81R9258 KCR-D
  By: Isett H.B. No. 1577
  relating to the pricing of certain health care goods and services
  and to the compensation of certain health insurance agents;
  providing an administrative penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 4, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 254 to read as follows:
         Sec. 254.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Facility" means a facility that is subject to the
  authority of a licensing entity and at which a health care
  practitioner, as defined by Section 112.001, Occupations Code,
  engages in a health care profession.  The term includes an abortion
  facility licensed under Chapter 245 and an end stage renal disease
  facility licensed under Chapter 251.  The term does not include a
  facility subject to Chapter 324.
               (2)  "Licensing entity" means a department,
  commission, board, office, authority, or other agency of the state
  that regulates the activities of and licenses a facility.
         Sec. 254.002.  PRICE LIST REQUIRED; AVAILABILITY.  (a)  Each
  facility shall compile a list of the price charged by the facility
  for each product or service provided by the facility.  If the
  facility bundles together prices for multiple products or services
  provided by the facility during one treatment by or visit to the
  facility, the facility shall include any price bundles used by the
  facility in the list compiled under this subsection.
         (b)  A facility shall provide a copy of the price list
  described by Subsection (a) to any patient at the facility who
  requests a copy of the list.
         Sec. 254.003.  POSTING REQUIRED. (a)  Each facility shall
  post in any general waiting area maintained by the facility,
  including any waiting areas of off-site or on-site registration, a
  clear and conspicuous notice that advises patients of the
  availability of the price list described by Section 254.002.
         (b)  If a facility maintains an Internet website, the
  facility shall post the price list described by Section 254.002 in a
  clear and conspicuous place on the facility's website.
         Sec. 254.004.  ITEMIZED BILLING REQUIRED. (a)  A facility
  shall provide to a patient at the patient's request an itemized
  statement of the products and services for which the patient was
  billed, if the patient requests the statement not later than the
  first anniversary of the date the person receives the treatment to
  which the statement relates.  The facility shall provide the
  itemized statement to the patient not later than the 10th business
  day after the date on which the itemized statement is requested.
         (b)  A facility shall provide an itemized statement of billed
  products and services to a third-party payor who is actually or
  potentially responsible for paying all or part of the billed
  services provided to a patient and who has received a claim for
  payment of those services.  To be entitled to receive a statement,
  the third-party payor must request the statement from the facility
  and must have received a claim for payment.  The request must be
  made not later than one year after the date on which the payor
  received the claim for payment.  The facility shall provide the
  statement to the payor not later than the 10th day after the date on
  which the payor requests the statement.  If a third-party payor
  receives a claim for payment of part but not all of the billed
  services, the third-party payor may request an itemized statement
  of only the billed services for which payment is claimed or to which
  any deduction or copayment applies.
         (c)  If a licensing entity rule or another law of this state
  requires a facility to provide an itemized statement described by
  Subsection (a) or (b) before the 10th day after the date a request
  for the statement is made, the facility shall comply with the time
  frame required by the licensing entity rule or other law.
         Sec. 254.005.  OVERPAYMENT REFUNDS.  A facility that
  receives payment for products or services provided to a patient by
  the facility that exceeds the price of those products or services
  published in the price list described by Section 254.002 shall, not
  later than the 30th day after the date the overpayment is discovered
  by the facility, refund to the payor the amount of the overpayment.
  This section does not apply to an overpayment subject to Section
  843.350 or 1301.132, Insurance Code.
  PENALTY.  A violation of this chapter is grounds for disciplinary
  action or the imposition of an administrative penalty by the entity
  that licenses the facility or health care practitioner that
  violates this chapter.
         SECTION 2.  Section 324.101, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (c) and (f) and adding Subsection
  (c-1) to read as follows:
         (c)  Each facility shall post in the general waiting area and
  in the waiting areas of any off-site or on-site registration,
  admission, or business office a clear and conspicuous notice
               (1)  [of] the availability of the policies required by
  Subsection (a); and
               (2)  the price charged by the facility for a product or
  service, including any price bundles used by the facility if the
  facility bundles together prices for multiple products or services
  provided by the facility during one treatment by or visit to the
         (c-1)  If a facility maintains an Internet website, the
  facility shall post the prices described by Subsection (c)(2) in a
  clear and conspicuous place on the facility's website.
         (f)  A facility shall provide an itemized statement of billed
  services to a third-party payor who is actually or potentially
  responsible for paying all or part of the billed services provided
  to a patient and who has received a claim for payment of those
  services.  To be entitled to receive a statement, the third-party
  payor must request the statement from the facility and must have
  received a claim for payment.  The request must be made not later
  than one year after the date on which the payor received the claim
  for payment.  The facility shall provide the statement to the payor
  not later than the 10th [30th] day after the date on which the payor
  requests the statement.  If a third-party payor receives a claim
  for payment of part but not all of the billed services, the
  third-party payor may request an itemized statement of only the
  billed services for which payment is claimed or to which any
  deduction or copayment applies.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 550, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Section 550.003 to read as follows:
  REQUIRED. (a) An insurer or an affiliate of the insurer may not pay
  to an insurance agent, and an insurance agent may not receive from
  an insurer or an affiliate of the insurer, compensation for an
  insurance transaction that violates the disclosure requirements
  adopted under Section 4005.056.
         (b)  For purposes of this section, "affiliate" means a person
  or entity classified as an affiliate under Section 823.003.
         SECTION 4.  Chapter 552, Insurance Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         Sec. 552.001.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER [CHAPTER].  (a)  
  This subchapter [chapter] does not apply to the provision of a
  health care service to a:
               (1)  patient for which a health care provider has
  accepted assignment for the health care service from Medicaid or
  Medicare or any other [patient or a patient who is covered by a]
  federal, state, or local government-sponsored indigent health care
               (2)  financially or medically indigent person who
  qualifies for indigent health care services based on:
                     (A)  a sliding fee scale; or
                     (B)  a written charity care policy established by
  a health care provider; or
               (3)  person who is not covered by a health insurance
  policy or other health benefit plan that provides benefits for the
  services and qualifies for services for the uninsured based on a
  written policy established by a health care provider.
         (b)  This subchapter [chapter] does not permit the
  establishment of health care provider policies or contracts that
  violate any other state or federal law.
         [(c)     This chapter does not prohibit a health care provider
  from entering into a contract to provide services covered by a
  health insurance policy or other health benefit plan with:
               [(1)     the issuer of the health insurance policy or
  other health benefit plan; or
               [(2)     a preferred provider organization that contracts
  with the issuer of the health insurance policy or other health
  benefit plan.]
         Sec. 552.002.  FRAUDULENT INSURANCE ACT.  An offense under
  Section 552.003 is a fraudulent insurance act under Chapter 701.
         Sec. 552.003.  CHARGING DIFFERENT PRICES; OFFENSE.  (a)  A
  person commits an offense if[:
               [(1)]  the person knowingly, [or] intentionally,
  recklessly, or negligently charges two different prices for
  providing the same product or service[; and
               [(2)     the higher price charged is based on the fact that
  an insurer will pay all or part of the price of the product or
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor.
         Sec. 552.051.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "health care
  provider" means an individual licensed or certified in this state
  to practice medicine, pharmacy, chiropractic, nursing, physical
  therapy, podiatry, dentistry, optometry, occupational therapy, or
  another healing art.
         Sec. 552.052.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies only to:
               (1)  a facility subject to Chapter 254 or 324, Health
  and Safety Code; and
               (2)  a health care provider.
         Sec. 552.053.  ALLOWED DISCOUNTS. A facility or health care
  provider may provide a discount to an individual, including an
  individual described by Section 552.001(a)(1), (2), or (3), only if
  the discount is applied to that portion of the facility's or
  provider's bill that is the patient's responsibility after the
  facility or provider receives any payment to which the facility or
  provider is entitled from a third-party payor.
         Sec. 552.054.  PROHIBITED DISCOUNTS. Except as provided by
  Section 552.053, a facility or health care provider may not
  discount the price the facility or provider charges for a product or
  service based on whether a third-party payor, including an insurer,
  will pay all or part of the price of the product or service.
  PENALTIES. A violation of this subchapter is grounds for
  disciplinary action or the imposition of an administrative penalty
  by the entity that licenses the facility or health care provider
  that violates this subchapter.
         SECTION 5.  Subchapter B, Chapter 4005, Insurance Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 4005.056 and 4005.057 to read as
  REQUIRED.  (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Affiliate" means a person or entity classified as
  an affiliate under Section 823.003.
               (2)  "Compensation" means remuneration for services
  rendered. The term includes payment of a salary, a fee, or a
               (3)  "Contingent compensation" means any commission or
  other compensation an insurer, or an affiliate or vendor of the
  insurer, pays to an agent that is contingent on:
                     (A)  the writing or procurement of an insurance
  product in the insurer;
                     (B)  the procurement of an application for an
  insurance product in the insurer;
                     (C)  the payment of a renewal premium; or
                     (D)  the assumption of an insurance risk by the
               (4)  "Vendor of insurance" has the meaning assigned to
  that term by rule by the commissioner.
         (b)  An agent may not accept or receive any compensation,
  including a commission, from an insurer, or an affiliate or vendor
  of the insurer, unless the agent has, before the purchase of an
  insurance product by a client, disclosed to the client in writing
  the amount of compensation to be received by the agent from the
  insurer, or an affiliate or vendor of the insurer, and the method of
  computing that compensation, including any contingent
         (c)  If the amount of contingent compensation is not known at
  the time of the disclosure required under Subsection (b), the agent
  must disclose:
               (1)  a reasonable estimate of the amount of the
  contingent compensation; and
               (2)  the method under which the contingent compensation
  will be computed.
         (d)  An agent must disclose in writing to a client before the
  purchase of an insurance product by the client that:
               (1)  the agent will receive compensation from the
  insurer for the sale of the insurance product by the agent to the
               (2)  the compensation received by the agent may vary
  depending on the insurance product and the insurer; and
               (3)  the agent may receive additional compensation from
  the insurer based on other factors, such as premium volume or
  persistency of business placed with a particular insurer and loss
  or claims experience.
         (e)  In addition to the information described by Subsection
  (d), an agent must disclose to a client before the purchase of an
  insurance product by the client a good faith estimate of the amount
  of any compensation described by Subsection (d) that the agent may
  receive as a result of the sale of the insurance product.
         (f)  An agent who violates this section is subject to
  disciplinary action as provided by Subchapter C.
  (a)  An agent shall disclose all proposals or offers of coverage
  requested and received by the agent on behalf of a client or
  potential client to the client or potential client as soon as
  possible after receiving each proposal or offer.
         (b)  An agent shall make the disclosures required under
  Sections 4005.056(d) and (e) at the same time the agent makes the
  disclosure required by this section.
         (c)  An agent who violates this section is subject to
  disciplinary action as provided by Subchapter C.
         SECTION 6.  Section 101.352, Occupations Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (b), (e), and (h) and adding Subsection (b-1)
  to read as follows:
         (b)  Each physician who maintains a waiting area shall post
  [a clear and conspicuous notice of the availability of the policies
  required by Subsection (a)] in the waiting area and in any
  registration, admission, or business office in which patients are
  reasonably expected to seek service a clear and conspicuous notice
               (1)  the availability of the policies required by
  Subsection (a); and
               (2)  the price charged by the physician for a product or
  service, including any price bundles used by the physician if the
  physician bundles together prices for multiple products or services
  provided by the physician during one treatment by or visit to the
         (b-1)  A physician shall make a list of prices described by
  Subsection (b)(2) available to any patient or third-party payor who
  requests a copy of the list. If a physician maintains an Internet
  website, the physician shall post the prices described by
  Subsection (b)(2) in a clear and conspicuous place on the
  physician's website.
         (e)  A physician shall provide a patient or a third-party
  payor who is actually or potentially responsible for paying all or
  part of the billed products or services with an itemized statement
  of the charges for professional services or supplies not later than
  the 10th business day after the date on which the statement is
  requested if the patient or third-party payor requests the
  statement not later than the first anniversary of the date on which
  the health care services or supplies were provided.
         (h)  If a patient overpays a physician, the physician must
  refund the amount of the overpayment not later than the 10th [30th]
  day after the date the physician determines that an overpayment has
  been made.  This subsection does not apply to an overpayment
  subject to Section 1301.132 or 843.350, Insurance Code.
         SECTION 7.  Chapter 112, Occupations Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 112.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Health care practitioner" means an individual
  issued a license, certificate, registration, title, permit, or
  other authorization to engage in a health care profession.
               (2)  "Licensing entity" means a department,
  commission, board, office, authority, or other agency of the state
  that regulates activities and persons under this title.
         Sec. 112.051 [112.002].  APPLICABILITY.  This subchapter
  [chapter] applies only to licensing entities and health care
  practitioners under Chapters 401, 453, and 454 and Subtitles B, C,
  D, E, F, and K.
         Sec. 112.052 [112.051].  REDUCED LICENSE REQUIREMENTS FOR
  Each licensing entity shall adopt rules providing for reduced fees
  and continuing education requirements for a retired health care
  practitioner whose only practice is voluntary charity care.
         (b)  The licensing entity by rule shall define voluntary
  charity care.
         Sec. 112.101.  PRICE LIST REQUIRED; AVAILABILITY. (a)  Each
  health care practitioner shall compile a list of the price charged
  by the practitioner for each product or service provided by the
  health care practitioner.  If the health care practitioner bundles
  together prices for multiple products or services provided by the
  practitioner during one treatment by or visit to the practitioner,
  the practitioner shall include any price bundles used by the
  practitioner in the list compiled under this subsection.
         (b)  A health care practitioner shall provide a copy of the
  price list described by Subsection (a) to any patient of the health
  care practitioner who requests a copy of the list.
         Sec. 112.102.  POSTING REQUIRED. (a)  Each health care
  practitioner shall post in any general waiting area maintained by
  the practitioner, including any waiting areas of off-site or
  on-site registration, a clear and conspicuous notice that advises
  patients of the availability of the price list described by Section
         (b)  If a health care practitioner maintains an Internet
  website, the practitioner shall post the price list described by
  Section 112.101 on the practitioner's website.
         Sec. 112.103.  ITEMIZED BILLING REQUIRED. (a)  A health
  care practitioner shall provide to a patient at the patient's
  request an itemized statement of the products and services for
  which the patient was billed, if the patient requests the statement
  not later than the first anniversary of the date the person receives
  the treatment to which the statement relates.  The health care
  practitioner shall provide the itemized statement to the patient
  not later than the 10th business day after the date on which the
  itemized statement is requested.
         (b)  A health care practitioner shall provide an itemized
  statement of billed products and services to a third-party payor
  who is actually or potentially responsible for paying all or part of
  the billed services provided to a patient and who has received a
  claim for payment of those services.  To be entitled to receive a
  statement, the third-party payor must request the statement from
  the health care practitioner and must have received a claim for
  payment.  The request must be made not later than one year after the
  date on which the payor received the claim for payment.  The health
  care practitioner shall provide the statement to the payor not
  later than the 10th day after the date on which the payor requests
  the statement.  If a third-party payor receives a claim for payment
  of part but not all of the billed services, the third-party payor
  may request an itemized statement of only the billed services for
  which payment is claimed or to which any deduction or copayment
         (c)  If an entity that licenses a health care practitioner or
  another law of this state requires the practitioner to provide an
  itemized statement described by Subsection (a) or (b) before the
  10th day after the date a request for the statement is made, the
  health care practitioner shall comply with the time frame required
  by the licensing entity or other law.
         Sec. 112.104.  OVERPAYMENT REFUNDS. A health care
  practitioner that receives payment for products or services
  provided to a patient by the practitioner that exceeds the price of
  those products or services published in the price list described by
  Section 112.101 shall, not later than the 30th day after the date
  the overpayment is discovered by the practitioner, refund to the
  payor the amount of the overpayment. This section does not apply to
  an overpayment subject to Section 843.350 or 1301.132, Insurance
  PENALTY. A violation of this subchapter is grounds for
  disciplinary action or the imposition of an administrative penalty
  by the entity that licenses the health care practitioner that
  violates this subchapter.
         SECTION 8.  A facility, physician, or health care
  practitioner shall compile the price list and post the notice
  required by Chapter 254, Health and Safety Code, as added by this
  Act, and Section 324.101, Health and Safety Code, Section
  101.352(b), Occupations Code, and Chapter 112, Occupations Code, as
  amended by this Act, as applicable, not later than January 1, 2010.
         SECTION 9.  The change in law made by Sections 550.003 and
  4005.056, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, applies to
  compensation paid to an insurance agent regarding a policy or
  contract relating to an insurance product that is entered into on or
  after the effective date of this Act. Compensation paid before that
  date is governed by the law in effect on the date the compensation
  was paid, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.