By: Thompson H.B. No. 2592
  relating to alternatives to abortion organizations; imposing a
  civil penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle H, Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 173 to read as follows:
         Sec. 173.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Alternatives to abortion organization" means an
  organization, including a pregnancy counseling organization or
  crisis pregnancy center, that for a fee or as a free service
  provides pregnancy counseling or information but does not perform
  an abortion or refer a female to an abortion provider. The term
  does not include a licensed health care provider, a hospital, or a
  family planning clinic that provides abortions or contraception or
  provides abortion or contraception referrals.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
               (3)  "Health care practitioner" means a physician,
  midwife, physician assistant, or nurse authorized to provide health
  care services under Subtitle B, C, or E, Title 3, Occupations Code.
               (4)  "Licensed counselor" means a person licensed as a
  counseling or mental health professional under Chapter 501, 502,
  503, or 505, Occupations Code.
               (5)  "Patient" means a woman seeking information,
  assistance, or other services from an alternatives to abortion
         Sec. 173.002.  LICENSE. (a) An alternatives to abortion
  organization may be licensed under this chapter.
         (b)  An alternatives to abortion organization may not
  directly or indirectly receive state money or other assistance
  unless the organization is licensed under this chapter.
         (c)  A license issued under this chapter is not transferable
  or assignable.
         Sec. 173.003.  LICENSE APPLICATION AND ISSUANCE. (a)  An
  applicant for an alternatives to abortion organization license must
  submit an application to the commission on a form prescribed by the
         (b)  Each application must be accompanied by a nonrefundable
  license fee in an amount set by the commission.
         (c)  The application must contain evidence that:
               (1)  at least one health care practitioner is on the
  organization's staff; or
               (2)  at least one licensed counselor is on the
  organization's staff.
         (d)  The commission shall issue a license to the applicant
  if, after inspection and investigation, it finds that the
  alternatives to abortion organization meets the requirements of
  this chapter and the standards adopted under this chapter.
         (e)  As a condition for renewal of a license, the license
  holder must submit to the commission the annual license renewal
         (f)  Information regarding the licensing status of an
  alternatives to abortion organization is an open record for the
  purposes of Chapter 552, Government Code, and shall be made
  available by the commission on request.
         Sec. 173.004.  INSPECTIONS. (a)  The commission may inspect
  a licensed alternatives to abortion organization, or an applicant
  for a license, at reasonable times as necessary to ensure
  compliance with this chapter.
         (b)  The commission shall inspect an alternatives to
  abortion organization before renewing the organization's license
  under Section 173.003(e).
         Sec. 173.005.  FEES.  The commission shall set fees imposed
  by this chapter in amounts reasonable and necessary to defray the
  cost of administering this chapter.
  LICENSING FUND.  All fees collected under this chapter shall be
  deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the alternatives to
  abortion organization licensing fund and may be appropriated only
  to the commission to administer and enforce this chapter.
         Sec. 173.007.  ADOPTION OF RULES.  The executive
  commissioner of the commission shall adopt rules necessary to
  implement this chapter, including requirements for the issuance,
  renewal, denial, suspension, and revocation of a license.
         Sec. 173.008.  MINIMUM STANDARDS.  (a)  The rules adopted
  under Section 173.007 must contain minimum standards for licensed
  alternatives to abortion organizations to protect the health and
  safety of a patient.
         (b)  The standards may not be more stringent than Medicare
  certification standards, if any, for:
               (1)  qualifications for professional and
  nonprofessional personnel;
               (2)  supervision of professional and nonprofessional
               (3)  sanitary and hygienic conditions within an
  alternatives to abortion organization;
               (4)  the equipment essential to the health and welfare
  of a patient;
               (5)  clinical records kept by an alternatives to
  abortion organization; and
               (6)  management, ownership, and control of the
         (c)  This section does not authorize the commission to:
               (1)  establish the qualifications of a licensed
  practitioner; or
               (2)  permit a person to provide health care services
  who is not authorized to provide those services under other laws of
  this state.
  (a) An alternatives to abortion organization may not reveal a
  patient's name or health information or any other identifying
  information without the patient's written consent.
         (b)  An alternatives to abortion organization must comply
  with Section 181.152.
         (c)  This section applies without regard to whether the
  alternatives to abortion organization is licensed.
         Sec. 173.010.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION.  (a) An alternatives to
  abortion organization that violates Section 173.009 is ineligible
  to receive state funding.
         (b)  If the commission determines an alternatives to
  abortion organization violated Section 173.009, the commission
  shall withhold state money otherwise to be provided to the
  organization. The organization is liable to this state for any
  money the organization has already received from the state during
  the state fiscal year in which the determination is made. The
  organization is not eligible for state funding before the first
  anniversary of the date of the commission determination. The
  attorney general in the name of the state may bring an action to
  recover amounts owed to the state under this section.
         (c)  If the commission determines that an alternatives to
  abortion organization that does not receive state money or other
  assistance violated this chapter, the attorney general, at the
  request of the commission, shall bring an action to impose a civil
  penalty in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for each violation.
         (d)  An alternatives to abortion organization may appeal a
  commission determination under this section to the State Office of
  Administrative Hearings. An appeal under this subsection is a
  contested case under Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.