81R8147 KLA-D
  By: Turner of Harris H.B. No. 2377
  relating to the tax imposed on certain tobacco products.
         SECTION 1.  Section 155.001, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subdivision (14-a) to read as follows:
               (14-a)  "Snuff" means any finely cut, ground, or
  powdered tobacco that is not intended to be smoked.
         SECTION 2.  Section 155.0211, Tax Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c), (d), and (e) to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The tax rate for tobacco products other than cigars and
  snuff is 40 percent of the manufacturer's list price, exclusive of
  any trade discount, special discount, or deal.
         (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the tax rate for
  each can or package of snuff is one dollar per ounce and a
  proportionate tax rate on all fractional parts of an ounce.
         (d)  The tax imposed on a can or package of snuff that weighs
  less than 1.2 ounces is equal to the amount of the tax imposed at the
  rate prescribed by Subsection (c) on a can or package of snuff that
  weighs 1.2 ounces.
         (e)  The computation of the tax on snuff under Subsection (c)
  and the applicability of Subsection (d) shall be based on the net
  weight as listed by the manufacturer. The total tax to be imposed
  on a unit that contains multiple individual cans or packages is the
  sum of the taxes imposed by Subsections (c) and (d) on each
  individual can or package intended for sale or distribution at
         SECTION 3.  Section 155.101, Tax Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 155.101.  RECORD OF PURCHASE OR RECEIPT. Each
  distributor, wholesaler, bonded agent, and export warehouse shall
  keep records at each place of business of all tobacco products
  purchased or received. Each retailer shall keep records at a single
  location, which the retailer shall designate as its principal place
  of business in the state, of all tobacco products purchased and
  received. These records must include the following, except that
  Subdivision (7) applies to distributors only and Subdivision (8)
  applies only to the purchase or receipt of snuff:
               (1)  the name and address of the shipper or carrier and
  the mode of transportation;
               (2)  all shipping records or copies of records,
  including invoices, bills of lading, waybills, freight bills, and
  express receipts;
               (3)  the date and the name of the place of origin of the
  tobacco product shipment;
               (4)  the date and the name of the place of arrival of
  the tobacco product shipment;
               (5)  a statement of the number, kind, and price paid for
  the tobacco products;
               (6)  the name, address, permit number, and tax
  identification number of the seller;
               (7)  the manufacturer's list price for the tobacco
  products; [and]
               (8)  the net weight as listed by the manufacturer for
  each unit; and
               (9)  any other information required by rules of the
         SECTION 4.  Section 155.102, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  In addition to the information required under
  Subsection (b), the records for each sale, distribution, exchange,
  or use of snuff must show the net weight as listed by the
  manufacturer for each unit.
         SECTION 5.  Section 155.103, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (a-1) and amending Subsection (b) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  In addition to the information required under
  Subsection (a), the records for each sale of snuff must show the net
  weight as listed by the manufacturer for each unit.
         (b)  A manufacturer who sells tobacco products to a permit
  holder in this state shall file with the comptroller, on or before
  the last day of each month, a report showing the information
  required to be listed by Subsections [in Subsection] (a) and (a-1),
  if applicable, for the previous month.
         SECTION 6.  Section 155.111, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
         (b-1)  In addition to the information required under
  Subsection (b), for snuff purchased, received, or acquired, the
  report must show the net weight as listed by the manufacturer for
  each unit.
         SECTION 7.  Section 155.2415, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  TAX RELIEF FUND. Notwithstanding Section 155.241, the following
  shall be deposited to the credit of the property tax relief fund
  under Section 403.109, Government Code:
               (1)  all proceeds from the collection of taxes imposed
  by Section 155.0211(b) [155.0211] attributable to the portion of
  the tax rate in excess of 35.213 percent of the manufacturer's list
  price, exclusive of any trade discount, special discount, or deal;
               (2)  the amount of the proceeds from the collection of
  taxes imposed by Sections 155.0211(c) and (d) that is equal to the
  amount that, if the taxes imposed by Section 155.0211(b) were
  imposed on snuff, would be attributable to the portion of the tax
  rate under Section 155.0211(b) in excess of 35.213 percent of the
  manufacturer's list price, exclusive of any trade discount, special
  discount, or deal [, shall be deposited to the credit of the
  property tax relief fund under Section 403.109, Government Code].
         SECTION 8.  The changes in law made by this Act do not affect
  taxes imposed before the effective date of this Act, and the law in
  effect before the effective date of this Act is continued in effect
  for purposes of the liability for and collection of those taxes.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.