relating to funding for multi-disciplinary approaches to combat |
gang violence. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 772, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Section 772.007 to read as follows: |
(a) The governor's criminal justice division shall |
administer a competitive grant program to support regional, |
multi-disciplinary approaches to combat gang violence through |
coordinated programs for prevention, intervention and suppression. |
The criminal justice division shall award grants to political |
subdivisions or councils of governments that apply for the grant |
and that: |
(1) demonstrate high levels of gang activity and gang |
violence in a region; |
(2) demonstrate a comprehensive approach to reducing |
gang violence that balances prevention, intervention, and |
suppression based activities, including: |
(A) intervention programs which include crisis |
intervention, treatment for youths and their families, social |
service referrals, and community-based or in-school and |
after-school prevention and education programs; |
(B) provision of opportunities which include |
education, training, job related services, and community |
improvement projects, such as graffiti removal, as well as |
developing alternative activities for gang members and youth at |
risk for gang membership; |
(C) suppression programs which target gang |
involved individuals through criminal justice interventions; |
(D) community mobilization, which includes |
involvement of community members, community groups, and |
community-based organizations in the provision of services; and |
(E) organizational change and development which |
means development and implementation of policies and procedures |
that facilitate coordination of programs and staff functions within |
and across agencies that will result in the most effective use of |
available and potential resources; |
(3) demonstrate a commitment to the use of a |
data-driven and evidence-based approach to programming; |
(4) clearly outline a comprehensive plan, with written |
commitments, for the political subdivision to work with school |
districts, law enforcement, community-based organizations, and |
government agencies to address gang activity; |
(5) create a steering committee representing the |
organizations involved in the collaborative and submit standard |
operating procedures to the criminal justice division for approval |
no later than 3 months after commencement of the grant; |
(6) designate a single point of contact for the local |
program partners, the statewide gang violence research partner, and |
the criminal justice division; |
(7) agree to submit programmatic and financial |
progress reports to the criminal justice division on a quarterly |
basis; |
(8) agree to participate in statewide gang surveys or |
other data collection activities to further the understanding of |
the gang problem in the state; |
(9) except as provided by Subsection (e), make a |
written commitment to match grant funds with a 25 percent match; and |
(10) identify a local governmental unit to serve as |
fiscal agent. |
(b) The criminal justice division shall contract with a |
statewide gang violence research partner to provide strategic, |
analytic, and research support to individual grantees and to the |
criminal justice division. The research partner shall: |
(1) develop technical assistance guides that can be |
used by all grantees; |
(2) assist grantees with strategic planning; |
(3) assist grantees in assessing the nature and extent |
of local gang problems; |
(4) identify outcome indicators to be tracked |
throughout the course of a grant; |
(5) assist grantees with regular and frequent |
assessment of the strategies being implemented based on the |
analysis of data; and |
(6) assist the criminal justice division with |
evaluation of the grant program. |
(c) Not later than January 1 of each odd-numbered year, the |
criminal justice division and statewide gang violence research |
partner shall prepare and deliver a report describing the results |
and performance of the grant program to the governor, lieutenant |
governor, the speaker of the house, and the standing committees of |
each house of the legislature having jurisdiction over |
appropriations and criminal justice issues. This report shall also |
include the distribution of programs and resources among |
prevention, intervention, and suppression programs. The criminal |
justice division may include this report in the biennial report |
required by Section 772.006 (a)(9). |
(d) The criminal justice division may use any revenue |
available for purposes of this section including legislative |
appropriations, the criminal justice planning fund, federal funds, |
gifts, and grants. |
(e) The criminal justice division may waive the match |
requirement for grantees with demonstrated need. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2009. |