By: Riddle, Martinez, Fletcher H.B. No. 2845
        (Senate Sponsor - Nichols)
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 6, 2009;
  May 7, 2009, read first time and referred to Committee on Health
  and Human Services; May 22, 2009, reported adversely, with
  favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 7,
  Nays 0; May 22, 2009, sent to printer.)
  relating to the certification of and disciplinary actions against
  emergency medical services personnel.
         SECTION 1.  Section 53.002, Occupations Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 53.002.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter does
  not apply to:
               (1)  the Supreme Court of Texas, a person licensed
  under the court's authority on behalf of the judicial department of
  government, or an applicant for a license issued under the court's
  authority on behalf of the judicial department of government;
               (2)  a peace officer or an applicant for a license as a
  peace officer described by Article 2.12, Code of Criminal
  Procedure; [or]
               (3)  an applicant for certification as emergency
  medical services personnel under Chapter 773, Health and Safety
  Code; or  
               (4)  a person who:
                     (A)  is licensed by the Texas [State Board of]
  Medical Board [Examiners], the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, the
  State Board of Dental Examiners, or the State Board of Veterinary
  Medical Examiners; and
                     (B)  has been convicted of a felony under Chapter
  481 or 483 or Section 485.033, Health and Safety Code.
         SECTION 2.  Section 773.050, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) and
  adding Subsection (h) to read as follows:
         (b)  The executive commissioner [board] by rule shall
  establish minimum standards for:
               (1)  staffing an advanced life-support emergency
  medical services vehicle, a mobile intensive-care unit, or a
  specialized emergency medical services vehicle;
               (2)  emergency medical services personnel
  certification and performance, including provisional
  certification, certification, decertification, recertification,
  suspension, emergency suspension, and probation;
               (3)  the approval of courses and training programs, the
  certification of program instructors, examiners, and course
  coordinators for emergency medical services personnel training,
  and the revocation and probation of an approval or certification;
               (4)  examinations of emergency medical services
               (5)  medical supervision of basic and advanced
  life-support systems;
               (6)  granting, suspending, and revoking a license for
  emergency medical services providers; and
               (7)  emergency medical services vehicles.
         (c)  The executive commissioner [board] shall consider the
  education, training, criminal background, and experience of allied
  health professionals in adopting the minimum standards for
  emergency medical services personnel certification and may
  establish criteria for interstate reciprocity of emergency medical
  services personnel. Each out-of-state application for
  certification must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of not
  more than $120. The executive commissioner [board] may also
  establish criteria for out-of-country emergency medical services
  personnel certification. Each out-of-country application for
  certification must be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee of not
  more than $180.
         (d)  The executive commissioner [board] may not adopt a rule
  that requires any system, service, or agency to provide advanced
  life-support or staffing beyond basic life-support levels except
  for providers of:
               (1)  advanced life-support emergency medical services;
               (2)  mobile intensive care; or
               (3)  specialized emergency medical services.
         (e)  The executive commissioner [board] shall adopt minimum
  standards for recognition of first responder organizations.
         (f)  The executive commissioner [board] shall recognize,
  prepare, or administer continuing education programs for certified
  personnel. A certificate holder must participate in the programs
  to the extent required by the executive commissioner [board] to
  remain certified.
         (h)  The department may provide a prescreening criminal
  history record check for an emergency medical services personnel
  applicant to determine the applicant's eligibility to receive
  certification before enrollment in the educational and training
  requirements mandated by the executive commissioner. The
  department may charge a reasonable fee for the costs associated
  with prescreening to each applicant who requests prescreening.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter C, Chapter 773, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Sections 773.0614, 773.0615, 773.0616,
  and 773.0617 to read as follows:
  FOR CERTAIN CRIMINAL OFFENSES. (a) In addition to the grounds
  under Section 773.061, the commissioner may suspend or revoke a
  certificate, disqualify a person from receiving a certificate, or
  deny a person the opportunity to take a certification examination
  on the grounds that the person has been convicted of, or placed on
  deferred adjudication community supervision or deferred
  disposition for, an offense that directly relates to the duties and
  responsibilities of emergency medical services personnel.
         (b)  For purposes of Subsection (a), the department may not
  consider offenses for which points are assessed under Section
  708.052, Transportation Code.
         (c)  A certificate holder's certificate shall be revoked if
  the certificate holder is convicted of or placed on deferred
  adjudication community supervision or deferred disposition for:
               (1)  an offense listed in Sections 3g(a)(1)(A) through
  (H), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure; or
               (2)  an offense, other than an offense described by
  Subdivision (1), committed on or after September 1, 2009, for which
  the person is subject to registration under Chapter 62, Code of
  Criminal Procedure.
  REVOCATION, OR DENIAL OF CERTIFICATE. (a)  In determining whether
  an offense directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of
  emergency medical services personnel under Section 773.0614(a),
  the commissioner shall consider:
               (1)  the nature and seriousness of the crime;
               (2)  the relationship of the crime to the purposes for
  requiring certification to engage in emergency medical services;
               (3)  the extent to which certification might offer an
  opportunity to engage in further criminal activity of the same type
  as that in which the person previously had been involved; and
               (4)  the relationship of the crime to the ability,
  capacity, or fitness required to perform the duties and discharge
  the responsibilities of emergency medical services personnel.
         (b)  In determining the fitness to perform the duties and
  discharge the responsibilities of emergency medical services
  personnel for a person who has been convicted of, or placed on
  deferred adjudication community supervision or deferred
  disposition for, a crime the commissioner shall consider, in
  addition to the factors listed in Subsection (a):
               (1)  the extent and nature of the person's past criminal
               (2)  the age of the person when the crime was committed;
               (3)  the amount of time that has elapsed since the
  person's last criminal activity;
               (4)  the conduct and work activity of the person before
  and after the criminal activity;
               (5)  evidence of the person's rehabilitation or
  rehabilitative effort while incarcerated, after release, or since
  imposition of community supervision or deferred adjudication; and
               (6)  other evidence of the person's fitness, including
  letters of recommendation from:
                     (A)  prosecutors, law enforcement officers,
  correctional officers, or community supervision officers who
  prosecuted, arrested, or had custodial or other responsibility for
  the person;
                     (B)  the sheriff or chief of police in the
  community where the person resides; and
                     (C)  any other person in contact with the person.
         (c)  The applicant or certificate holder has the
  responsibility, to the extent possible, to obtain and provide to
  the commissioner the recommendations of the persons required by
  Subsection (b)(6).
         (d)  In addition to providing evidence related to the factors
  under Subsection (b), the applicant or certificate holder shall
  furnish proof in the form required by the department that the
  applicant or certificate holder has:
               (1)  maintained a record of steady employment;
               (2)  supported the applicant's or certificate holder's
               (3)  maintained a record of good conduct; and
               (4)  paid all outstanding court costs, supervision
  fees, fines, and restitution ordered in any criminal case in which
  the applicant or certificate holder has been convicted, been placed
  on community supervision, or received deferred adjudication.
  PROCEDURE ACT; GUIDELINES. (a)  A proceeding before the
  commissioner to consider the issues under Section 773.0615 is
  governed by Chapter 2001, Government Code.
         (b)  The executive commissioner shall issue guidelines
  relating to the commissioner's decision-making under Sections
  773.0614 and 773.0615. The guidelines must state the reasons a
  particular crime is considered to relate to emergency medical
  services personnel and include any other criterion that may affect
  the decisions of the commissioner.
         (c)  The executive commissioner shall file the guidelines
  with the secretary of state for publication in the Texas Register.
         (d)  The department annually shall issue any amendments to
  the guidelines.
  commissioner suspends or revokes a certification, denies a person a
  certificate, or denies the opportunity to be examined for a
  certificate under Section 773.0614, the commissioner shall notify
  the person in writing of:
               (1)  the reason for the suspension, revocation, denial,
  or disqualification;
               (2)  the review procedure provided by Subsection (b);
               (3)  the earliest date the person may appeal the action
  of the commissioner.
         (b)  A person whose certificate has been suspended or revoked
  or who has been denied a certificate or the opportunity to take an
  examination and who has exhausted the person's administrative
  appeals may file an action in the district court in Travis County
  for review of the evidence presented to the commissioner and the
  decision of the commissioner.
         (c)  The petition for an action under Subsection (b) must be
  filed not later than the 30th day after the date the commissioner's
  decision is final.
         SECTION 4.  Not later than January 1, 2010, the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall
  issue the guidelines required by Section 773.0616(b), Health and
  Safety Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 5.  The changes in law made by this Act to Chapter
  773, Health and Safety Code, apply only to an application for
  certification or renewal of certification of emergency medical
  services personnel submitted on or after January 1, 2010.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
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