81R9637 SMH-F
  By: Chisum H.B. No. 2872
  relating to the establishment by the State Soil and Water
  Conservation Board of a carbon dioxide sequestration or emissions
  offset program.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 201, Agriculture Code, is
  amended by adding Section 201.029 to read as follows:
  OFFSET PROGRAM. (a) In this section:
               (1)  "Aggregator" means a person who is authorized by
  one or more landowners to enter into a contract for the use of land,
  vegetation, or a geologic formation in connection with a project.
               (2)  "Project" means a project to sequester carbon
  dioxide or offset emissions of carbon dioxide.
               (3)  "Verifier" means an entity that confirms, visually
  or through direct measurement and by review of applicable records,
  the accuracy of reported information regarding the sequestration of
  carbon dioxide or the offsetting of emissions of carbon dioxide by a
         (b)  The state board is designated as the lead agency in this
  state for projects on private agricultural lands.
         (c)  A person must be certified by the state board to serve as
  an aggregator. The state board shall work with the Texas Department
  of Licensing and Regulation to establish a process for certifying
         (d)  The state board shall maintain a database of all
  certified aggregators in this state.
         (e)  The state board is designated as the official verifier
  for purposes of determining whether a project that is the subject of
  a carbon dioxide credit bought and sold in this state has achieved
  the goals of the credit. The state board may contract with
  conservation districts to carry out the verification process. A
  conservation district with which the state board enters into a
  contract under this subsection must have expertise and experience
  in the specifications and methods used to develop and assess carbon
  dioxide sinks associated with agriculture. The state board shall
  collect a fee for all verification services provided and may impose
  a penalty for late payment of a fee.
         (f)  The state board shall maintain a database of all carbon
  dioxide credits bought and sold in this state. Information in the
  database that identifies a seller or purchaser of carbon dioxide
  credits is confidential and not subject to public disclosure.
         (g)  The carbon dioxide sequestration or emissions offset
  fund is created in the state treasury.
         (h)  The fund consists of:
               (1)  fees charged under this section;
               (2)  the penalties for the late payment of fees charged
  under this section;
               (3)  gifts, grants, or other assistance received by the
  state board from any source for the purposes of this section; and
               (4)  interest earned on amounts in the fund.
         (i)  The fund may be used only by the state board to pay for
  activities relating to the carbon dioxide sequestration or
  emissions offset program established under this section, including
  direct and indirect costs relating to:
               (1)  researching, developing, marketing, advertising,
  and informational programs relating to carbon dioxide
  sequestration and emissions offsets to make them more
  understandable and readily available; and
               (2)  the administrative costs incurred by the state
  board under this section.
         (j)  The state board may apply for, request, solicit,
  contract for, receive, and accept gifts, grants, and other
  assistance from any source for the purposes of this section. Money
  received under this subsection shall be deposited in the fund.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.