81R9568 SLB-D
  By: Turner of Harris H.B. No. 2160
  relating to due process for certain law enforcement officers.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 614, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter L to read as follows:
         Sec. 614.181.  SHORT TITLE. This subchapter may be cited as
  the Law Enforcement Officers' Due Process Act.
         Sec. 614.1815.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Law enforcement agency" means a municipal police
  department, sheriff's department, or constable's office that
  employs, commissions, or appoints a law enforcement officer.
               (2)  "Law enforcement officer" means a person who:
                     (A)  is a sworn peace officer under Article 2.12,
  Code of Criminal Procedure; and
                     (B)  is not:
                           (i)  above the rank of major; or
                           (ii)  the chief of police or the sheriff,
  constable, marshal, director, or other highest ranking officer in a
  law enforcement agency.
         Sec. 614.182.  APPLICABILITY. (a) This subchapter applies
  only to a law enforcement officer who is employed, commissioned, or
  appointed by a law enforcement agency.
         (b)  This subchapter applies to all law enforcement
  disciplinary proceedings in this state that are conducted by a law
  enforcement agency.
         (c)  This subchapter does not supersede an existing meet and
  confer agreement or collective bargaining agreement of a
  municipality or county.
         Sec. 614.1825.  LIMITATIONS ON POLITICAL ACTIVITY. A law
  enforcement officer has the same rights to engage in political
  activity as any other person, except that a law enforcement officer
  may not engage in political activity while the law enforcement
  officer is on duty, in uniform, or acting in an official capacity.
         Sec. 614.183.  LIMITATIONS ON REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. A law
  enforcement agency may not remove without cause a law enforcement
  officer employed as a deputy sheriff, deputy, or deputy constable
               (1)  does not hold a command rank within the law
  enforcement agency; and
               (2)  does not have civil service protection or is not
  covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
         Sec. 614.1835.  INVESTIGATION; QUESTIONING. (a) If a law
  enforcement officer is under investigation or is subjected to
  questioning for any reason that could lead to disciplinary action,
  demotion, or dismissal, the administrative investigation or
  questioning must be conducted in accordance with this subchapter.
         (b)  The questioning of a law enforcement officer must in an
  administrative investigation:
               (1)  be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably at a
  time when the officer is on duty unless the investigator believes
  that the gravity of the investigation requires immediate
  questioning; and
               (2)  take place at the law enforcement agency
  headquarters or at the office of the local troop or police unit in
  which the incident allegedly occurred as designated by the
  investigator unless otherwise waived in writing by the officer.
         (c)  The investigator in charge of the administrative
  investigation shall inform the law enforcement officer under
  investigation of the investigator's name, rank, and command. A
  question directed to the officer may not be asked by more than two
         (d)  A formal complaint against a law enforcement officer
  that calls for the dismissal or suspension of the officer or other
  formal disciplinary action against the officer may not be
  prosecuted under a rule of the law enforcement agency unless the
  complaint is supported by substantial evidence derived from an
  administrative investigation by an authorized member of the agency.
         (e)  A law enforcement officer under an administrative
  investigation must be informed in writing of the nature of the
  investigation not less than 72 hours before being questioned.
         (f)  Interview sessions shall be conducted for reasonable
  periods of time and must allow time for the law enforcement officer
  to take care of personal necessities and for reasonable rest
         (g)  Except on refusal to answer questions pursued in a valid
  administrative investigation, a law enforcement officer may not,
  during an investigation, be threatened with transfer, dismissal, or
  other disciplinary action.
         Sec. 614.184.  INTERVIEW RECORD REQUIRED. (a) An
  investigator shall keep a complete record of all interviews held in
  connection with an administrative investigation under this
  subchapter on notification that substantial evidence exists for
  seeking an administrative sanction of the law enforcement officer.
  The record must be written or taped and if taped, transcribed as
  soon as practicable.
         (b)  A copy of the record shall be provided on request to the
  law enforcement officer or the officer's counsel at the officer's
         Sec. 614.1845.  ARREST; RIGHT TO COUNSEL. (a) If a law
  enforcement officer under questioning is under arrest or may
  reasonably be placed under arrest as a result of the administrative
  investigation, the investigator, before the interrogation begins,
  shall inform the officer of the officer's rights, including the
  reasonable possibility of the officer's arrest.
         (b)  On request, a law enforcement officer under questioning
  has the right to be represented by counsel or another
  representative of the officer's choice. If the officer requests
  representation, the questioning must be suspended until the time
  the officer obtains representation, if reasonably available, and
  the counsel or representative must be present at all times during
  the questioning unless the officer waives in writing the officer's
  right to have the representative present.
         Sec. 614.185.  ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS. (a) An officer charged
  with violating a rule of the law enforcement agency, or the
  officer's representative, shall be granted access to transcripts,
  records, written statements, written reports, analyses, and
  videotapes that are pertinent to the case and that are exculpatory,
  are intended to support any disciplinary action, or will be
  introduced in an agency hearing on the charges involved.
         (b)  On demand by a law enforcement officer or the officer's
  counsel, the documents described in Subsection (a) must be produced
  within 48 hours of the officer's receipt of a written notification
  of the charges.
         Sec. 614.1855.  FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. At the
  conclusion of an administrative investigation of a law enforcement
  officer, the investigator in writing shall inform the law
  enforcement officer of the investigative findings and any
  recommendation for further action.
         Sec. 614.186.  CONFIDENTIALITY. (a) All records compiled
  as a result of any administrative investigation subject to this
  subchapter or a contractual disciplinary grievance procedure are
  confidential and may not be disclosed or released to the public.
         (b)  A verbal or written statement made by a law enforcement
  officer during the course of an administrative investigation is not
  admissible in a criminal proceeding. A report, audiotape
  recording, videotape recording, or notes made by an investigator
  may not be shared with anyone who has criminal investigation
  authority or who is capable of conducting a criminal investigation.
  (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, an
  administrative investigation of a law enforcement officer
  conducted under this subchapter must be completed not later than
  the 60th day after the date the investigation begins.
         (b)  This section does not supersede any civil service law or
  collective bargaining contract that is currently in place.
         (c)  A law enforcement agency may request an extension to
  complete an investigation by convening a three-member board to
  conduct a hearing on the requested extension and shall provide
  notice of the hearing to the law enforcement officer who is under an
  administrative investigation. The officer has the right to attend
  the hearing and to present evidence and arguments against the
         (d)  At the hearing under Subsection (c), if the board finds
  that the law enforcement agency has shown good cause for granting an
  extension of time for completion of the administrative
  investigation, the board shall grant an extension not to exceed 60
         (e)  This section may not be construed to:
               (1)  prohibit the law enforcement officer under
  administrative investigation and the law enforcement agency from
  entering into a written agreement extending the investigation for
  not more than 60 days; or
               (2)  limit any investigation of alleged criminal
         Sec. 614.187.  DISCLOSURE. (a) Unless otherwise required
  by this subchapter, a law enforcement agency is not required to
  disclose in any civil proceeding a personnel file or internal
  affairs investigatory file compiled in connection with a law
  enforcement officer under administrative investigation or
  subjected to questioning for any reason that could lead to
  disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal.
         (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply to a proceeding brought by
  a citizen against a law enforcement officer alleging that the
  officer breached the officer's official duties and that the breach
  resulted in injury or other damage to the citizen.
  A law enforcement agency may not place any adverse material into the
  file of a law enforcement officer except the file kept during the
  internal investigation or by the intelligence division unless the
  officer has had an opportunity to review, sign, and receive a copy
  of the material and comment in writing on the material.
         Sec. 614.188.  DISCLOSURE OF ASSETS. A law enforcement
  officer or any member of the officer's household may not be required
  or requested to disclose during an administrative investigation or
  questioning under this subchapter any item of personal property,
  income, assets, sources of income, debts, or personal or domestic
  expenditures unless:
               (1)  the information is necessary for the conduct of an
  investigation on a violation of any federal, state, or local law
  related to the performance of the officer's official duties; or
               (2)  the disclosure is required by state or federal
  DISCIPLINARY ACTION. (a) A law enforcement officer is entitled to
  a hearing if the officer is:
               (1)  suspended for any reason;
               (2)  charged with conduct alleged to violate the rules
  or general orders of the law enforcement agency that employs the
  officer; or
               (3)  charged with conduct that could lead to any form of
  disciplinary action, other than a reprimand, and that may become
  part of the officer's permanent personnel record.
         (b)  A hearing required under Subsection (a) must be
  conducted in accordance with this subchapter unless a contractual
  disciplinary grievance procedure executed by and between the law
  enforcement agency and the bargaining unit for that law enforcement
  officer is in effect, in which case the terms of that disciplinary
  grievance procedure take precedence and govern the conduct of the
         Sec. 614.189.  HEARING: SCHEDULING; NOTICE. (a)  The
  hearing for a law enforcement officer entitled to a hearing under
  this subchapter must be scheduled within a reasonable period of
  time after the date of the alleged incident, but not later than the
  30th day after the date an internal investigation is concluded,
  unless the hearing is waived in writing by the officer.
         (b)  The law enforcement officer shall be given written
  notice of the time and place of the hearing and the issues involved,
               (1)  a detailed description of the act the officer is
  charged with having committed;
               (2)  a statement of the rule or order that the act is
  alleged to violate; and
               (3)  a copy of the rule or order.
         (c)  The charge against the law enforcement officer must:
               (1)  advise the officer of the alleged facts;
               (2)  advise the officer that the violation of the rule
  constitutes a basis for discipline; and
               (3)  specify the range of applicable penalties that
  could be imposed.
         Sec. 614.1893.  HEARING: PROCEDURE.  (a) A law enforcement
  agency shall retain the official record of a hearing conducted
  under this subchapter, including testimony and exhibits.
         (b)  A hearing conducted under this subchapter must be
  conducted within the law enforcement agency by an impartial board
  of three agency officers. The board must include one member who is
  of the same rank as the officer being charged. The prosecuting
  party and the officer being charged may be represented by legal
  counsel and the officer's counsel shall be given an opportunity to
  present evidence and arguments related to the issues involved.
         (c)  If an impartial board cannot be convened by the
  investigating agency, a board of three officers from another
  jurisdiction shall be convened under the direction of the head law
  enforcement officer of the law enforcement agency conducting the
         (d)  An officer of a law enforcement agency appointed to
  serve on a board under this section is immune from civil liability
  arising from any act or omission arising out of the officer's
  service on the board if the member acted in good faith and without
  malice in carrying out the member's responsibilities or duties. A
  member of the board is presumed to have acted in good faith and
  without malice unless proven otherwise.
         (e)  Evidence with a probative value commonly accepted by
  reasonable and prudent persons in the conduct of their affairs
  shall be admissible in evidence and given probative effect. The
  board conducting the hearing shall give effect to the rules of
  privilege recognized by law and may exclude incompetent,
  irrelevant, immaterial, and unduly repetitious evidence. All
  records and documents that any party desires to use shall be offered
  and made a part of the record. Documentary evidence may be received
  in the form of copies of excerpts or by incorporation by reference.
         (f)  Every party has the right of cross-examination of
  witnesses who testify and may submit rebuttal evidence.
         (g)  The board may take notice of judicially cognizable facts
  and may take notice of general, technical, or scientific facts
  within the board's specialized knowledge. Parties shall be
  notified beforehand of the materials noticed by the board. A law
  enforcement officer may not be adjudged guilty of any offense
  unless the board is satisfied that guilt has been established by
  substantial evidence.
  RIGHTS.  Evidence may not be obtained, received, or admitted into
  evidence in a proceeding of any disciplinary action that violates
  any right established by the United States Constitution, the Texas
  Constitution, or this subchapter. The board appointed under
  Section 614.1893 may not enter any judgment or sustain any
  disciplinary action based on evidence obtained in violation of a
  law enforcement officer's rights under this subchapter.
  DELIVERED TO OFFICER.  (a)  A decision, order, or action taken
  following a hearing under Section 614.168 must be in writing and
  accompanied by findings of fact. The findings shall consist of a
  concise statement on each issue in the case.
         (b)  A copy of the decision or order, accompanying findings
  and conclusions, and the written action and right of appeal, if any,
  shall be delivered or mailed promptly to the law enforcement
  officer or to the officer's counsel or representative of record.
         Sec. 614.1897.  PROHIBITED PUNISHMENTS.  (a)  A law
  enforcement officer may not be compelled to work extra duty without
  compensation as a penalty for a disciplinary infraction.
         (b)  A suspension for any period of time provided in a law
  enforcement agency's rules may not affect the law enforcement
  officer's eligibility for pension, hospitalization, medical and
  life insurance coverage, or other benefits specifically protected
  under the contract of employment. Suspension may affect time of
  pension eligibility by contractual provision or other law.
         (c)  This subchapter may not be construed to prevent a law
  enforcement agency from requiring reimbursement by a suspended law
  enforcement officer of the officer's employee contribution to
  benefits during the officer's time of suspension.
         Sec. 614.1898.  RETALIATION FOR EXERCISING RIGHTS.  A law
  enforcement officer may not be assessed a penalty or threatened
  with the assessment of a penalty for exercising the officer's
  rights under this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  an administrative investigation or a disciplinary hearing begun on
  or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.