81R7510 YDB-F
  By: Chisum H.B. No. 2507
  relating to the establishment of an interoperable statewide
  emergency radio infrastructure and the imposition of an emergency
  radio infrastructure fee on certain telephone services.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 771, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
         Sec. 771.151.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Emergency radio infrastructure" means radio
  frequency hardware, software, or auxiliary equipment that:
                     (A)  provides dispatch communications for this
  state and local governments to public safety agencies; and
                     (B)  permits interoperable communication between
  different public safety agencies.
               (2)  "Local exchange access line" and "equivalent local
  exchange access line" have the meanings determined by the advisory
  commission under Section 771.063.
  Notwithstanding Section 391.011, Local Government Code, and in
  accordance with this chapter and Chapter 772, to provide and
  maintain an interoperable statewide emergency radio
  infrastructure, the commission shall, for each customer required to
  pay a fee under Sections 771.071, 771.0711, 771.072, 772.114,
  772.214, and 772.314, impose an emergency radio infrastructure fee
               (1)  a local exchange access line, equivalent local
  exchange access line, or wireless telecommunications connection;
               (2)  a customer receiving intrastate long distance
         (b)  If a business service user provides residential
  facilities, each line that terminates at a residential unit, and
  that is a communication link equivalent to a residential local
  exchange access line, shall be charged the emergency radio
  infrastructure fee. The fee may not be imposed on:
               (1)  a line to coin-operated public telephone equipment
  or to public telephone equipment operated by card reader; or
               (2)  any line that the commission excluded from the
  definition of a local exchange access line or an equivalent local
  exchange access line under Section 771.063.
         (c)  The amount of the fee may not exceed 25 cents a month for
  each line.
         (d)  The emergency radio infrastructure fee imposed under
  this section is in addition to any other fee authorized by this
  chapter or Chapter 772, including Sections 771.071, 771.0711,
  771.072, 772.114, 772.214, and 772.314.
         Sec. 771.153.  COLLECTION OF FEE. (a) A customer on which a
  fee is imposed under this subchapter is liable for the fee in the
  same manner as the customer is liable for the charge for services
  provided by the local exchange service provider, wireless service
  provider, or intrastate long distance service provider. The
  provider shall collect the fees imposed on its customers under this
  subchapter at the same time and in the same manner as the provider
  collects the charges for the service provided by the provider. The
  fee must be stated separately on the customer's bill.
         (b)  A local exchange service provider, wireless service
  provider, or intrastate long distance service provider shall
  monthly collect the emergency radio infrastructure fee imposed on
  its customers under Section 771.152. Not later than the 30th day
  after the last day of the month in which fees are collected, the
  provider shall remit the fees to the comptroller. The comptroller
  shall deposit money from the fees to the credit of the emergency
  radio infrastructure fee account.
         (c)  A local exchange service provider, wireless service
  provider, or intrastate long distance service provider shall
  maintain records of the amount of fees the provider collects at
  least until the second anniversary of the date the fee was
  collected. The comptroller may require at the comptroller's
  expense an annual audit of the provider's books and records.
         (d)  A local exchange service provider, wireless service
  provider, or intrastate long distance service provider may retain
  an administrative fee of two percent of the amount collected under
  this section.
         (e)  A local exchange service provider, wireless service
  provider, or intrastate long distance service provider is not
  required to take any legal action to enforce the collection of the
  emergency radio infrastructure fee. The provider annually shall
  provide the comptroller with a certificate of delinquency that
  indicates the total amount of all delinquent fees and the name and
  address of each nonpaying customer.
         (f)  The comptroller may institute legal proceedings to
  collect a fee owed under this subchapter that is not paid and may
  establish internal collection procedures and recover from the
  customer the costs of collection. If the comptroller prevails, the
  court may award the comptroller court costs, attorney's fees, and
  interest on the delinquent amount. A delinquent fee accrues
  interest at an annual rate of 12 percent beginning on the date the
  payment becomes due.
         Sec. 771.154.  USE OF REVENUE. (a) Fees collected under
  this subchapter may only:
               (1)  be used for the planning, development, provision,
  enhancement, or ongoing maintenance of an interoperable statewide
  emergency radio infrastructure;
               (2)  be used in accordance with the state
  communications interoperability plan;
               (3)  be used for the development of a regional or state
  interoperable radio communication system; or
               (4)  be distributed as grants by the commission to:
                     (A)  regional councils of government that have
  entered into interlocal agreements authorized under state law; and
                     (B)  state agencies requiring emergency radio
  communications infrastructure.
         (b)  Fees collected and distributed as provided by this
  subchapter may not be used to purchase or maintain radio subscriber
  (a) The emergency radio infrastructure fee account is an account in
  the general revenue fund.
         (b)  The account consists of:
               (1)  fees deposited in the fund as provided by Section
  771.153; and
               (2)  notwithstanding Section 404.071, Government Code,
  all interest attributable to money held in the account.
         (c)  Money in the account may be appropriated only to the
  commission for the planning, development, provision, enhancement,
  or ongoing maintenance of an interoperable statewide emergency
  radio infrastructure.
         (d)  Section 403.095, Government Code, does not apply to the
         SECTION 2.  Notwithstanding Subchapter F, Chapter 771,
  Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, a local exchange
  service provider, wireless service provider, or intrastate long
  distance service provider is not required to collect the emergency
  radio infrastructure fee required by that subchapter until January
  1, 2010.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.