81R9147 CLG-F
  By: Paxton H.B. No. 1461
  relating to the contents of an application for probate of a will as
  a muniment of title.
         SECTION 1.  Section 89A(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A written will shall, if within the control of the
  applicant, be filed with the application for probate as a muniment
  of title, and shall remain in the custody of the county clerk unless
  removed from the custody of the clerk by order of a proper court. An
  application for probate of a will as a muniment of title shall
               (1)  The name and domicile of each applicant.
               (2)  The name, age if known, and domicile of the
  decedent, and the fact, time, and place of death.
               (3)  Facts showing that the court has venue.
               (4)  That the decedent owned real or personal property,
  or both, describing the property generally, and stating its
  probable value.
               (5)  The date of the will, the name and residence of the
  executor named in the will, if any, and the names and residences of
  the subscribing witnesses, if any.
               (6)  Whether a child or children born or adopted after
  the making of such will survived the decedent, and the name of each
  such survivor, if any.
               (7)  That there are no unpaid debts owing by the estate
  of the testator, excluding debts secured by liens on real estate.
               (8)  Whether the decedent was [ever] divorced after
  making the will, and if so, when and from whom.
               (9)  Whether the state, a governmental agency of the
  state, or a charitable organization is named by the will as a
         The foregoing matters shall be stated and averred in the
  application to the extent that they are known to the applicant, or
  can with reasonable diligence be ascertained by the applicant, and
  if any of such matters is not stated or averred in the application,
  the application shall set forth the reason why such matter is not so
  stated and averred.
         SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act to Section
  89A(a), Texas Probate Code, apply only to an application for
  probate of a will as a muniment of title filed on or after the
  effective date of this Act. An application for probate of a will as
  a muniment of title filed before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law in effect on the date the application was filed,
  and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.