81R8767 YDB-D
  By: Branch H.B. No. 1606
  relating to the regulation of the practice of construction and
  program management for capital improvement projects of
  governmental entities.
         SECTION 1.  Title 8, Occupations Code, is amended by adding
  Chapter 1306 to read as follows:
         Sec. 1306.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (2)  "Construction and program management" means the
  management of the planning, design, and construction of a capital
  improvement project or a program of capital improvement projects,
  including project scope development, land acquisition, permitting,
  cash-flow management, design acquisition and management,
  recommendation of quality construction methods that are within the
  client's budget, cost estimation, the writing of bid packages, cost
  control, time and quality management, contract administration,
  risk management, and dispute avoidance and resolution.
               (3)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  Licensing and Regulation.
               (4)  "Executive director" means the executive director
  of the department.
               (5)  "Governmental entity construction manager-agent"
  means a person registered to engage in the practice of construction
  and program management for a governmental entity in this state on:
                     (A)  a capital improvement project; or
                     (B)  a program of capital improvement projects.
         Sec. 1306.002.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER.  This chapter
  applies to a governmental entity or quasi-governmental entity
  authorized by state law to enter into a public works contract,
               (1)  a state agency as defined by Section 2151.002,
  Government Code, including the Texas Facilities Commission;
               (2)  a local government, including:
                     (A)  a county;
                     (B)  a municipality;
                     (C)  a school district;
                     (D)  any other special district or authority,
  including a hospital district, a defense base development authority
  established under Chapter 379B, Local Government Code, an airport
  board or authority, a conservation and reclamation district,
  including a river authority, and any other type of water district;
                     (E)  any other political subdivision of this
               (3)  a public junior college as defined by Section
  61.003, Education Code;
               (4)  any entity owned by a municipality; and
               (5)  any other entity that owns or operates a facility
  for the benefit of a municipality or county.
         Sec. 1306.003.  EXEMPTION.  (a)  This chapter does not apply
               (1)  a contract entered into by the Texas Department of
  Transportation; or
               (2)  a professional architect or professional engineer
  licensed in good standing in this state subject to Subsection (b).
         (b)  A professional architect or professional engineer who
  is licensed in this state and is providing construction or program
  management services as a construction manager-agent to a
  governmental entity must comply with Section 1306.055.
  [Sections 1306.004-1306.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1306.051.  REGISTRATION REQUIRED.  A person may not
  engage in the practice of construction and program management as a
  construction manager-agent for a governmental entity in this state
  unless the person holds a certificate of registration issued under
  this chapter.
         Sec. 1306.052.  REGISTRATION APPLICATION; FEE.  An applicant
  for registration under this chapter must:
               (1)  submit an application on a form prescribed by the
  executive director; and
               (2)  pay the application fee set by the commission.
         Sec. 1306.053.  ELIGIBILITY FOR REGISTRATION.  To be
  eligible for registration as a governmental entity construction
  manager-agent, an applicant must:
               (1)  be certified by a national construction and
  program management organization recognized by the executive
               (2)  submit to the department the names and addresses
  of five governmental entity clients for which the applicant served
  as a construction manager to verify that the applicant has at least
  10 years' experience in the field of construction and program
  management; or
               (3)  hold:
                     (A)  a bachelor's or graduate degree in
  construction management, architecture, engineering, or
  construction science and have at least five years of verified
  experience in construction and program management for governmental
  entities; or
                     (B)  an associate's degree or certificate in
  construction management, architecture, engineering, or
  construction science and have at least seven years of verified
  experience in construction and program management for governmental
  The executive director shall issue a certificate of registration to
  an applicant who qualifies for registration.
         Sec. 1306.055.  REQUIRED INSURANCE.  A holder of a
  certificate of registration under this chapter or the firm
  employing the person must maintain professional liability
  insurance in the amount of at least $1 million for each occurrence.
  certificate of registration is valid for a term established by the
  executive director.
  [Sections 1306.057-1306.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 1306.101.  PROCEDURE FOR RENEWAL.  (a) A person who is
  otherwise eligible to renew a certificate of registration may renew
  an unexpired certificate by paying the required renewal fee to the
  department before the expiration date of the certificate. A person
  whose certificate has expired may not engage in activities that
  require a certificate until the certificate has been renewed.
         (b)  A person whose certificate has been expired for 90 days
  or less may renew the certificate by paying to the department a
  renewal fee that is equal to 1-1/2 times the normally required
  renewal fee.
         (c)  A person whose certificate has been expired for more
  than 90 days but less than one year may renew the certificate by
  paying to the department a renewal fee that is equal to two times
  the normally required renewal fee.
         (d)  A person whose certificate has been expired for one year
  or more may not renew the certificate. The person may obtain a new
  certificate by complying with the requirements and procedures for
  an original certificate.
         SECTION 2.  Section 44.031, Education Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (f-1) to read as follows:
         (f-1)  A school district may contract for professional
  services rendered by a construction manager-agent in the manner
  provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code, in lieu of complying
  with the methods provided by this section.
         SECTION 3.  Section 44.037, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) and adding Subsections
  (b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  A school district may use the construction
  manager-agent method for the construction, rehabilitation,
  alteration, or repair of a facility in a construction project or a
  program of multiple construction projects. In using that method
  and in entering into a contract for the services of a construction
  manager-agent, a district shall follow the procedures prescribed by
  this section.
         (b)  A construction manager-agent is a sole proprietorship,
  partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that complies with
  Chapter 1306, Occupations Code, and that provides consultation to
  the school district regarding construction, rehabilitation,
  alteration, or repair of the facility. A district using the
  construction manager-agent method may, under the contract between
  the district and the construction manager-agent, require the
  construction manager-agent to provide:
               (1)  any service defined as construction and program
  management under Section 1306.001, Occupations Code;
               (2)  administrative personnel;
               (3)  [,] equipment necessary to perform duties under
  this section;[,] and
               (4)  on-site management and other services specified in
  the contract.
         (b-1)  A construction manager-agent represents the district
  in a fiduciary capacity.  A construction manager-agent is not a
  contractor. A school district may not require a construction
  manager-agent to provide performance and payment bonds.
         (b-2)  A construction manager-agent may not:
               (1)  perform any aspect of the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility;
               (2)  be a party to a construction subcontract for the
  construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the
  facility; or
               (3)  provide project bonding for the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility.
         (c)  The [Before or concurrently with selecting a
  construction manager-agent, the] district shall select or
  designate an engineer or architect who shall prepare the
  construction documents for the project and who has full
  responsibility for complying with Chapter 1001 or 1051, Occupations
  Code, as applicable. If the engineer or architect is not a
  full-time employee of the district, the district shall select the
  engineer or architect on the basis of demonstrated competence and
  qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004, Government Code.
  The district's engineer or architect may not serve, alone or in
  combination with another person, as the construction manager-agent
  unless the engineer or architect is hired to serve as the
  construction manager-agent under a separate or concurrent
  procurement conducted in accordance with this subchapter. This
  subsection does not prohibit the district's engineer or architect
  from providing customary construction phase services under the
  engineer's or architect's original professional service agreement
  in accordance with applicable licensing laws.
         (e)  A district using the construction manager-agent method
  shall procure, in accordance with applicable law and in any manner
  authorized by this chapter, a general contractor, trade
  contractors, or subcontractors who:
               (1)  will serve as the prime contractor for their
  specific portion of the work; and
               (2)  will provide performance and payment bonds to the
  district in accordance with applicable law.
         SECTION 4.  Section 51.781, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) and adding Subsections
  (b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  An institution may use the construction manager-agent
  method for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair
  of a facility in a construction project or a program of multiple
  construction projects. In using that method and in entering into a
  contract for the services of a construction manager-agent, a board
  shall follow the procedures prescribed by this section.
         (b)  A construction manager-agent is a sole proprietorship,
  partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that complies with
  Chapter 1306, Occupations Code, and that provides consultation to
  the institution regarding construction, rehabilitation,
  alteration, or repair of the facility. An institution using the
  construction manager-agent method may, under the contract between
  the institution and the construction manager-agent, require the
  construction manager-agent to provide:
               (1)  any service defined as construction and program
  management under Section 1306.001, Occupations Code;
               (2)  administrative personnel;
               (3)  [,] equipment necessary to perform duties under
  this section;[,] and
               (4)  on-site management and other services specified in
  the contract.
         (b-1)  A construction manager-agent represents the
  institution in a fiduciary capacity.  A construction manager-agent
  is not a contractor. A board may not require a construction
  manager-agent to provide performance and payment bonds.
         (b-2)  A construction manager-agent may not:
               (1)  perform any aspect of the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility;
               (2)  be a party to a construction subcontract for the
  construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the
  facility; or
               (3)  provide project bonding for the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility.
         (c)  The [Before or concurrently with selecting a
  construction manager-agent, the] board shall select or designate an
  engineer or architect who shall prepare the construction documents
  for the project and who has full responsibility for complying with
  Chapter 1001 or 1051, Occupations Code, as applicable. If the
  engineer or architect is not a full-time employee of the
  institution, the board shall select the engineer or architect on
  the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications as provided
  by Section 2254.004, Government Code. The institution's engineer
  or architect may not serve, alone or in combination with another
  person, as the construction manager-agent unless the engineer or
  architect is hired to serve as the construction manager-agent under
  a separate or concurrent procurement conducted in accordance with
  this subchapter. This subsection does not prohibit the
  institution's engineer or architect from providing customary
  construction phase services under the engineer's or architect's
  original professional service agreement in accordance with
  applicable licensing laws.
         (e)  A board using the construction manager-agent method
  shall procure, in accordance with applicable law and in any manner
  authorized by this chapter, a general contractor, trade
  contractors, or subcontractors who:
               (1)  will serve as the prime contractor for their
  specific portion of the work; and
               (2)  will provide performance and payment bonds to the
  institution in accordance with applicable law.
         SECTION 5.  Section 2166.2535, Government Code, is amended
  by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) and adding
  Subsections (b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  The commission may use the construction manager-agent
  method for a project or a program of multiple projects. In using
  that method and in entering into a contract for the services of a
  construction manager-agent, the commission shall follow the
  procedures prescribed by this section.
         (b)  A construction manager-agent is a sole proprietorship,
  partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that complies with
  Chapter 1306, Occupations Code, and that provides consultation to
  the commission regarding construction, rehabilitation, alteration,
  or repair of a facility. The commission, when using the
  construction manager-agent method, may, under the contract between
  the commission and the construction manager-agent, require the
  construction manager-agent to provide:
               (1)  any service defined as construction and program
  management under Section 1306.001, Occupations Code;
               (2)  administrative personnel;
               (3)  [,] equipment necessary to perform duties under
  this section;[,] and
               (4)  on-site management and other services specified in
  the contract.
         (b-1)  A construction manager-agent represents the
  commission in a fiduciary capacity.  A construction manager-agent
  is not a contractor. The commission may not require a construction
  manager-agent to provide performance and payment bonds.
         (b-2)  A construction manager-agent may not:
               (1)  perform any aspect of the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility;
               (2)  be a party to a construction subcontract for the
  construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the
  facility; or
               (3)  provide project bonding for the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility.
         (c)  The [Before or concurrently with selecting a
  construction manager-agent, the] commission shall select or
  designate an engineer or architect who shall prepare the
  construction documents for the project and who has full
  responsibility for complying with Chapter 1001 or 1051, Occupations
  Code, as applicable. If the engineer or architect is not a
  full-time employee of the commission, the commission shall select
  the engineer or architect on the basis of demonstrated competence
  and qualifications as provided by Section 2254.004. A commission
  engineer or architect may not serve, alone or in combination with
  another person, as the construction manager-agent unless the
  engineer or architect is hired to serve as the construction
  manager-agent under a separate or concurrent procurement conducted
  in accordance with this subchapter. This subsection does not
  prohibit a commission engineer or architect from providing
  customary construction phase services under the engineer's or
  architect's original professional service agreement in accordance
  with applicable licensing laws.
         (e)  When using the construction manager-agent method, the
  commission shall procure, in accordance with applicable law and in
  any manner authorized by this chapter, a general contractor, trade
  contractors, or subcontractors who:
               (1)  will serve as the prime contractor for their
  specific portion of the work; and
               (2)  will provide performance and payment bonds to the
  commission in accordance with applicable law.
         SECTION 6.  Section 271.117, Local Government Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) and
  adding Subsections (b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  A governmental entity may use the construction
  manager-agent method for the construction, rehabilitation,
  alteration, or repair of a facility in a construction project or a
  program of multiple construction projects. In using that method
  and in entering into a contract for the services of a construction
  manager-agent, a governmental entity shall follow the procedures
  prescribed by this section.
         (b)  A construction manager-agent is a sole proprietorship,
  partnership, corporation, or other legal entity that complies with
  Chapter 1306, Occupations Code, and that provides consultation to
  the governmental entity regarding construction, rehabilitation,
  alteration, or repair of the facility. A governmental entity using
  the construction manager-agent method may, under the contract
  between the governmental entity and the construction
  manager-agent, require the construction manager-agent to provide:
               (1)  any service defined as construction and program
  management under Section 1306.001, Occupations Code;
               (2)  administrative personnel;
               (3)  [,] equipment necessary to perform duties under
  this section;[,] and
               (4)  on-site management and other services specified in
  the contract.
         (b-1)  A construction manager-agent represents the
  governmental entity in a fiduciary capacity.  A construction
  manager-agent is not a contractor. A governmental entity may not
  require a construction manager-agent to provide performance and
  payment bonds.
         (b-2)  A construction manager-agent may not:
               (1)  perform any aspect of the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility;
               (2)  be a party to a construction subcontract for the
  construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the
  facility; or
               (3)  provide project bonding for the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility.
         (c)  The [Before or concurrently with selecting a
  construction manager-agent, the] governmental entity shall select
  or designate an engineer or architect who shall prepare the
  construction documents for the project and who has full
  responsibility for complying with Chapter 1001 or 1051, Occupations
  Code, as applicable. If the engineer or architect is not a
  full-time employee of the governmental entity, the governmental
  entity shall select the engineer or architect on the basis of
  demonstrated competence and qualifications as provided by Section
  2254.004, Government Code. The governmental entity's engineer or
  architect may not serve, alone or in combination with another
  person, as the construction manager-agent unless the engineer or
  architect is hired to serve as the construction manager-agent under
  a separate or concurrent procurement conducted in accordance with
  this subchapter. This subsection does not prohibit the
  governmental entity's engineer or architect from providing
  customary construction phase services under the engineer's or
  architect's original professional service agreement in accordance
  with applicable licensing laws.
         (d)  A governmental entity shall select a construction
  manager-agent on the basis of demonstrated competence and
  qualifications in the same manner as provided for the selection of
  engineers or architects under Section 2254.004, Government Code[,
  except that notice must be published as provided by Section
         (e)  A governmental entity using the construction
  manager-agent method shall procure, in accordance with applicable
  law, a general contractor, trade contractors, or subcontractors
               (1)  will serve as the prime contractor for their
  specific portion of the work; and
               (2)  will provide performance and payment bonds to the
  governmental entity in accordance with applicable law.
         SECTION 7.  Section 60.461, Water Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) and adding Subsections
  (b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows:
         (a)  A district may award a contract to a construction
  manager-agent for the construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or
  repair of a facility in a construction project or a program of
  multiple construction projects if [provided that] the construction
  manager-agent and the district comply with Chapter 1306,
  Occupations Code, and follow the procedures prescribed by this
         (b)  A district may, under the contract between the district
  and the construction manager-agent, require the construction
  manager-agent to provide:
               (1)  any service defined as construction and program
  management under Section 1306.001, Occupations Code;
               (2)  administrative personnel;
               (3)  [,] equipment necessary to perform duties under
  this section;[,] and
               (4)  on-site management and other services specified in
  the contract.
         (b-1)  A construction manager-agent represents the district
  in a fiduciary capacity.  A construction manager-agent is not a
  contractor. A district may not require a construction
  manager-agent to provide performance and payment bonds.
         (b-2)  A construction manager-agent may not:
               (1)  perform any aspect of the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility;
               (2)  be a party to a construction subcontract for the
  construction, rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the
  facility; or
               (3)  provide project bonding for the construction,
  rehabilitation, alteration, or repair of the facility.
         (c)  The [Before or concurrently with selecting a
  construction manager-agent, the] district shall select or
  designate an engineer or architect who shall prepare the
  construction documents for the project and who has full
  responsibility for complying with Chapter 1001 or 1051, Occupations
  Code, as applicable. If the engineer or architect is not a
  full-time employee of the district, the district shall select the
  engineer or architect as provided by Section 2254.004, Government
  Code. The district's engineer or architect may not serve, alone or
  in combination with another person, as the construction
  manager-agent unless the engineer or architect is hired to serve as
  the construction manager-agent under a separate or concurrent
  procurement conducted in accordance with this subchapter. This
  subsection does not prohibit the district's engineer or architect
  from providing customary construction phase services under the
  engineer's or architect's original professional service agreement
  in accordance with applicable laws.
         (e)  A district contracting with a construction
  manager-agent shall procure, in accordance with applicable law, and
  in any manner authorized by this chapter, a general contractor,
  trade contractors, or subcontractors who:
               (1)  will serve as the prime contractor for their
  specific portion of the work; and
               (2)  will provide performance and payment bonds to the
  district in accordance with applicable law.
         SECTION 8.  (a)  A person is not required to obtain a
  certificate of registration under Chapter 1306, Occupations Code,
  as added by this Act, until January 1, 2010.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, a
  person who is engaged in the practice of construction and program
  management before January 1, 2010, and who applies for a
  certificate of registration under Chapter 1306, Occupations Code,
  as added by this Act, before that date may continue to engage in
  that practice until the executive director of the Texas Department
  of Licensing and Regulation acts on the person's application.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.