relating to disciplinary action taken against certain public school |
students on the basis of serious and persistent misbehavior. |
SECTION 1. Section 37.001(a), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The board of trustees of an independent school district |
shall, with the advice of its district-level committee established |
under Subchapter F, Chapter 11, adopt a student code of conduct for |
the district. The student code of conduct must be posted and |
prominently displayed at each school campus or made available for |
review at the office of the campus principal. In addition to |
establishing standards for student conduct, the student code of |
conduct must: |
(1) specify the circumstances, in accordance with this |
subchapter, under which a student may be removed from a classroom, |
campus, or disciplinary alternative education program, including |
circumstances in which a student engages in serious and persistent |
misbehavior under Section 37.007(c); |
(2) specify conditions that authorize or require a |
principal or other appropriate administrator to transfer a student |
to a disciplinary alternative education program; |
(3) outline conditions under which a student may be |
suspended as provided by Section 37.005 or expelled as provided by |
Section 37.007; |
(4) specify whether consideration is given, as a |
factor in a decision to order suspension, removal to a disciplinary |
alternative education program, or expulsion, to: |
(A) self-defense; |
(B) intent or lack of intent at the time the |
student engaged in the conduct; |
(C) a student's disciplinary history; or |
(D) a disability that substantially impairs the |
student's capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of the student's |
conduct; |
(5) provide guidelines for setting the length of a |
term of: |
(A) a removal under Section 37.006; and |
(B) an expulsion under Section 37.007; |
(6) address the notification of a student's parent or |
guardian of a violation of the student code of conduct committed by |
the student that results in suspension, removal to a disciplinary |
alternative education program, or expulsion; |
(7) prohibit bullying, harassment, and making hit |
lists and ensure that district employees enforce those |
prohibitions; and |
(8) provide, as appropriate for students at each grade |
level, methods, including options, for: |
(A) managing students in the classroom and on |
school grounds; |
(B) disciplining students; and |
(C) preventing and intervening in student |
discipline problems, including bullying, harassment, and making |
hit lists. |
SECTION 2. Section 37.007(c), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) A student may be expelled if the student, while placed |
in a disciplinary [an] alternative education program, engages [for
disciplinary reasons, continues to engage] in documented serious |
and [or] persistent misbehavior while on the program campus despite |
documented behavioral interventions [that violates the district's
student code of conduct]. For purposes of this subsection, |
"serious and persistent misbehavior" means three or more |
occurrences within an academic year of any of the following: |
(1) aggressive action, meaning deliberate violent |
behavior that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of |
others; |
(2) extortion, meaning the gaining of money or other |
property by force or threat; |
(3) conduct that constitutes coercion, as defined by |
Section 1.07, Penal Code; or |
(4) conduct that constitutes the offense of: |
(A) public lewdness under Section 21.07, Penal |
Code; |
(B) indecent exposure under Section 21.08, Penal |
Code; |
(C) criminal mischief under Section 28.03, Penal |
Code; |
(D) personal hazing under Section 37.152; or |
(E) harassment under Section 42.07(a)(1), Penal |
Code, of a student or district employee. |
SECTION 3. Section 37.009(c), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) Before it may place a student in a disciplinary |
alternative education program for a period that extends beyond the |
end of the school year, the board or the board's designee must |
determine that: |
(1) the student's presence in the regular classroom |
program or at the student's regular campus presents a danger of |
physical harm to the student or to another individual; or |
(2) the student has engaged in serious and [or] |
persistent misbehavior, as defined by Section 37.007(c) [that
violates the district's student code of conduct]. |
SECTION 4. Sections 37.011(k) and (l), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(k) Each school district in a county with a population |
greater than 125,000 and the county juvenile board shall annually |
enter into a joint memorandum of understanding that: |
(1) outlines the responsibilities of the juvenile |
board concerning the establishment and operation of a juvenile |
justice alternative education program under this section; |
(2) defines the amount and conditions on payments from |
the school district to the juvenile board for students of the school |
district served in the juvenile justice alternative education |
program whose placement was not made on the basis of an expulsion |
required under Section 37.007(a), (d), or (e); |
(3) establishes [identifies those categories of
conduct] that [the school district has defined in its student code
of conduct as constituting serious or persistent misbehavior for
which] a student may be placed in the juvenile justice alternative |
education program if the student engages in serious and persistent |
misbehavior, as defined by Section 37.007(c); |
(4) identifies and requires a timely placement and |
specifies a term of placement for expelled students for whom the |
school district has received a notice under Section 52.041(d), |
Family Code; |
(5) establishes services for the transitioning of |
expelled students to the school district prior to the completion of |
the student's placement in the juvenile justice alternative |
education program; |
(6) establishes a plan that provides transportation |
services for students placed in the juvenile justice alternative |
education program; |
(7) establishes the circumstances and conditions |
under which a juvenile may be allowed to remain in the juvenile |
justice alternative education program setting once the juvenile is |
no longer under juvenile court jurisdiction; and |
(8) establishes a plan to address special education |
services required by law. |
(l) The school district shall be responsible for providing |
an immediate educational program to students who engage in behavior |
resulting in expulsion under Section 37.007(b)[, (c),] and (f) but |
who are not eligible for admission into the juvenile justice |
alternative education program in accordance with the memorandum of |
understanding required under this section. The school district may |
provide the program or the school district may contract with a |
county juvenile board, a private provider, or one or more other |
school districts to provide the program. The memorandum of |
understanding shall address the circumstances under which such |
students who continue to engage in serious and [or] persistent |
misbehavior, as defined by Section 37.007(c), shall be admitted |
into the juvenile justice alternative education program. |
SECTION 5. This Act applies beginning with the 2010-2011 |
school year. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect September 1, 2009. |