81R7764 CBH-F
  By: Davis of Harris H.B. No. 1844
  relating to the procedure for reallocating local sales and use
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter F, Chapter 321, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 321.510 to read as follows:
  If the comptroller determines that tax revenue collected by the
  comptroller has been sent incorrectly to a municipality under
  Section 321.502, the comptroller may reallocate the tax revenue to
  the appropriate municipality only if the reallocation is made in
  accordance with this section.
         (b)  If the comptroller determines that tax revenue
  collected by the comptroller has been sent incorrectly to a
  municipality under Section 321.502, the comptroller shall send to
  that municipality written notice that the comptroller intends to
  reallocate the revenue to another municipality. A municipality
  that receives a notice under this subsection may protest the
  comptroller's determination by submitting to the comptroller a
  written request for a hearing on the issue of whether the original
  allocation of the revenue was incorrect. The municipality must
  submit the request not later than the 30th day after the date the
  municipality receives the notice under this subsection.
         (c)  Not later than the 15th day after the date the
  comptroller receives a request for a hearing under Subsection (b),
  the comptroller shall send to the requesting municipality a copy of
  all records, documents, and other information on which the
  comptroller relied in making its determination, regardless of
  whether the information is confidential under state law, including
  Sections 111.006 and 151.027. The provision of confidential
  information to a municipality under this subsection does not
  affect the confidential nature of the information. A municipality
  shall use the information only in a manner that maintains the
  confidential nature of the information and may not disclose or
  release the information to the public.
         (d)  Not earlier than the 30th day or later than the 90th day
  after the date the comptroller receives a request for a hearing
  under Subsection (b), the comptroller shall hold a hearing on
  whether the original allocation of the revenue was incorrect.
  After the conclusion of the hearing, the comptroller shall issue to
  the municipality a written final decision regarding the protest.  
  For purposes of Section 2001.171, Government Code, the
  comptroller's decision is final and appealable on the date the
  decision is issued under this subsection.
         (e)  If the municipality is not satisfied with the
  comptroller's written final decision, the municipality may appeal
  the decision by filing a petition in a Travis County district court
  not later than the 30th day after the date the municipality receives
  the decision.  Judicial review of the decision is under the
  substantial evidence rule.  The court shall hear the appeal without
  a jury.
         SECTION 2.  Section 322.108(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), the following
  apply to the taxes imposed by this chapter in the same manner as
  applicable to a municipality under Chapter 321:
               (1)  Section 321.002(a)(3);
               (2)  Section 321.003;
               (3)  Section 321.203;
               (4)  Section 321.205(d);
               (5)  Section 321.208;
               (6)  Section 321.209;
               (7)  Section 321.303;
               (8)  Section 321.304; [and]
               (9)  Section 321.305; and
               (10)  Section 321.510.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter F, Chapter 323, Tax Code, is amended
  by adding Section 323.510 to read as follows:
         Sec. 323.510.  REALLOCATION OF COUNTY TAX REVENUE. (a) If
  the comptroller determines that tax revenue collected by the
  comptroller has been sent incorrectly to a county under Section
  323.502, the comptroller may reallocate the tax revenue to the
  appropriate county only if the reallocation is made in accordance
  with this section.
         (b)  If the comptroller determines that tax revenue
  collected by the comptroller has been sent incorrectly to a county
  under Section 323.502, the comptroller shall send to that county
  written notice that the comptroller intends to reallocate the
  revenue to another county. A county that receives a notice under
  this subsection may protest the comptroller's determination by
  submitting to the comptroller a written request for a hearing on the
  issue of whether the original allocation of the revenue was
  incorrect. The county must submit the request not later than the
  30th day after the date the county receives the notice under this
         (c)  Not later than the 15th day after the date the
  comptroller receives a request for a hearing under Subsection (b),
  the comptroller shall send to the requesting county a copy of all
  records, documents, and other information on which the comptroller
  relied in making its determination, regardless of whether the
  information is confidential under state law, including Sections
  111.006 and 151.027. The provision of confidential information to
  a county under this subsection does not affect the confidential
  nature of the information. A county shall use the information only
  in a manner that maintains the confidential nature of the
  information and may not disclose or release the information to the
         (d)  Not earlier than the 30th day or later than the 90th day
  after the date the comptroller receives a request for a hearing
  under Subsection (b), the comptroller shall hold a hearing on
  whether the original allocation of the revenue was incorrect.
  After the conclusion of the hearing, the comptroller shall issue to
  the county a written final decision regarding the protest.  For
  purposes of Section 2001.171, Government Code, the comptroller's
  decision is final and appealable on the date the decision is issued
  under this subsection.
         (e)  If the county is not satisfied with the comptroller's
  written final decision, the county may appeal the decision by
  filing a petition in a Travis County district court not later than
  the 30th day after the date the county receives the decision.  
  Judicial review of the decision is under the substantial evidence
  rule.  The court shall hear the appeal without a jury.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect July 1, 2009, if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for effect on that
  date, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.