81R23954 KKA-D
  By: Howard of Travis, Hernandez, Shelton H.B. No. 1839
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1839:
  By:  Shelton C.S.H.B. No. 1839
  relating to the selection by school districts of sites for new
  schools; providing a penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 11, Education Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter J to read as follows:
         Sec. 11.451.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
               (2)  "Construction" includes renovation of an existing
               (3)  "Phase I environmental site assessment" means an
  assessment that complies with ASTM Standard E1527.
               (4)  "Phase II environmental site assessment" means an
  assessment that complies with ASTM Standard E1903.
         Sec. 11.452.  SITE SELECTION POLICY REQUIRED. (a) Before
  establishing a new school, a school district shall adopt a site
  selection policy in accordance with this subchapter that:
               (1)  accounts for the special vulnerability of
  children; and
               (2)  promotes the health and safety of children and
  employees to be assigned to the new school by protecting those
  individuals from exposure to environmental toxins, hazards, and
  associated health risks.
         (b)  A school district is not required to adopt a site
  selection policy until the district receives voter approval for the
  issuance of bonds necessary to finance costs associated with
  establishment of a new school. After voter approval is received,
  the district may not enter into a contract for the purchase or lease
  of a site to be used for the new school or, if a new site will not be
  purchased or leased, for construction of the new school, until the
  district has adopted a policy and, if required under Section
  11.453(b), obtained commission approval of the site selection
  criteria included in the policy.
         (c)  After adopting a site selection policy and obtaining
  approval, if necessary, of included site selection criteria for the
  first time in compliance with this subchapter, a school district:
               (1)  may continue to act in accordance with the policy
  when subsequently selecting additional sites for new schools; and
               (2)  is not required to adopt a new policy before
  proceeding with selection of a site for each subsequent new school.
  (a) A school district's site selection policy must include the
  components described by this section.
         (b)  The policy must include site selection criteria. The
  district may develop the site selection criteria or may adopt
  voluntary school site selection criteria established by the United
  States Environmental Protection Agency. If the district develops
  the site selection criteria or adopts the voluntary criteria with
  modifications, the district must submit the district-developed
  criteria or modifications, as applicable, to the commission for
         (c)  The policy must provide that, before the district enters
  into a contract for purchase or lease of a proposed site or for
  construction at a proposed site already owned by the district:
               (1)  a Phase I environmental site assessment must be
  conducted at the proposed site; and
               (2)  the results of the Phase I environmental site
  assessment must be presented to the board of trustees.
         (d)  The policy must provide that:
               (1)  if the Phase I environmental site assessment does
  not indicate an area of concern, the district may take any action
  necessary to pursue establishment of a new school at the proposed
  site, including entering into any necessary contracts; and
               (2)  if the Phase I environmental site assessment
  indicates an area of concern, the following actions are required
  before the district may enter into a contract for purchase or lease
  of the proposed site or for construction at the proposed site:
                     (A)  a Phase II environmental site assessment must
  be conducted at the proposed site; and
                     (B)  the district must take at least the following
  steps to publicize the district's interest in the proposed site and
  provide opportunities for meaningful public input regarding the
  proposed site:
                           (i)  publish notice in at least one
  newspaper of general circulation in the district;
                           (ii)  post notice on the district's Internet
  website; and
                           (iii)  conduct at least one public meeting
  held specifically for the purpose of discussing the site selection.
         Sec. 11.454.  SITE REMEDIATION. If a school district
  proceeds to establish a new school at a site at which a Phase II
  environmental site assessment indicates a need for remediation, the
  district shall:
               (1)  develop a site remediation plan;
               (2)  submit the remediation plan to the commission for
  approval; and
               (3)  complete the remediation measures specified in the
  remediation plan to ensure that the site is protective of human
  health, as required by the commission.
         Sec. 11.455.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. The commission may
  impose an administrative penalty against a school district that
  enters into a contract in violation of Section 11.452(b).  The
  penalty may not exceed the sum of:
               (1)  $5,000; and
               (2)  $100 for each day:
                     (A)  beginning on the day after the date the
  district enters into the contract; and
                     (B)  ending on the later of the day the district
  adopts a site selection policy in compliance with this subchapter
  or, if necessary under Section 11.453(b), the day the district
  obtains commission approval of site selection criteria included in
  the policy.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter J, Chapter 11, Education Code, as
  added by this Act, applies only to a school district in connection
  with a new school for which associated bonds are approved by the
  voters on or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2010.