81R30152 UM-F
  By: Hartnett H.B. No. 2368
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2368:
  By:  Hughes C.S.H.B. No. 2368
  relating to trusts.
         SECTION 1.  Section 1104.021(a), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  An individual may make a trust agreement providing that
  the proceeds of a life insurance policy insuring the individual be
  made payable to a trustee named as beneficiary in the policy. The
  validity of a trust agreement or declaration of trust that is
  designated as [designates] a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  is not affected by whether any corpus of the trust exists in
  addition to the right of the trustee to receive insurance proceeds.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 112.010(c) and (c-1), Property Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (c-1) [of this
  section], the following persons may disclaim an interest in a trust
  created in any manner other than by will:
               (1)  a beneficiary, including a beneficiary of a
  spendthrift trust;
               (2)  the personal representative of an incompetent,
  deceased, unborn or unascertained, or minor beneficiary, with court
  approval by the court having jurisdiction over the personal
  representative; and
               (3)  the independent executor or independent
  administrator of a deceased beneficiary, without court approval.
         (c-1)  A person authorized to disclaim an interest in a trust
  under Subsection (c) [of this section] may not disclaim the
  interest if the person in the person's [his] capacity as
  beneficiary, personal representative, [or] independent executor,
  or independent administrator has either exercised dominion and
  control over the interest or accepted any benefits from the trust.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 113, Property Code, is
  amended by adding Section 113.029 to read as follows:
         Sec. 113.029.  DISCRETIONARY POWERS; TAX SAVINGS. (a)  
  Notwithstanding the breadth of discretion granted to a trustee in
  the terms of the trust, including the use of terms such as
  "absolute," "sole," or "uncontrolled," the trustee shall exercise a
  discretionary power in good faith and in accordance with the terms
  and purposes of the trust and the interests of the beneficiaries.
         (b)  Subject to Subsection (d), and unless the terms of the
  trust expressly indicate that a requirement provided by this
  subsection does not apply:
               (1)  a person, other than a settlor, who is a
  beneficiary and trustee of a trust that confers on the trustee a
  power to make discretionary distributions to or for the trustee's
  personal benefit may exercise the power only in accordance with an
  ascertainable standard relating to the trustee's individual
  health, education, support, or maintenance within the meaning of
  Section 2041(b)(1)(A) or 2514(c)(1), Internal Revenue Code of 1986;
               (2)  a trustee may not exercise a power to make
  discretionary distributions to satisfy a legal obligation of
  support that the trustee personally owes another person.
         (c)  A power the exercise of which is limited or prohibited
  by Subsection (b) may be exercised by a majority of the remaining
  trustees whose exercise of the power is not limited or prohibited by
  Subsection (b). If the power of all trustees is limited or
  prohibited by Subsection (b), the court may appoint a special
  fiduciary with authority to exercise the power.
         (d)  Subsection (b) does not apply to:
               (1)  a power held by the settlor's spouse who is the
  trustee of a trust for which a marital deduction, as defined by
  Section 2056(b)(5) or 2523(e), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, was
  previously allowed;
               (2)  any trust during any period that the trust may be
  revoked or amended by its settlor; or
               (3)  a trust if contributions to the trust qualify for
  the annual exclusion under Section 2503(c), Internal Revenue Code
  of 1986.
         SECTION 4.  Section 115.013(d), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Notice under Section 115.015 [115.014 of this Act] shall
  be given either to a person who will be bound by the judgment or to
  one who can bind that person under this section, and notice may be
  given to both. Notice may be given to unborn or unascertained
  persons who are not represented under Subdivision (1) or (2) of
  Subsection (c) by giving notice to all known persons whose
  interests in the proceedings are substantially identical to those
  of the unborn or unascertained persons.
         SECTION 5.  The heading to Section 115.014, Property Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 115.014.  GUARDIAN OR ATTORNEY AD LITEM.
         SECTION 6.  Section 115.014, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read
  as follows:
         (b)  At any point in a proceeding a court may appoint an
  attorney ad litem to represent any interest that the court
  considers necessary, including an attorney [A court shall appoint a
  guardian] ad litem to defend an action under Section 114.083 [of
  this Act] for a beneficiary of the trust who is a minor or who has
  been adjudged incompetent.
         (d)  A guardian ad litem is entitled to reasonable
  compensation for services in the amount set by the court to be taxed
  as costs in the proceeding.
         (e)  An attorney ad litem is entitled to reasonable
  compensation for services in the amount set by the court in the
  manner provided by Section 114.064.
         SECTION 7.  Section 116.006(d), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  If the trustee of a trust reasonably believes that one
  or more beneficiaries of such trust will object to the manner in
  which the trustee intends to exercise or not exercise a
  discretionary power conferred by Section 116.005 [of this chapter],
  the trustee may petition the court having jurisdiction over the
  trust, and the court shall determine whether the proposed exercise
  or nonexercise by the trustee of such discretionary power will
  result in an abuse of the trustee's discretion. The trustee shall
  state in such petition the basis for its belief that a beneficiary
  would object. The failure or refusal of a beneficiary to sign a
  waiver or release is not reasonable grounds for a trustee to believe
  the beneficiary will object. The court may appoint one or more
  guardians ad litem or attorneys ad litem pursuant to Section
  115.014 [of this subtitle]. If the petition describes the proposed
  exercise or nonexercise of the power and contains sufficient
  information to inform the beneficiaries of the reasons for the
  proposal, the facts upon which the trustee relies, and an
  explanation of how the income and remainder beneficiaries will be
  affected by the proposed exercise or nonexercise of the power, a
  beneficiary who challenges the proposed exercise or nonexercise has
  the burden of establishing that it will result in an abuse of
  discretion. The trustee shall advance from the trust principal all
  costs incident to the judicial determination, including the
  reasonable attorney's fees and costs of the trustee, any
  beneficiary or beneficiaries who are parties to the action and who
  retain counsel, [and] any guardian ad litem, and any attorney ad
  litem. At the conclusion of the proceeding, the court may award
  costs and reasonable and necessary attorney's fees as provided in
  Section 114.064 [of this subtitle], including, if the court
  considers it appropriate, awarding part or all of such costs
  against the trust principal or income, awarding part or all of such
  costs against one or more beneficiaries or such beneficiary's or
  beneficiaries' share of the trust, or awarding part or all of such
  costs against the trustee in the trustee's individual capacity, if
  the court determines that the trustee's exercise or nonexercise of
  discretionary power would have resulted in an abuse of discretion
  or that the trustee did not have reasonable grounds for believing
  one or more beneficiaries would object to the proposed exercise or
  nonexercise of the discretionary power.
         SECTION 8.  Section 116.172(a), Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subdivision (2) and adding Subdivision (3) to read as
               (2)  "Payment" means a payment that a trustee may
  receive over a fixed number of years or during the life of one or
  more individuals because of services rendered or property
  transferred to the payer in exchange for future payments. The term
  includes a payment made in money or property from the payer's
  general assets or from a separate fund created by the payer[,
  including a private or commercial annuity, an individual retirement
  account, and a pension, profit-sharing, stock-bonus, or
  stock-ownership plan].
               (3)  "Separate fund" includes a private or commercial
  annuity, an individual retirement account, and a pension,
  profit-sharing, stock-bonus, or stock-ownership plan.
         SECTION 9.  Section 116.172, Property Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (h) and adding Subsections (i), (j), and (k) to
  read as follows:
         (h)  Subsections (j) and (k) apply and Subsections (b) and
  (c) do not apply in determining the allocation of a payment made
  from a separate fund to:
               (1)  a trust to which an election to qualify for a
  marital deduction under Section 2056(b)(7), Internal Revenue Code
  of 1986, has been made; or
               (2)  a trust that qualifies for the marital deduction
  under Section 2056(b)(5), Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [If, to
  obtain an estate tax marital deduction for a trust, a trustee must
  allocate more of a payment to income than provided for by this
  section, the trustee shall allocate to income the additional amount
  necessary to obtain the marital deduction].
         (i)  Subsections (h), (j), and (k) do not apply if and to the
  extent that a series of payments would, without the application of
  Subsection (h), qualify for the marital deduction under Section
  2056(b)(7)(C), Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
         (j)  The trustee shall determine the internal income of the
  separate fund for the accounting period as if the separate fund were
  a trust subject to this code. On request of the surviving spouse,
  the trustee shall demand of the person administering the separate
  fund that this internal income be distributed to the trust. The
  trustee shall allocate a payment from the separate fund to income to
  the extent of the internal income of the separate fund, and the
  balance to the principal. On request of the surviving spouse, the
  trustee shall allocate principal to income to the extent the
  internal income of the separate fund exceeds payments made to the
  trust during the accounting period from the separate fund.
         (k)  If the trustee cannot determine the internal income of
  the separate fund but can determine the value of the separate fund,
  the internal income of the separate fund shall be four percent of
  the fund's value, according to the most recent statement of value
  preceding the beginning of the accounting period. If the trustee
  can determine neither the internal income of the separate fund nor
  the fund's value, the internal income of the fund shall be the
  product of the interest rate and the present value of the expected
  future payments, as determined under Section 7520, Internal Revenue
  Code of 1986, for the month preceding the accounting period for
  which the computation is made.
         SECTION 10.  (a)  The changes in law made by Section 113.029,
  Property Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a trust that is
  created or becomes irrevocable on or after September 1, 2009.
         (b)  Except as otherwise expressly provided by the will, the
  terms of the trust, or this Act, the changes in law made by this Act
  apply to:
               (1)  a trust existing or created on or after September
  1, 2009;
               (2)  the estate of a decedent who dies before September
  1, 2009, if the probate or administration of the estate is pending
  as of September 1, 2009; and
               (3)  the estate of a decedent who dies on or after
  September 1, 2009.
         (c)  For a trust existing on September 1, 2009, that was
  created before that date, the changes in law made by this Act apply
  only to an act or omission relating to the trust that occurs on or
  after September 1, 2009.
         SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.