81R4968 JAM-D
  By: Bohac H.B. No. 1412
  relating to participation in the process for evaluating an
  application for a low income housing tax credit.
         SECTION 1.  Section 2306.6704(b-1), Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b-1)  The preapplication process must require the applicant
  to provide the department with evidence that the applicant has
  notified the following entities with respect to the filing of the
               (1)  each [any] neighborhood organization 
  [organizations] on record with the state or county in which the
  development is to be located and that has [whose] boundaries
  containing [contain] the proposed development site or has a
  boundary located not more than one-half mile from the proposed
  development site;
               (2)  the superintendent and the presiding officer of
  the board of trustees of the school district containing the
               (3)  the presiding officer of the governing body of any
  municipality containing the development and all elected members of
  that body;
               (4)  the presiding officer of the governing body of the
  county containing the development and all elected members of that
  body; and
               (5)  each [the] state senator or [and] state
  representative that represents a [of the] district that contains 
  [containing] the proposed development site or has a boundary
  located not more than one-half mile from the proposed development
         SECTION 2.  Section 2306.6705, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  application must contain at a minimum the following written,
  detailed information in a form prescribed by the board:
               (1)  a description of:
                     (A)  the financing plan for the development,
  including any nontraditional financing arrangements;
                     (B)  the use of funds with respect to the
                     (C)  the funding sources for the development,
                           (i)  construction, permanent, and bridge
  loans; and
                           (ii)  rents, operating subsidies, and
  replacement reserves; and
                     (D)  the commitment status of the funding sources
  for the development;
               (2)  if syndication costs are included in the eligible
  basis, a justification of the syndication costs for each cost
  category by an attorney or accountant specializing in tax matters;
               (3)  from a syndicator or a financial consultant of the
  applicant, an estimate of the amount of equity dollars expected to
  be raised for the development in conjunction with the amount of
  housing tax credits requested for allocation to the applicant,
                     (A)  pay-in schedules; and
                     (B)  syndicator consulting fees and other
  syndication costs;
               (4)  if rental assistance, an operating subsidy, or an
  annuity is proposed for the development, any related contract or
  other agreement securing those funds and an identification of:
                     (A)  the source and annual amount of the funds;
                     (B)  the number of units receiving the funds; and
                     (C)  the term and expiration date of the contract
  or other agreement;
               (5)  if the development is located within the
  boundaries of a political subdivision with a zoning ordinance,
  evidence in the form of a letter from the chief executive officer of
  the political subdivision or from another local official with
  jurisdiction over zoning matters that states that:
                     (A)  the development is permitted under the
  provisions of the ordinance that apply to the location of the
  development; or
                     (B)  the applicant is in the process of seeking
  the appropriate zoning and has signed and provided to the political
  subdivision a release agreeing to hold the political subdivision
  and all other parties harmless in the event that the appropriate
  zoning is denied;
               (6)  if an occupied development is proposed for
                     (A)  an explanation of the process used to notify
  and consult with the tenants in preparing the application;
                     (B)  a relocation plan outlining:
                           (i)  relocation requirements; and
                           (ii)  a budget with an identified funding
  source; and
                     (C)  if applicable, evidence that the relocation
  plan has been submitted to the appropriate local agency;
               (7)  a certification of the applicant's compliance with
  appropriate state and federal laws, as required by other state law
  or by the board;
               (8)  any other information required by the board in the
  qualified allocation plan; and
               (9)  evidence that the applicant has notified the
  following entities with respect to the filing of the application:
                     (A)  each [any] neighborhood organization 
  [organizations] on record with the state or county in which the
  development is to be located and that has [whose] boundaries
  containing [contain] the proposed development site or has a
  boundary located not more than one-half mile from the proposed
  development site;
                     (B)  the superintendent and the presiding officer
  of the board of trustees of the school district containing the
                     (C)  the presiding officer of the governing body
  of any municipality containing the development and all elected
  members of that body;
                     (D)  the presiding officer of the governing body
  of the county containing the development and all elected members of
  that body; and
                     (E)  each [the] state senator or [and] state
  representative that represents a [of the] district that contains 
  [containing] the proposed development site or has a boundary
  located not more than one-half mile from the proposed development
         SECTION 3.  Section 2306.6710(b), Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  If an application satisfies the threshold criteria, the
  department shall score and rank the application using a point
  system that:
               (1)  prioritizes in descending order criteria
                     (A)  financial feasibility of the development
  based on the supporting financial data required in the application
  that will include a project underwriting pro forma from the
  permanent or construction lender;
                     (B)  quantifiable community participation with
  respect to the development, evaluated on the basis of written
  statements from each [any] neighborhood organization 
  [organizations] on record with the state or county in which the
  development is to be located and that has [whose] boundaries
  containing [contain] the proposed development site or has a
  boundary located not more than one-half mile from the proposed
  development site;
                     (C)  the income levels of tenants of the
                     (D)  the size and quality of the units;
                     (E)  the commitment of development funding by
  local political subdivisions;
                     (F)  the level of community support or opposition
  for the application, evaluated on the basis of written statements
  from any [the] state representative or [the] state senator that
  represents a [the] district that contains [containing] the proposed
  development site or has a boundary located not more than one-half
  mile from the proposed development site;
                     (G)  the rent levels of the units;
                     (H)  the cost of the development by square foot;
                     (I)  the services to be provided to tenants of the
  development; and
                     (J)  whether, at the time the complete application
  is submitted or at any time within the two-year period preceding the
  date of submission, the proposed development site is located in an
  area declared to be a disaster under Section 418.014;
               (2)  uses criteria imposing penalties on applicants or
  affiliates who have requested extensions of department deadlines
  relating to developments supported by housing tax credit
  allocations made in the application round preceding the current
  round or a developer or principal of the applicant that has been
  removed by the lender, equity provider, or limited partners for its
  failure to perform its obligations under the loan documents or
  limited partnership agreement; and
               (3)  encourages applicants to provide free notary
  public service to the residents of the developments for which the
  allocation of housing tax credits is requested.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 2306.6718(a) and (c), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department shall provide written notice of the
  filing of an application to the following elected officials:
               (1)  members of the legislature who represent a house
  or senate district that contains [the community containing] the
  development described in the application or has a boundary located
  not more than one-half mile from the development described in the
  application; and
               (2)  the chief executive officer of the political
  subdivision containing the development described in the
         (c)  A member of the legislature who represents a house or
  senate district that contains [the community containing] the
  development described in the application or has a boundary located
  not more than one-half mile from the development described in the
  application may hold a district [community] meeting at which the
  department shall provide appropriate representation.
         SECTION 5.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  an application for a low income housing tax credit submitted to the
  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs during an
  application cycle that begins on or after the effective date of this
  Act. An application submitted during an application cycle that
  began before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law
  in effect on the date the application cycle began, and the former
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.