Miklos, Villarreal, Peña H.B. No. 1391
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1391:
  By:  Gonzalez Toureilles C.S.H.B. No. 1391
  relating to the promotion and use of renewable energy systems and
  energy efficiency improvements; authorizing the issuance of
  revenue bonds.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 5, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 391 to read as follows:
         Sec. 391.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "District" means an emissions management district
  created under this chapter.
               (2)  "Emissions management project" means:
                     (A)  a renewable energy system; or
                     (B)  an energy efficiency improvement.
               (3)  "Energy efficiency improvement" means an
  installation or modification that is designed to reduce energy
  consumption in a residential or commercial building, including:
                     (A)  insulation in walls, roofs, floors, and
  foundations and in heating and cooling distribution systems;
                     (B)  storm windows and doors, multiglazed windows
  and doors, heat-absorbing or heat-reflective glazed and coated
  window and door systems, additional glazing, reductions in glass
  area, and other window and door system modifications that reduce
  energy consumption;
                     (C)  automatic energy control systems;
                     (D)  heating, ventilating, or air conditioning
  and distribution system modifications or replacements in a building
  or central plant;
                     (E)  caulking and weather-stripping;
                     (F)  replacement or modification of lighting
  fixtures to increase the energy efficiency of the system;
                     (G)  energy recovery systems; and
                     (H)  systems to increase the use of natural
  daylight for interior lighting.
               (4)  "Local government" means a municipality or a
               (5)  "Renewable energy system" means a fixture,
  product, device, or interacting group of fixtures, products, or
  devices that produces or uses energy from renewable resources and
  is capable of being installed for use in a commercial or residential
  building, including a system designed to generate electricity for
  use in the building and to be installed on the customer's side of
  the electric utility meter. The term includes:
                     (A)  a photovoltaic generating system;
                     (B)  a solar thermal system;
                     (C)  a small wind generation system;
                     (D)  a biomass energy system; and
                     (E)  a geothermal energy system.
  [Sections 391.002-391.050 reserved for expansion]
  The governing body of a local government by ordinance or order may
  establish one or more districts under this chapter.
         (b)  The ordinance or order creating the district must
               (1)  the district's territory as a defined area inside
  the local government's boundaries in which property owners are
  eligible to participate in contractual assessment agreements with
  the local government, which area may include all or any portion of
  the area inside the local government's boundaries;
               (2)  the kinds of emissions management projects
  eligible for financing by the local government; and
               (3)  the date and time of a hearing on the creation of
  the district.
         (c)  The ordinance or order creating the district must
  include a finding that the financing of emissions management
  projects under this chapter serves a public purpose of the local
  government by reducing emissions and energy consumption.
         Sec. 391.052.  DISCRETE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES. (a) The
  territory of a district created under this chapter may not overlap
  the territory of another district created under this chapter.
         (b)  The boundaries of a district created by a municipality
  may only include territory within the corporate boundaries of the
  municipality or the municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
  The boundaries of a district created by a county may not include
  territory within the corporate boundaries of a municipality or the
  extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality.
         Sec. 391.053.  DISTRICT MANAGEMENT. (a) The governing body
  of a local government may, under the governing body's supervision,
  appoint a manager, administrator, or board to oversee and manage
  emissions management project financing in the district.
         (b)  A meeting of an administrative body that oversees and
  manages emissions management project financing in the district is
  subject to Chapter 551, Government Code.
  [Sections 391.054-391.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 391.101.  GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. A local
  government may:
               (1)  enter into contractual assessment agreements
  under Section 391.102 to finance the purchase and installation of
  emissions management projects for commercial and residential
  buildings in the boundaries of the district;
               (2)  make other innovative arrangements to finance the
  purchase and installation of emissions management projects for
  commercial and residential buildings in the boundaries of a
               (3)  lease equipment and materials for emissions
  management projects to property owners in the boundaries of a
  district; and
               (4)  issue revenue bonds to finance activities under
  this chapter.
  local government may enter into a contractual assessment agreement
  with an owner of property to finance the purchase and installation
  of an emissions management project for the owner's property.
         (b)  The governing body of the local government by official
  action shall establish the terms of an agreement under this
  chapter, including:
               (1)  the term of the assessments; and
               (2)  the rate of interest on the assessments.
         (c)  A contract under this section may allow the property
  owner to directly:
               (1)  purchase the equipment and materials for the
  installation of a renewable energy system or an energy efficiency
  improvement; and
               (2)  contract for the installation of a renewable
  energy system or energy efficiency improvement.
         Sec. 391.103.  LEVY OF ASSESSMENT. (a) After the local
  government and a property owner enter into a contractual assessment
  agreement, the governing body of the local government shall levy
  the assessments against the property. The amount of the assessment
  must be in the amount necessary to pay for:
               (1)  the amount of the contract for the improvement;
               (2)  the interest on the amount of the contract, at the
  rate adopted in the ordinance or order creating the district; and
               (3)  apportioned administrative costs associated with
  operating the district.
         (b)  A property owner may pay the assessment in full or in
  installments as authorized by the local government in the ordinance
  or order creating the district.
         (c)  The governing body of the local government shall make
  reasonable efforts to collect assessment payments under this
  chapter in the same manner as the local government collects
  property taxes.
         (d)  The governing body of the local government shall have an
  assessment roll prepared showing the assessments against each
  property. The assessment roll shall be:
               (1)  filed with the secretary of the governing body or
  other officer who performs the function of secretary;
               (2)  made available to the county tax
  assessor-collector; and
               (3)  open for public inspection.
         Sec. 391.104.  INTEREST ON ASSESSMENTS; LIEN. (a)
  Assessments bear interest at a rate specified by the governing body
  of the local government, which may not exceed a rate that is
  one-half of one percent higher than the actual interest rate paid on
  the public debt used to finance the improvement.
         (b)  Interest on an assessment between the effective date of
  the contract and the date the first installment and any related
  penalty is payable shall be added to the first installment. The
  interest or penalties on all unpaid installments shall be added to
  each subsequent installment until paid.
         (c)  An assessment, including any interest and penalties on
  that assessment, is a lien against the property until paid and may
  be enforced by the governing body in the same manner that an ad
  valorem tax lien against real property may be enforced by the
  governing body. Delinquent installments of the assessment shall
  incur liability for interest, penalties, and attorney's fees in the
  same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes.
         (d)  The owner of any property assessed may at any time pay
  the entire assessment against any lot or parcel with interest
  accrued to the date of the payment.
         Sec. 391.105.  SUPPLEMENTAL ASSESSMENTS. After notice and
  hearing, the governing body of the local government may make
  supplemental assessments to correct an omission or mistake in an
               (1)  relating to the total cost of emissions management
  projects financed by the district; or
               (2)  covering delinquencies or costs of collection for
  the projects.
  INSTALLERS. (a) The state energy conservation office shall
  establish guidelines to assist local governments in compiling lists
  of contractors eligible to sell or install emissions management
  projects and project components financed under this chapter.
         (b)  The competitive bidding requirements of Chapters 252
  and 262, Local Government Code, do not apply to the purchase and
  installation of emissions management projects financed under this
         (c)  An ordinance or order creating a district may provide
  for consolidated payment for multiple projects by a single vendor.
  MANAGEMENT PROJECTS. (a)  For an emissions management project
  purchased and installed through the use of financing under this
  chapter, a local government:
               (1)  is not liable for any damages arising from the
  purchase, installation, or use of any equipment relating to the
               (2)  is not responsible for the maintenance of any
  equipment relating to the project;
               (3)  is not responsible for the purchase of insurance
  relating to the purchase, installation, or use of any equipment
  relating to the project; and
               (4)  has no duty to respond to a complaint that may
  arise relating to the purchase, installation, or use of any
  equipment relating to the project.
         (b)  A local government does not guarantee or otherwise
  secure loans for the purchase and installation of emissions
  management projects financed under this chapter.
  OWNER. (a) The governing body of the local government in the
  ordinance or order establishing the district shall establish
  requirements for property owner participation in the financing of
  emissions management projects under this chapter, which must
  include a requirement that the property owner:
               (1)  is not delinquent in the payment of property taxes
  or mortgage payments for the property; and
               (2)  has not been delinquent or late in the payment of
  property taxes or mortgage payments for the property.
         (b)  The local government may prioritize applications for
  participation in financing under this chapter based on the relative
  strength of the applicants' financial standing.
  Before making a sale of components for an emissions management
  project, a vendor shall provide to the purchasing property owner an
  estimate of the savings associated with the emissions management
         Sec. 391.110.  DISTRICT FINANCING PROVISIONS. (a) A local
  government that creates a district may:
               (1)  establish a special improvement fund for the
  district in the manner authorized for public improvement districts
  under Section 372.021, Local Government Code, except that the local
  government may not levy a tax to support the fund;
               (2)  issue revenue bonds in the manner authorized for
  public improvement districts under Sections 372.024 and 372.025,
  Local Government Code, payable solely from assessment payments made
  under contractual assessment agreements under this chapter;
               (3)  pledge assessment payment revenue from
  contractual assessment agreements in the manner authorized for
  public improvement districts under Section 372.026, Local
  Government Code; and
               (4)  issue refunding bonds in the manner authorized for
  public improvement districts under Section 372.027, Local
  Government Code.
         (b)  A local government that creates a district shall:
               (1)  to the extent applicable, pay costs associated
  with financing emissions management projects in the manner provided
  for the payment of costs for improvements of a public improvement
  district under Section 372.023, Local Government Code, except that
  any bonds shall be payable solely from assessment payments made
  under contractual assessment agreements under this chapter; and
               (2)  have revenue bonds authorized and registered in
  the manner provided for revenue bonds issued for a public
  improvement district under Section 372.028, Local Government Code.
         (c)  The holder of a bond issued under this chapter is not
  entitled to demand payment of the bond with any money raised by
         SECTION 2.  Section 372.003(b), Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A public improvement project may include:
               (1)  landscaping;
               (2)  erection of fountains, distinctive lighting, and
               (3)  acquiring, constructing, improving, widening,
  narrowing, closing, or rerouting of sidewalks or of streets, any
  other roadways, or their rights-of-way;
               (4)  construction or improvement of pedestrian malls;
               (5)  acquisition and installation of pieces of art;
               (6)  acquisition, construction, or improvement of
               (7)  acquisition, construction, or improvement of
  off-street parking facilities;
               (8)  acquisition, construction, improvement, or
  rerouting of mass transportation facilities;
               (9)  acquisition, construction, or improvement of
  water, wastewater, or drainage facilities or improvements;
               (10)  the establishment or improvement of parks;
               (11)  projects similar to those listed in Subdivisions
               (12)  acquisition, by purchase or otherwise, of real
  property in connection with an authorized improvement;
               (13)  special supplemental services for improvement
  and promotion of the district, including services relating to
  advertising, promotion, health and sanitation, water and
  wastewater, renewable energy, public safety, security, business
  recruitment, development, recreation, and cultural enhancement;
               (14)  payment of expenses incurred in the
  establishment, administration, and operation of the district; and
               (15)  acquisition, installation, or improvement of
  public renewable energy improvements.
         SECTION 3.  Section 375.112(a), Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  An improvement project or services provided by the
  district may include the construction, acquisition, improvement,
  relocation, operation, maintenance, or provision of:
               (1)  landscaping; lighting, banners, and signs;
  streets and sidewalks; pedestrian skywalks, crosswalks, and
  tunnels; seawalls; marinas; drainage and navigation improvements;
  pedestrian malls; solid waste, water, sewer, and power facilities,
  including electrical, gas, steam, cogeneration, and chilled water
  facilities; renewable energy; parks, plazas, lakes, rivers,
  bayous, ponds, and recreation and scenic areas; historic areas;
  fountains; works of art; off-street parking facilities, bus
  terminals, heliports, and mass transit systems; and the cost of any
  demolition in connection with providing any of the improvement
               (2)  other improvements similar to those described in
  Subdivision (1);
               (3)  the acquisition of real property or any interest
  in real property in connection with an improvement, project, or
  services authorized by this chapter, Chapter 54, Water Code, or
  Chapter 365 or 441, Transportation Code;
               (4)  special supplemental services for advertising,
  economic development, promoting the area in the district, health
  and sanitation, public safety, maintenance, security, business
  recruitment, development, elimination or relief of traffic
  congestion, recreation, and cultural enhancement; and
               (5)  expenses incurred in the establishment,
  administration, maintenance, and operation of the district or any
  of its improvements, projects, or services.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.