81R11079 YDB-D
  By: McClendon H.B. No. 2700
  relating to the establishment of an electronic system for
  monitoring controlled substances and for submitting prescription
  drug orders; providing criminal penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle J, Title 3, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 570 to read as follows:
         Sec. 570.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Controlled substance" means a controlled
  substance listed in Schedule II, III, IV, or V as established under
  Subchapter B, Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code.
               (2)  "Electronic system" means the electronic system
  for monitoring controlled substances and for submitting
  prescription drug orders established under this chapter.
               (3)  "Practitioner" means a person authorized under the
  laws of this state to prescribe or dispense a prescription drug or
         Sec. 570.002.  RULES.  The board may adopt the rules
  necessary to implement this chapter.
         Sec. 570.003.  PROHIBITED FEES AND TAXES.  The board may not
  require a practitioner or a pharmacist to pay a fee or tax
  specifically dedicated to the operation of the system.
         Sec. 570.004.  GIFTS AND GRANTS.  The board may accept gifts
  or grants from private individuals, foundations, or the federal
  government for the purposes of this chapter.
  [Sections 570.005-570.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 570.051.  ESTABLISHMENT OF SYSTEM. The board shall
  establish an electronic system for:
               (1)  tracking prescriptions for controlled substances;
               (2)  monitoring controlled substances that are
  dispensed in this state by a practitioner or pharmacist or
  dispensed to an address in this state by a pharmacy licensed in this
               (3)  allowing a practitioner to generate and transmit a
  prescription drug order for a prescription drug or device to a
  pharmacy or pharmacist for dispensing;
               (4)  allowing a practitioner to have real-time Internet
  access to data in the system for prescribing purposes and for
  patient safety; and
               (5)  alerting the board or law enforcement agencies
  when episodes of inappropriate activity are identified by the
         Sec. 570.052.  DATA SUBMITTED TO BOARD.  (a)  Each pharmacy
  and pharmacist licensed in this state that is authorized to
  dispense a controlled substance in this state shall report to the
  board the data required by this section in a timely manner as
  prescribed by board rule, except that reporting may not be required
               (1)  a drug administered directly to a patient; or
               (2)  a drug dispensed by a practitioner at a health care
  facility licensed in this state, provided that the quantity
  dispensed is limited to an amount adequate to treat the patient for
  a maximum of 48 hours.
         (b)  Data for each controlled substance that is dispensed
  must include the following:
               (1)  a patient identifier;
               (2)  the name of the drug dispensed;
               (3)  the date of dispensing;
               (4)  the quantity dispensed;
               (5)  the name of the practitioner who prescribed the
  controlled substance;
               (6)  the name and address of the pharmacy or pharmacist
  who dispensed the controlled substance; and
               (7)  any other information required by board rule.
         (c)  A pharmacy or pharmacist shall provide the data required
  under Subsection (b) to the board in the electronic format
  specified by board rule unless a waiver has been granted by the
  board to an individual pharmacy or pharmacist.
         (d)  The board shall establish acceptable error tolerance
  rates for data submitted under this section. A pharmacy or
  pharmacist who submits the data shall ensure that reports fall
  within the acceptable tolerances.
         (e)  A pharmacy or pharmacist who submits incomplete or
  inaccurate data shall correct the data on notification by the board
  if the pharmacy or pharmacist exceeds the acceptable error
  tolerance rates established by the board.
         Sec. 570.053.  DISCLOSURE OF DATA.  (a)  The board may
  disclose data obtained under this chapter only to persons and
  entities authorized to receive that data under this chapter.
  Disclosure to any other person or entity, including disclosure in
  the context of a civil action in which the disclosure is sought
  either for the purpose of discovery or for evidence, is prohibited
  unless specifically authorized by this chapter.
         (b)  The board may provide data obtained under this chapter,
  or a report containing or summarizing that data, to:
               (1)  a designated representative of a board that is
  responsible for the licensure, regulation, or discipline of
  practitioners, pharmacists, or other persons who are authorized to
  prescribe, administer, or dispense controlled substances and that
  is involved in a bona fide specific investigation involving a
  designated person;
               (2)  a peace officer licensed in this state, a
  certified or full-time peace officer of another state, or a federal
  peace officer whose duty is to enforce the laws of this state, of
  another state, or of the United States relating to drugs and who is
  engaged in a bona fide specific investigation involving a
  designated person;
               (3)  a state-operated Medicaid program;
               (4)  a properly convened grand jury pursuant to a
  subpoena properly issued for the data;
               (5)  a practitioner or pharmacist who requests
  information and certifies that the requested information is for the
  purpose of providing medical or pharmaceutical treatment to a bona
  fide current patient;
               (6)  the Texas Medical Board for any physician who is:
                     (A)  associated in a partnership or other business
  entity with a physician who is already under investigation by the
  Texas Medical Board for improper prescribing practices;
                     (B)  located in a designated geographic area for
  which a trend report indicates a substantial likelihood that
  inappropriate prescribing may be occurring in that area; or
                     (C)  located in a designated geographic area for
  which a report on another physician in that area indicates a
  substantial likelihood that inappropriate prescribing may be
  occurring in that area;
               (7)  the Texas Board of Nursing, for any advanced
  registered nurse practitioner who is:
                     (A)  associated in a partnership or other business
  entity with a physician who is already under investigation by the
  Texas Medical Board for improper prescribing practices;
                     (B)  associated in a partnership or other business
  entity with an advanced registered nurse practitioner who is
  already under investigation by the Texas Board of Nursing for
  improper prescribing practices;
                     (C)  located in a designated geographic area for
  which a trend report indicates a substantial likelihood that
  inappropriate prescribing may be occurring in that area; or
                     (D)  located in a designated geographic area for
  which a report on a physician or another advanced registered nurse
  practitioner in that area indicates a substantial likelihood that
  inappropriate prescribing may be occurring in that area; or
               (8)  a judge or a probation or parole officer
  administering a diversion or probation program of a criminal
  defendant arising out of a violation of this chapter or of a
  criminal defendant who is documented by the court as a substance
  abuser who is eligible to participate in a court-ordered drug
  diversion or probation program.
         (c)  The Health and Human Services Commission may use any
  data or reports from the system to identify Medicaid recipients
  whose use of controlled substances may be appropriately managed by
  a single outpatient pharmacy or primary care physician.
         (d)  A person who receives data or any report of the system
  from the board may not provide it to any other person or entity
  except by order of a court and only to a person or entity authorized
  to receive the data or the report under this section, except as
  provided by Subsections (e) and (f).
         (e)  A peace officer specified in Subsection (b)(2) who is
  authorized to receive data or a report may share that information
  with other peace officers specified in that subsection who are
  authorized to receive data or a report if the peace officers are
  working on a bona fide specific investigation involving a
  designated person. The person providing and the person receiving
  the data or report under this subsection must document in writing
  each person to whom or by whom the data or report has been given or
  received and the day, month, and year that the data or report has
  been given or received. This document must be maintained in a file
  by each law enforcement agency engaged in the investigation.
         (f)  A representative of the Health and Human Services
  Commission may:
               (1)  share data or reports regarding overutilization by
  Medicaid recipients with a board described by Subsection (b)(1) or
  with a peace officer specified in Subsection (b)(2); and
               (2)  submit the data as evidence in an administrative
  hearing held in accordance with Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         (g)  The board, all peace officers specified in Subsection
  (b)(2), all officers of the court, and all regulatory agencies and
  officers, in using the data for investigative or prosecution
  purposes, shall consider the nature of the practitioner's and
  pharmacist's practice and the condition for which the patient is
  being treated.
         (h)  The data and any report obtained from the data may not be
  a public record, except that the Health and Human Services
  Commission may submit the data as evidence in an administrative
  hearing held in accordance with Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         Sec. 570.054.  LIMITATIONS ON DATA IN SYSTEM; ARCHIVE.  (a)  
  The board may limit the length of time that data remains in the
  electronic system.
         (b)  Any data removed from the electronic system must be
  archived and subject to retrieval within a reasonable time after a
  request from a person authorized to review data under this section.
  EDUCATION.  (a)  The board shall work with each board responsible
  for the licensure, regulation, or discipline of practitioners or
  other persons who are authorized to prescribe, administer, or
  dispense controlled substances for the development of a continuing
  education program about the purposes and uses of the electronic
  system for monitoring established under this chapter.
         (b)  The board shall work with the State Bar of Texas for the
  development of a continuing education program for attorneys about
  the purposes and uses of the electronic system established under
  this chapter.
         (c)  The board shall work with the Commission on Law
  Enforcement Officer Standards and Education for the development of
  a continuing education program for peace officers about the
  purposes and uses of the electronic system established under this
  [Sections 570.056-570.100 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 570.101.  CRIMINAL PENALTIES.  (a)  A pharmacist or
  owner of a pharmacy that intentionally fails to transmit to the
  board the data required by Section 570.052 commits an offense. An
  offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor for the first
  offense and a state jail felony for each subsequent offense.
         (b)  A person who violates Section 570.053 commits an
  offense. An offense under this subsection is a state jail felony
  for the first offense and a third degree felony for each subsequent
         SECTION 2.  (a)  An advisory committee is created to advise
  the Texas State Board of Pharmacy on the implementation of Chapter
  570, Occupations Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  The advisory committee is composed of:
               (1)  the executive director of the Texas State Board of
  Pharmacy or the executive director's designee;
               (2)  a physician appointed by the governor;
               (3)  a pharmacist appointed by the governor;
               (4)  a physician appointed by the lieutenant governor;
               (5)  a pharmacist appointed by the lieutenant governor;
               (6)  a physician appointed by the governor from a list
  of names submitted by the speaker of the house of representatives;
               (7)  a pharmacist appointed by the governor from a list
  of names submitted by the speaker of the house of representatives;
               (8)  one member from each of the following boards:
                     (A)  Texas Medical Board;
                     (B)  Texas State Board of Pharmacy;
                     (C)  State Board of Dental Examiners; and
                     (D)  Texas Board of Nursing.
         (c)  The executive director of the Texas State Board of
  Pharmacy or the executive director's designee is the presiding
  officer of the advisory committee. The committee shall meet at the
  call of the presiding officer or at the request of any three members
  other than the presiding officer.
         (d)  The advisory committee shall:
               (1)  develop recommendations regarding the improvement
  of the official prescription program established by Section
  481.075, Health and Safety Code;
               (2)  develop recommendations regarding the
  implementation of the electronic system for monitoring controlled
  substances established under Chapter 570, Occupations Code;
               (3)  develop recommendations on the data that should be
  provided to the Texas State Board of Pharmacy to support the
  electronic system for monitoring controlled substances, including
  provider identification information;
               (4)  monitor and develop recommendations regarding the
  implementation and enforcement of the electronic system for
  monitoring controlled substances;
               (5)  develop recommended procedures necessary for
  real-time point-of-service access for a practitioner authorized to
  prescribe or dispense controlled substances listed in Schedules II
  through V so that the practitioner may obtain:
                     (A)  the prescription history for a particular
  patient; or
                     (B)  the practitioner's own dispensing or
  prescribing activity; and
               (6)  develop recommended procedures that should be
  followed by the Texas State Board of Pharmacy and the applicable
  licensing authority of this state, another state, or the United
  States when:
                     (A)  the board shares information related to
  diversion of controlled substances with a licensing authority for
  the purpose of licensing enforcement; or
                     (B)  a licensing authority shares information
  related to diversion of controlled substances with the board for
  the purpose of criminal enforcement.
         (e)  The executive director of the Texas State Board of
  Pharmacy shall report the recommendations developed under
  Subsection (d) of this section to the governor, lieutenant
  governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and appropriate
  committees of the senate and the house of representatives not later
  than July 1, 2010.
         (f)  This section expires and the advisory committee is
  abolished September 1, 2011.
         SECTION 3.  The executive director of the Texas State Board
  of Pharmacy or the executive director's designee shall adopt any
  rules necessary to administer and enforce Chapter 570, Occupations
  Code, as added by this Act, not later than January 1, 2010.
         SECTION 4.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
         (b)  Subchapter C, Chapter 570, Occupations Code, as added by
  this Act, takes effect September 1, 2010.