81R8199 KLA-D
  By: Turner of Harris H.B. No. 1541
  relating to improving application and eligibility determination
  processes and efficiencies for certain benefits programs.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is
  amended by adding Section 531.0992 to read as follows:
  (a)  In this section, "benefits program" includes:
               (1)  the child health plan program;
               (2)  the financial assistance program under Chapter 31,
  Human Resources Code;
               (3)  the medical assistance program under Chapter 32,
  Human Resources Code, including long-term care services provided
  under the program; and
               (4)  the food stamp program under Chapter 33, Human
  Resources Code.
         (b)  The commission shall improve the effectiveness of
  community outreach efforts with respect to benefits programs. To
  improve that effectiveness, the commission shall:
               (1)  increase the capacity of existing outreach efforts
  implemented through community-based organizations by providing
  those organizations with adequate resources to:
                     (A)  educate the public about benefits programs;
                     (B)  provide assistance to the public in
  completing applications for eligibility or recertification of
  eligibility and obtaining required documentation for applications;
                     (C)  assist applicants in resolving problems
  encountered during the eligibility determination process; and
               (2)  establish a partnership with stakeholders who will
  provide outreach and application assistance by:
                     (A)  fostering the exchange of information
  regarding, and promoting, best practices for obtaining health
  benefits coverage for children;
                     (B)  assisting the commission in designing and
  implementing processes to reduce procedural denials under Section
  531.474; and
                     (C)  disseminating successful outreach models
  across this state under which entities such as hospitals, school
  districts, and local businesses partner to identify children
  without health benefits coverage.
         (c)  The partnership established under Subsection (b)(2)
  must include entities that contract with the commission to perform
  child health plan and medical assistance program eligibility
  determination and enrollment functions, community-based
  organizations that contract with the commission, health benefit
  plan providers, Texas Health Steps program contractors, health care
  providers, consumer advocates, and other interested stakeholders.
         (d)  The commission may also improve the effectiveness of
  community outreach efforts with respect to benefits programs by
  contracting with one or more persons to provide outreach and
  application assistance for the programs. The commission shall
  require each potential contractor under this subsection to indicate
  the person's interest in writing before submitting a proposal for a
  contract. If more than one person from a geographic area determined
  by the commission submits a letter of interest, the commission
  shall encourage the persons from that area to collaborate on a
  proposal for a contract.
         (e)  To the extent practicable, the commission shall give
  preference in awarding contracts under Subsection (d) to proposals
  submitted by collaborations that include multiple entities with
  experience in serving a variety of populations, including
  populations that more commonly enroll in or receive benefits under
  benefits programs.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 531, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter M-1 to read as follows:
         Sec. 531.471.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Benefits program" includes:
                     (A)  the child health plan program;
                     (B)  the financial assistance program under
  Chapter 31, Human Resources Code;
                     (C)  the medical assistance program under Chapter
  32, Human Resources Code, including long-term care services
  provided under the program; and
                     (D)  the food stamp program under Chapter 33,
  Human Resources Code.
               (2)  "SAVERR" means the System of Application,
  Verification, Eligibility, Referral, and Reporting.
               (3)  "TIERS" means the Texas Integrated Eligibility
  Redesign System.
  PROCEDURES. (a) The executive commissioner by rule shall adopt for
  benefits programs:
               (1)  a methodology for establishing minimum levels of
  eligibility determination staff, qualifications for that staff,
  and the maximum caseload per staff person, that will ensure that:
                     (A)  benefits program eligibility determinations
  are made within applicable processing time requirements
  established by state and federal law and are accurately made; and
                     (B)  case appeals and enrollee recipient
  information changes are timely processed; and
               (2)  in addition to streamlined administrative
  processes implemented under Section 531.02411, eligibility
  determination procedures that enhance efficiencies and eliminate
  unnecessary administrative requirements in making those
         (b)  In adopting the methodology and procedures required by
  Subsection (a), the executive commissioner must ensure that it is
  feasible, under both SAVERR and TIERS, evaluated separately, to
  achieve a goal of processing at least 95 percent of the applications
  and eligibility recertifications for benefits programs within the
  applicable processing time requirements established by state and
  federal law.
         (c)  The methodology for establishing staffing levels and
  staff qualifications and maximum caseloads adopted under
  Subsection (a) must apply with respect to all eligibility
  determination staff persons, regardless of whether those persons
  are state employees, contractors, or contractors' employees.
         Sec. 531.473.  CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN. (a) The executive
  commissioner shall develop and implement a corrective action plan
  for application and eligibility recertification determination
  processes for benefits programs if, for three consecutive months:
               (1)  less than 90 percent of the applications or
  eligibility recertifications for benefits programs are accurately
  processed through SAVERR within the applicable processing time
  requirements established by state and federal law; or
               (2)  less than 90 percent of the applications or
  eligibility recertifications for benefits programs are accurately
  processed through TIERS within the applicable processing time
  requirements established by state and federal law.
         (b)  A corrective action plan:
               (1)  must require the implementation of changes
  specifically designed to target the processing time or accuracy
  factors that required the implementation of the plan, which may
  include implementing changes with respect to contractors or changes
  to address TIERS defects or staff training; and
               (2)  may authorize the commission to take necessary
  actions to hire additional eligibility determination staff,
  including requesting that the Legislative Budget Board take action
  as provided by Chapter 317 to make money available for that purpose.
         Sec. 531.474.  REDUCTION OF PROCEDURAL DENIALS. (a) In this
  section, "procedural denial" includes:
               (1)  a denial of eligibility solely because information
  is missing from an application; and
               (2)  an automatic denial of eligibility because an
  enrollee or recipient, the parent or legal guardian of an enrollee
  or recipient, or an eligibility determination staff person or
  contractor fails to take necessary actions for recertification of
         (b)  In consultation with the partnership with stakeholders
  established under Section 531.0992, the executive commissioner
  shall adopt, and the commission shall implement, processes designed
  to reduce to the lowest practicable level the incidence of
  procedural denials of eligibility for benefits programs.
         (c)  Processes adopted under Subsection (b) may include:
               (1)  providing specific instructions to applicants,
  enrollees, and recipients, or their parents or legal guardians,
  regarding acceptable documentation of income for purposes of an
  eligibility determination, including instructions for documenting
  income from part-time employment, contract employment, and income
  paid in cash or by personal check;
               (2)  contacting by telephone enrollees and recipients,
  or the parents and legal guardians of enrollees and recipients, who
  do not complete required forms for recertification of eligibility;
               (3)  allowing an applicant, enrollee, or recipient, or
  the parent or legal guardian of an applicant, enrollee, or
  recipient, a period to provide information that is missing from an
  application for an initial determination or recertification of
  eligibility and the lack of which would otherwise cause a
  procedural denial, instead of requiring the person to submit a new
         (d)  If the commission implements a telephone contact
  process as described by Subsection (c)(2), the contacts may be made
  by commission employees or by entities that contract with the
         (e)  The commission shall specify the period during which
  missing information described by Subsection (c)(3) may be provided
  to avoid a procedural denial. The period may not be less than 10
  business days after the date an applicant, enrollee, or recipient,
  or the parent or legal guardian of the applicant, enrollee, or
  recipient, is notified that the information is missing.
         Sec. 531.475.  CALL RESOLUTION STANDARDS. (a) The
  executive commissioner by rule shall adopt:
               (1)  telephone call resolution standards and processes
  for each call center established under Section 531.063, including a
  call center operated by a contractor, to increase the percentage of
  telephone calls regarding questions, issues, or complaints
  received at call centers that are successfully resolved; and
               (2)  a process for receiving and resolving issues and
  complaints from a person who applies for an initial determination
  or recertification of eligibility for a benefits program,
  regardless of whether the person applied through a call center, a
  local eligibility determination office, or mail correspondence.
         (b)  Standards adopted under Subsection (a)(1) must specify
  the criteria by which the resolution of a telephone call received at
  a call center will be evaluated. The criteria may include hold
  times and call abandonment rates, but must include additional
  measures the executive commissioner determines appropriate.
         (c)  To be considered for a contract to operate a call center
  under Section 531.063, a person must include in the proposal for the
  contract a specific description of the means by which the person
  will ensure compliance with the standards adopted under Subsection
  (a)(1) if awarded the contract. Each contract entered into by the
  commission and a person to operate a call center must include terms
  regarding the means by which the contractor will ensure that
         SECTION 3.  Effective September 1, 2009, Section 32.0261,
  Human Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 32.0261.  CONTINUOUS ELIGIBILITY.  The department
  shall adopt rules in accordance with 42 U.S.C. Section
  1396a(e)(12), as amended, to provide for a period of continuous
  eligibility for a child under 19 years of age who is determined to
  be eligible for medical assistance under this chapter. The rules
  shall provide that the child remains eligible for medical
  assistance, without additional review by the department and
  regardless of changes in the child's resources or income, until the
  earlier of:
               (1)  the first anniversary of [end of the six-month
  period following] the date on which the child's eligibility was
  determined; or
               (2)  the child's 19th birthday.
         SECTION 4.  Section 531.475(c), Government Code, as added by
  this Act, applies to a proposal for a contract for the operation of
  a call center submitted, and a contract for the operation of a call
  center entered into or renewed, on or after September 1, 2009. A
  proposal for a contract submitted, or a contract entered into or
  renewed, before that date is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the proposal was submitted or the contract was entered into or
  renewed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 5.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.