81R388 CLG-D
  By: Guillen H.B. No. 1398
  relating to a pilot project to establish a comprehensive single
  point of entry for long-term services and supports provided to the
  aged and physically disabled individuals.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 531.0525 to read as follows:
  this section:
               (1)  "Aging and disability resource center" means a
  center established under the Aging and Disability Resource Center
  grant program jointly sponsored by the federal Administration on
  Aging and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
               (2)  "Department of Aging and Disability Services staff
  members" includes the department's access and intake staff members
  and the department's community care for the aged and disabled staff
               (3)  "Expedited service authorization" means
  authorization of services within seven calendar days based on a
  screening of applicants and tentative eligibility for receipt of
  services and initiation of those services as soon as possible.
               (4)  "Long-term services and supports" means long-term
  assistance or care provided to the aged or physically disabled
  individuals through the Medicaid program or other programs.  The
  term includes assistance or care provided through the following
                     (A)  the primary home care program;
                     (B)  the community attendant services program;
                     (C)  the community-based alternatives program;
                     (D)  the day activity and health services program;
                     (E)  the promoting independence program;
                     (F)  a program funded through the Older Americans
  Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. Section 3001 et seq.);
                     (G)  a community care program funded through Title
  XX of the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 301 et
                     (H)  the program of all-inclusive care for the
  elderly (PACE), if the program is available in the area served by
  the pilot project;
                     (I)  the in-home and family support program; and
                     (J)  a nursing facility program.
               (5)  "Long-term services and supports staff" means:
                     (A)  one or more of the commission's Medicaid
  eligibility determination staff members;
                     (B)  one or more Department of Aging and
  Disability Services staff members; and
                     (C)  one or more local area agency on aging staff
               (6)  "Physically colocated staff members" means
  long-term services and supports staff members who are located in
  the same physical office.
               (7)  "Pilot project site" means a location in an area
  served by the pilot project established under this section where
  physically colocated staff members work collaboratively to
  authorize and initiate long-term services and supports. The term
  does not include a location where staff members work together
  solely by means of virtual communication, such as e-mail or the
  Internet, or by telephone.
               (8)  "Tentative eligibility," with respect to receipt
  of services, means a process by which eligibility for services is
  provisionally determined based on a standard screening tool that
  assesses both functional and financial program eligibility for
  receipt of services.
         (b)  The commission shall develop and implement in not more
  than three geographic areas of this state a pilot project to
  establish a comprehensive single point of entry system for
  long-term services and supports in which long-term services and
  supports staff members located in the same physical office work in
  collaboration to provide all necessary services in connection with
  long-term services and supports from the intake process to the
  start of service delivery. The pilot project must require that, at
  a minimum, physically colocated staff members work collaboratively
               (1)  screen the aged and physically disabled
  individuals requesting long-term services and supports;
               (2)  establish tentative eligibility for long-term
  services and supports;
               (3)  support and provide expedited service
  authorization for the aged and physically disabled individuals
  requesting long-term services and supports for which there are no
  waiting lists; and
               (4)  make final determinations of financial
  eligibility for long-term services and supports after a period of
  tentative eligibility for receipt of those services and supports.
         (c)  In developing and implementing the pilot project, the
  commission shall ensure that:
               (1)  each pilot project site serves as a comprehensive
  single point of entry for the aged and physically disabled
  individuals to access long-term services and supports in the site's
  service area;
               (2)  each pilot project site is designed and operated
  in accordance with best practices adopted by the executive
  commissioner after the commission reviews best practices for
  similar initiatives in other states and professional policy-based
  research describing best practices for successful initiatives;
               (3)  the physically colocated staff members at each
  pilot project site include:
                     (A)  one or more full-time commission staff
  members who determine eligibility for the Medicaid program and who:
                           (i)  have full access to the Texas
  Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) or the System of
  Application, Verification, Eligibility, Referral, and Reporting
                           (ii)  have previously made Medicaid
  long-term care eligibility determinations; and
                           (iii)  are dedicated primarily to making
  eligibility determinations for incoming clients at the site;
                     (B)  sufficient Department of Aging and
  Disability Services staff members to carry out the screening and
  expedited service authorization functions at the site;
                     (C)  sufficient area agency on aging staff members
                           (i)  assist with the performance of
  screening functions and service coordination for services funded
  under the Older Americans Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. Section 3001 et
  seq.), such as meals programs; and
                           (ii)  identify other locally funded and
  supported services that will enable the aged or physically disabled
  individuals to continue to reside in the community to the extent
  reasonable; and
                     (D)  any available staff members from local
  service agencies; and
               (4)  the physically colocated staff members of a pilot
  project site:
                     (A)  use a standardized screening tool that:
                           (i)  assesses both functional and financial
  program eligibility; and
                           (ii)  provides sufficient information to
  make a tentative eligibility determination for receipt of services;
                     (B)  process requests for long-term services and
  supports in person or by telephone or through the Internet;
                     (C)  perform all screening and assessment,
  eligibility determination, and service authorization functions
  necessary to promptly initiate appropriate service delivery;
                     (D)  closely coordinate with local hospital
  discharge planners and staff members of extended rehabilitation
  units of local hospitals and nursing homes;
                     (E)  give first priority to individuals who
  urgently need services; and
                     (F)  inform individuals about community-based
  services available in the area served by the pilot project.
         (d)  An area in which the pilot project will be implemented
  may consist of a single county or a multicounty region, as
  determined by the commission. At least one of the areas must have a
  pilot project site located within an aging and disability resource
  center. If the commission finds that there is no aging and
  disability resource center that is willing or able to accomodate a
  pilot project site on the date the pilot project is to be
  implemented, the pilot project site may be located at a local
  Department of Aging and Disability Services office, an area agency
  on aging office, or another appropriate location.
         (e)  Not later than January 31, 2011, the commission shall
  submit a report concerning the pilot project to the presiding
  officers of the standing committees of the senate and house of
  representatives having primary jurisdiction over health and human
  services. The report must:
               (1)  be prepared by a person not associated with the
  pilot project or the commission;
               (2)  contain, for each area of this state in which the
  pilot project is being implemented, an evaluation of the operation
  of the pilot project in that area;
               (3)  contain an evaluation of the pilot project's
  benefits for individuals who received services;
               (4)  contain a calculation of the costs and cost
  savings that can be attributed to implementation of the pilot
               (5)  include a recommendation regarding adopting
  improved policies and procedures concerning long-term services and
  supports with statewide applicability, as determined from
  information obtained in operating the pilot project;
               (6)  include a recommendation regarding the
  feasibility of expanding the pilot project to other areas of this
  state or statewide; and
               (7)  contain the perspectives of service providers of
  programs listed in Subsection (a)(4) who are operating in the area
  served by a pilot project site.
         (f)  This section expires September 1, 2013.
         SECTION 2.  Not later than December 31, 2009, the Health and
  Human Services Commission shall ensure that at least one pilot
  project site is in operation under the pilot project required by
  Section 531.0525, Government Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.