81R9720 JJT-F
  By: Flynn H.B. No. 1784
  relating to the rates charged by a water and sewer utility.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 13.043(e) and (h), Water Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (e)  In an appeal under Subsection (b) of this section, the
  commission shall hear the appeal de novo and shall fix in its final
  order the rates the governing body should have fixed in the action
  from which the appeal was taken. The commission may establish the
  effective date for the commission's rates at the original effective
  date as proposed by the service provider and[,] may order refunds or
  allow a surcharge to recover lost revenues. The commission[, and]
  may not allow recovery of any rate case [reasonable] expenses
  incurred by the retail public utility in the appeal proceedings.
  The commission may consider only the information that was available
  to the governing body at the time the governing body made its
  decision [and evidence of reasonable expenses incurred by the
  retail public utility in the appeal proceedings]. The rates
  established by the commission in an appeal under Subsection (b) of
  this section remain in effect until the first anniversary of the
  effective date proposed by the retail public utility for the rates
  being appealed or until changed by the service provider, whichever
  date is later, unless the commission determines that a financial
  hardship exists.
         (h)  The commission or executive director may[, on a motion
  by the executive director or by the appellant under Subsection (a),
  (b), or (f) of this section,] establish interim rates to be in
  effect until a final decision is made in an appeal filed under
  Subsection (a), (b), or (f).
         SECTION 2.  Section 13.185(h), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (h)  The regulatory authority may not include for ratemaking
               (1)  legislative advocacy expenses, whether made
  directly or indirectly, including legislative advocacy expenses
  included in trade association dues;
               (2)  costs of processing a refund or credit under
  Section 13.187 [of this chapter]; [or]
               (3)  rate case expenses incurred during the hearing
  process; or
               (4)  any expenditure found by the regulatory authority
  to be unreasonable, unnecessary, or not in the public interest,
  including executive salaries, advertising expenses, legal
  expenses, and civil penalties or fines.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 13.187(a), (d), (d-1), (e), (f), (k),
  (l), and (o), Water Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A utility may not make changes in its rates except by
  delivering a statement of intent to each ratepayer and with the
  regulatory authority having original jurisdiction at least 120 [60]
  days before the proposed effective date of the proposed change. The
  proposed effective date of the new rates must be the first day of a
  billing period, and the new rates may not apply to service received
  before the proposed effective date of the new rates. The statement
  of intent must include:
               (1)  the information required by the regulatory
  authority's rules;
               (2)  a billing comparison regarding the existing water
  rate and the new water rate computed for the use of:
                     (A)  10,000 gallons of water; and
                     (B)  30,000 gallons of water; and
               (3)  a billing comparison regarding the existing sewer
  rate and the new sewer rate computed for the use of 10,000 gallons,
  unless the utility proposes a flat rate for sewer services.
         (d)   Except as provided by Subsection (d-1), if the
  application or the statement of intent is not substantially
  complete or does not comply with the regulatory authority's rules,
  it may be rejected and the proposed effective date of the rate
  change may be suspended until a properly completed application is
  accepted by the regulatory authority and a proper statement of
  intent is provided. The commission may also suspend the proposed
  effective date of any rate change if the utility does not have a
  certificate of public convenience and necessity or a completed
  application for a certificate or to transfer a certificate pending
  before the commission or if the utility is delinquent in paying the
  assessment and any applicable penalties or interest required by
  Section 5.701(n) of this code.
         (d-1)  Subject to Subsection (k), after [After] written
  notice to the utility, a local regulatory authority may suspend the
  proposed effective date of a rate change for not more than 90 days
  from the proposed effective date[, except that the suspension shall
  be extended by two days for each day a hearing exceeds 15 days. If
  the local regulatory authority does not make a final determination
  on the proposed rate before the expiration of the applicable
  suspension period, the proposed rate shall be considered approved.
  The approval is subject to the local regulatory authority's
  continuation of a hearing in progress].
         (e)  The regulatory authority shall hold a hearing on the
  proposed rate increase if, [If,] before the 91st day after the
  [effective] date the statement of intent was provided to the
  authority and each ratepayer under Subsection (a) [of the rate
  change], the regulatory authority receives a complaint from any
  affected municipality, or from the lesser of 1,000 or 10 percent of
  the ratepayers of the utility over whose rates the regulatory
  authority has original jurisdiction[, the regulatory authority
  shall set the matter for hearing].
         (f)  The regulatory authority may set the matter for hearing
  on its own motion at any time within 120 days after the [effective]
  date the statement of intent was provided to the authority and each
  ratepayer under Subsection (a) [of the rate change]. If more than
  half of the ratepayers of the utility receive service in a county
  with a population of more than 2.5 million, the hearing must be held
  at a location in that county.
         (k)  If the regulatory authority sets the matter for
  [receives at least the number of complaints from ratepayers
  required for the regulatory authority to set] a hearing under
  Subsection (e), the regulatory authority shall [may], pending the
  hearing and a decision, suspend the date the rate change would
  otherwise be effective until the date the regulatory authority
  issues a final decision on the matter. [Except as provided by
  Subsection (d-1), the proposed rate may not be suspended for longer
               [(1)  90 days by a local regulatory authority; or
               [(2)  150 days by the commission.]
         (l)  At any time during the pendency of the rate proceeding
  the regulatory authority or the executive director may fix interim
  rates to remain in effect until a final determination is made on the
  proposed rate.
         (o)  If the [a] regulatory authority does not set a hearing
  on the proposed rate increase under Subsection (e) or (f), [other
  than the commission establishes interim rates or an escrow account,
  the regulatory authority must make a final determination on the
  rates not later than the first anniversary of the effective date of
  the interim rates or escrowed rates or] the rates are automatically
  approved as requested by the utility.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 13.187(i), (j), and (n), Water Code,
  are repealed.
         SECTION 5.  This Act applies only to a statement of intent
  filed on or after the effective date of this Act. A rate change to
  which a statement of intent filed before the effective date of this
  Act applies is governed by the law in effect on the date the
  statement was filed, and that law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.