By: Kuempel H.B. No. 2906
  relating to the expansion of the boundaries of the Cibolo Creek
  Municipal Authority.
         SECTION 1.  Section 4, Chapter 347 (H.B. 1339), Acts of the
  62nd Legislature, Regular Session, 1971 (Article 8280-487,
  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) as amended by Section 1, Chapter 44
  (S.B. 137), Acts of the 65th Legislature, Regular Session, 1977
  (Article 8280-487, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 4.  DISTRICT TERRITORY.  The district is composed of the
  following territory:
         BEGINNING:  At a point of intersection of the Southeasterly
  line of Lower Seguin Road, with the approximate centerline of the
  Cibolo Creek for a corner of this description, said point being on
  the Eastern line of Bexar County and on the Western line of
  Guadalupe County;
         THENCE:  Along the approximate centerline of the Cibolo
  Creek, Northerly approximately 815 feet to a point for a corner,
  said point being a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction crossing a 22.4 acre
  tract in Bexar County, Texas, and crossing the Northeastern line of
  the Julian Diaz Survey, Abstract No. 187 in Bexar County, Texas, and
  continuing on along the Northwestern right-of-way line of the Lower
  Seguin Road, a distance of approximately 4800 feet to a turn in the
  road, for a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Westerly direction, continuing along the
  Northern right-of-way line of Lower Seguin Road, a distance of
  approximately 2700 feet to a point on the Northern line of the
  Julian Diaz Survey, Abstract No. 187 in Bexar County, Texas, said
  point also being on the Southern line of the Miles S. Bennett Survey
  No. 75, Abstract No. 61;
         THENCE:  Along the Northern line of the Diaz Survey, a
  distance of approximately 3600 feet to the most Western corner of
  the Julian Diaz Survey and an interior corner of the Jeronimo Leal
  Survey No. 79, Abstract No. 424 in Bexar County, Texas;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the
  Northern right-of-way line of the Lower Seguin Road, a distance of
  approximately 500 feet to a turn in said road, said turn also being
  on the Southern line of a 100.7 acre tract in the name of Jewel
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northern right-of-way line of
  the Lower Seguin Road, at a distance of approximately 7200 feet
  crossing the Southwestern line of the Jeronimo Leal Survey No. 79, a
  total distance of approximately 8100 feet to a corner on the Western
  line of the J. P. Hector Survey, Abstract No. 1147 in Bexar County,
  Texas, said point also being on the Northeastern line of the Richard
  Mockett Survey No. 316, Abstract No. 497;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the
  Northeastern line of the Richard Mockett Survey No. 316 and along
  the Southwestern line of the J. P. Hector Survey, Abstract No. 1147,
  a distance of approximately 2000 feet to a point on the Northeastern
  line of the John C. Neal Survey No. 82, Abstract No. 549;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the Northern
  right-of-way line of a Public Road, a distance of approximately
  1000 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the
  Northeastern right-of-way line of a Public Road, a distance of
  approximately 1000 feet to a point on the common property line
  between Randolph Air Force Base and the Amanda Ciebold 52.399 acre
         THENCE:  In a Westerly direction, along the Southern
  boundary line of the Randolph Field and the Northern boundary line
  of said Amanda Ciebold 52.399 acre tract, a distance of
  approximately 1600 feet to a point on the Northeastern right-of-way
  line of F.M. Highway No. 1604;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the
  Northeastern right-of-way line of F.M. Highway No. 1604, a distance
  of approximately 6300 feet to the point where the Northwestern
  boundary of Randolph Field property intersects the Northeastern
  right-of-way line of F.M. Highway No. 1604;
         THENCE:  In a Northerly and Northeasterly direction,
  following the Northwestern perimeter of Randolph Field, a distance
  of approximately 4100 feet to a point on the Southern right-of-way
  line of F.M. Highway No. 78;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction crossing F.M. Highway
  No. 78 and the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and along the
  Southwestern line of Universal Parkway Subdivision and along the
  Southwestern line of the Northview Park Subdivision, both being in
  the City of Universal City, Texas, and continuing along this line a
  distance of approximately 4900 feet to a point on the Northwestern
  right-of-way line of Selma Road, in the City of Universal City,
         THENCE:  In a Northeasterly direction, along the
  Northwestern right-of-way line of Selma Road, a distance of
  approximately 700 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the
  Southwestern right-of-way line of Selma Road, a distance of
  approximately 590 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 2 of
  Rose Garden Estate Subdivision, Unit One;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the
  Southeastern line of Block 2 of Rose Garden Estate Subdivision,
  Unit One, a distance of 469.81 feet to the most Southern corner of
  Lot 8, Block 2 of Rose Garden Estate Subdivision, Unit One;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the common
  boundary line between Lot 8 and Lot 7, Block 2 of Rose Garden Estate
  Subdivision, Unit One, a distance of 184 feet to the most Western
  corner of said Lot 8;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, crossing Kimberley
  Drive, a distance of approximately 90 feet to a point on the
  Northwestern right-of-way line of Kimberley Drive, opposite the
  centerline of a 16 foot wide utility easement;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the centerline
  of said utility easement, a distance of approximately 530 feet to a
  point opposite the Southwest corner of Lot 10 and the Southeast
  corner of Lot 9, Block 3 of the Rose Garden Estate Subdivision, Unit
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the common line
  between the said Lots 9 and 10, a distance of 123 feet to a point on
  the Southern right-of-way line of Sherry Drive;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction and crossing Sherry
  Drive a distance of approximately 80 feet to the most Eastern corner
  of Lot 10 and the Southwest corner of Lot 11, both in Block 4 of Rose
  Garden Estate Subdivision, Unit Two;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the common
  line between the said Lots 10 and 11, Block 4, a distance of 132.8
  feet to the most Northern corner of said Lot 10 and to the most
  Western corner of Lot 11;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the
  Northwestern side of said Block 4, a distance of approximately 1180
  feet to a point in the Northeastern right-of-way line of State
  Highway 218 (Pat Booker Road);
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the
  Northwestern right-of-way of State Highway 218, crossing the
  Northeastern right-of-way of F.M. Highway No. 1604, a distance of
  4083.61 feet to the intersection of this line with the Northwestern
  line of Old Austin Road, said point being in the right-of-way of
  F.M. Highway No. 1604;
         THENCE:  Along the Northwest line of Old Austin Road, S 30°
  09' 00" W 1070.36 feet to the intersection of the Western line of
  F.M. Highway No. 1604 and the Northwestern line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35;
         THENCE:  Along the Northwestern line of Interstate Highway
  No. 35, S 37° 41' 30" W 258.20 feet, S 45° 23' 00" W 158.30 feet, S 45°
  23' 00" W 209.10 feet, and S 45° 21' 00" W 568.11 feet to a point in
  same at the beginning of a curve to the right, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northwest line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35 and said curve to the right, having a radius of
  716.78 feet, an arc length of 375.72 feet, and a chord bearing and
  distance of S 60° 22' 00" W 371.44 feet to the end of said curve, for
  a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northwest line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35, S 75° 23' 00" W 386.25 feet to the beginning of a
  curve to the left, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northwest line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35 and said curve to the left, having a radius of 716.78
  feet, an arc length of 537.31 feet, and a chord bearing and distance
  of S 53° 64' 30" W 524.82 feet to the end of said curve, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northwest line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35, S 32° 26' 00" W 860.87 feet to the beginning of a
  curve to the right, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northwest line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35 and said curve to the right, having a radius of
  5620.65 feet, an arc length of 820.76 feet, and a chord bearing and
  distance of S 36° 37' 00" W 820.03 feet to the end of said curve, for
  a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northwest line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35, S 42° 03' 45" W 247.65 feet, S 44° 20' 16" W 198.75
  feet, and S 45° 21' 03" W 429.35 feet to the beginning of a curve to
  the right, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Northwest line of Interstate
  Highway No. 35 and said curve to the right, having a radius of
  5620.65 feet, an arc length of 744.46 feet, and a chord bearing and
  distance of S 47° 59' 08" W 743.92 to a flare corner leading from the
  Northwest line of Interstate Highway No. 35 to the Easterly
  right-of-way line of Toepperwein Road, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along said cut-back line, N 78° 10' 12" W 66.27 feet
  to the Eastern line of Toepperwein Road, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Easterly line of Toepperwein Road, N 28°
  54' 06" W 1823.79 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, for
  a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Easterly line of Toepperwein
  Road and said curve to the right, having a radius of 2103.99 feet,
  an arc length of 766.80 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of N
  18° 43' 58" W 762.56 feet to the end of said curve, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Easterly line of Toepperwein
  Road, N 08° 16' 49" W 228.73 feet to the beginning of a curve to the
  left, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Easterly line of Toepperwein
  Road and said curve to the left, having a radius of 1940.0 feet, an
  arc length of 124.26 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of N 10°
  02' 42" W 124.24 feet to the end of said curve and the beginning of
  another curve to the left, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along said Easterly line of Toepperwein
  Road and said curve to the left, having a radius of 1883.64 feet, an
  arc length of 601.0 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of N 19°
  59' 43" W 598.45 feet to the end of said curve, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Easterly line of Toepperwein
  Road, N 30° 40' 10" W 375.60 feet and N 30° 31' 00" W 1695.64 feet to a
  cut-back corner from Toepperwein Road to the Southerly line of
  Lookout Road;
         THENCE:  Along said cut-back line, N 25° 21' 15" W 56.75 feet
  to a point in the Southerly line of Lookout Road, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Southerly line of Lookout Road, N 80° 48'
  15" E 695.43 feet, N 81° 15' 30" E 168.37 feet, and N 78° 01' 45" E
  820.85 feet to a point for a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, crossing Lookout Road
  and crossing the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Company (now
  Missouri-Pacific Railroad), a total distance of 1232.0 feet to a
  point on the Northwestern line of the Jose Maria Ocon Survey No.
  279, Abstract No. 864;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the
  Southwestern line of said Survey No. 279, a distance of
  approximately 600 feet to a point for a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction following the common
  boundary line between the George Gerhart 18 acre tract and the Alice
  Dietz 80.3 acre tract, a distance of approximately 1300 feet to the
  most Northern corner of said Gerhart 18 acre tract;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the
  Northwestern line of the Gerhart 18 acre tract and the Southeastern
  line of the Lester Gerhart 80 acre tract, a distance of 1100 feet to
  the Southwestern line of the J. F. S. ValVerde Survey No. 277,
  Abstract No. 782, for a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the
  Southwestern line of said Survey No. 277 and also being along the
  Northeastern line of the Joseph 0. Carrion Survey No. 278, Abstract
  No. 141, a distance of approximately 1300 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northeasterly direction, along the
  Northwestern line of the Lester Gerhart 80 acre tract and the
  Southeastern line of the Fred Snowden 5 acre tract, a distance of
  approximately 800 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the common line
  between the W. H. Tonne, Jr. 164.14 acre tract and the Harry
  Schulmeyer 10.8 acre tract, a distance of approximately 900 feet to
  the most Northern corner of the Schulmeyer tract;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the
  Northwestern line of said Schulmeyer tract and the Southeastern
  line of the Tonne tract, a distance of approximately 800 feet to the
  Southwestern line of said Survey No. 277;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the
  Southwestern line of Survey No. 277 and the Northeastern line of
  Survey No. 278, at a distance of approximately 1100 feet crossing
  the most Western corner of Survey No. 277 and the most Northern
  corner of Survey No. 278 and continuing along the same line a total
  distance of 1600 feet to a corner on the Northwestern right-of-way
  line of a Public Road;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the
  Northwestern right-of-way line of said Public Road, a distance of
  100 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the common
  boundary line between the E. S. C. Coppock 60 acre tract and the
  Allen E. Autry 25 acre tract, a distance of approximately 2000 feet
  to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northeasterly direction, following the common
  boundary line between the Autry 25 acre tract and the Harry
  Eisenhauer 25 acre tract, a distance of approximately 700 feet to a
  corner on the Southwestern line of the Mrs. Edda Bineck 98.257 acre
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the
  Southwestern line of the Bineck 98.257 acre tract and the
  Northeastern line of the Eisenhauer 25 acre tract, a distance of
  approximately 1100 feet to a point on the Northwestern line of the
  James Conn Survey No. 196, Abstract No. 121;
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the
  Northwestern line of said Survey No. 196, a distance of
  approximately 100 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the common
  boundary line between the Floyd Nunnelly tract and the Alfred
  Nisbet 95.934 acre tract, a distance of approximately 2100 feet to a
  point on the Southern right-of-way line of the Missouri-Pacific
  Railroad Company;
         THENCE:  In an Easterly direction, following the Southern
  right-of-way line of the Missouri-Pacific Railroad Company, a
  distance of approximately 3200 feet to a point on the Northeastern
  line of the W. A. Arthur Survey No. 86, Abstract No. 837;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, following the
  Northeastern line of said Survey No. 86 and the Southwestern line of
  the Pedro Sanchez Survey No. 411, Abstract No. 677, a distance of
  approximately 1700 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northeasterly direction, following the
  Northwestern boundary line of the William R. Castle, Jr. 80.86 acre
  tract and crossing the right-of-way of F.M. Highway No. 1604 and
  continuing along the same line which is the common line between the
  John W. Stoepler 230 acre tract and the Mrs. N. E. McClelland Stagg
  104.21 acre tract, a distance of approximately 5800 feet to a point
  on the Northeast line of the Pedro Sanchez Survey No. 411;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, along the
  Northeastern line of the said Survey No. 411 and along the
  Southwestern line of the Vicente Micheli Survey No. 114, Abstract
  No. 462, a distance of approximately 150 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northeasterly direction, on the common
  boundary line between the Stella and the Frances O'Neil 63 acre
  tract and the Gilbert Binz 54.5 acre tract at a distance of
  approximately 3000 feet crossing a Public Road, at a total distance
  of approximately 3400 feet to the center of the Cibolo Creek, for a
         THENCE:  Up the center of the Cibolo Creek, with its
  meanders, a distance of approximately 300 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northeasterly direction which is parallel to
  and approximately 2500 feet Southeast of the Northwest line of
  Survey No. 114 in the name of Vicente Micheli in Comal County,
  Texas, a distance of approximately 3600 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Southeasterly direction, which is parallel and
  approximately 7200 feet Southwest of the Northeasterly line of said
  Survey No. 114, a distance of approximately 1200 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northeasterly direction, along the Southeast
  line of the Paul Marbach 347 acre tract and along the Northwest line
  of the Floyd and Lochman 110 acre tract, a distance of approximately
  7200 feet to a point on the Northeastern line of said Survey No.
         THENCE:  Southerly, along the Northeastern line of said
  Survey No. 114, approximately 335 feet to the Northwest corner of
  the George M. Dolson Survey No. 96, Abstract No. 120, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing in a Northeasterly direction, along the
  Northwestern line of Survey No. 96, a distance of approximately
  2200 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  In a Southeasterly direction, and along the
  Southwestern line of the Victor 0. Fritze 120 acre tract, a distance
  of approximately 3142 feet to the intersection of the Southwest
  line of F.M. Highway No. 2252, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Southwestern line of F.M. Highway No.
  2252, S 74° 07' 30" E 534.78 feet to a cut-back corner from F.M.
  Highway No. 2252 to Nacogdoches Loop Road;
         THENCE:  Along said cut-back line, S 04° 16' 30" E 65.25 feet
  to a point in the North-west line of said Nacogdoches Loop Road, for
  a corner;
         THENCE:  Crossing Nacogdoches Loop Road, N 71° 06' 19" E
  329.59 feet to a point at the intersection of the Southeast line of
  Nacogdoches Loop Road, with the Southeast line of F.M. Highway No.
  2252, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Southeast line of F.M. Highway No. 2252, N
  77° 03' 00" E 212.17 feet, N 62° 08' 00" E 385.32 feet, N 62° 08' 00" E
  372.12 feet, N 62° 08' 00" E 30.86 feet, and N 59° 16' 00" E 591.11
  feet to a cut-back corner leading from F.M. Highway No. 2252 to F.M.
  Highway No. 3009;
         THENCE:  Along said cut-back line, S 74° 26' 00" E 70.50 feet
  to a point in the South-west line of F.M. Highway No. 3009, for a
         THENCE:  Crossing F.M. Highway No. 3009, N 57° 22' 50" E
  120.12 feet to a point on the Northeast line of said F.M. Highway
  No. 3009, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along a cut-back line leading from F.M. Highway No.
  3009 to the Southeast line of F.M. Highway No. 2252, N 13° 20' 00" E
  108.63 feet to a point in the Southeast line of F.M. Highway No.
  2252, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Southeast line of F.M. Highway No. 2252, N
  56° 50' 00" E 1140.42 feet, N 52° 13' 00" E 62.20 feet, N 64° 20' 00" E
  38.30 feet, and N 56° 50' 00" E 149.40 feet to the beginning of a
  curve to the right, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along said Southeast line and said curve
  to the right, having a radius of 919.93 feet, an arc length of
  397.65 feet and a chord bearing and distance of N 69° 13' 00" E
  394.56 feet to the end of said curve, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Southeast line of F.M. Highway
  No. 2252, N 81° 36' 00" E 635.70 feet to the beginning of a curve to
  the left, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along said Southeast line and said curve
  to the left, having a radius of 1672.02 feet, an arc length of
  300.09 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of N 76° 27' 30" E
  299.69 feet to the end of said curve, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along said Southeast line, N 71° 19' 00" E
  414.10 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along said Southeast line of F.M.
  Highway No. 2252 and said curve to the left, having a radius of
  607.96 feet, an arc length of 334.07 feet, and a chord bearing and
  distance of N 55° 34' 30" E 329.88 feet to the end of said curve, for
  a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along said Southeast line, N 39° 50' 00" E
  588.20 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along said Southeast line and said curve
  to the right, having a radius of 442.47 feet, an arc length of
  234.25 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of N 55° 00' 00" E
  231.52 feet to the end of said curve, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Southeast line of F.M. Highway
  No. 2252, N 70° 10' 00" E 157.90 feet, N 65° 57' 00" E 286.0 feet, and
  N 61° 44' 00" E 426.60 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right,
  for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Southeast line of F.M. Highway
  No. 2252 and said curve to the right, having a radius of 1006.74
  feet, an arc length of 153.15 feet, and a chord bearing and distance
  of N 66° 05' 28" E 153.0 feet to a point in same, for a corner, said
  corner being at the intersection of the existing City of Schertz CCN
  #2271 and the Southeast right-of- way line of F.M. Highway No. 2252;
         THENCE:  Leaving said Southeast line and crossing F.M.
  Highway No. 2252 and along said City of Schertz CCN line, N 27° 11'
  57" W 2813.32 feet and in a Northeasterly direction, the following
  courses: N 60° 26' 04" E 1841.06 feet, N 57° 35' 43" E 6498.46 feet, N
  58° 21' 44" E 366.49 feet, and N 68° 28' 25" E 1669.06 feet to a point
  for corner;
         THENCE:  In a Northwesterly direction, with a curve to the
  left, having an arc length of 5780.08 feet, a radius of 26445.73
  feet, a tangent of 2901.60 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of
  N 48° 42' 44" W 5768.50 feet, to a corner;
         THENCE:  N 67° 10' 50" E 2245.19 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  S 30° 34' 09" E 1168.67 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  Along and with the City of New Braunfels and City of
  Schertz ETJ lines, the following courses: N 58° 57' 27" E 2291.96
  feet, N 60° 19' 48" E at 1408.54 feet passing the West right-of-way
  line of Coyote Run, at 1460.86 feet passing the East line of Coyote
  Run and continuing a total distance of 5189.84 feet to a point for
         THENCE:  S 30° 10' 50" E 4314.51 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  N 57° 30' 24" E 1397.78 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  S 29° 28' 51" E 2494.80 feet to a point on the North
  line of the Union Pacific Railroad, for a corner;
         THENCE:  N 56° 45' 30" E 2360.05 feet, along the North line of
  the Union Pacific Railroad, to a corner;
         THENCE:  Departing and crossing over said railroad, S 29° 42'
  11 E, 2338.97 feet for a corner;
         THENCE:  S 39° 11' 12" E at 232.26 feet passing the North
  right of way line of F.M. 482, at 285.59 feet passing the South line
  of F.M. 482, and continuing a total distance of 300.37 feet to a
         THENCE:  S 34° 23' 06" E 862.76 to a point on the North line of
  the Union Pacific Railroad;
         THENCE:  N 49° 27' 34" E along the North line of said Union
  Pacific Railroad, at 2652.72 feet passing the South right-of-way
  line of F.M. 482, and continuing to a point on the North line of F.M.
  482 for a total distance of 2791.01 feet for a corner;
  THENCE:  departing and crossing over said Railroad, N 71° 20' 03" E
  along the North line of F.M. 482, 281.36 feet for a corner;
         THENCE: N 62° 22' 17" E a distance of 444.57 feet to a corner;
         THENCE:  S 24° 29' 19" E 3465.42 feet to a point on the North
  line of Interstate Highway No. 35, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the North line of Interstate Highway No. 35, N
  54° 27' 44" E 526.01 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  Crossing Interstate Highway No. 35, S 37° 34' 07" E
  300.87 feet to a point on the South line of Interstate Highway No.
  35, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the South line of Interstate Highway No. 35, N
  55° 47' 27" E 1042.47 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  Departing the South line of Interstate Highway No.
  35, S 25° 15' 18" E 2618.44 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  N 62° 09' 57" E 1080.43 feet to a point on the West
  line of Engel Road, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the West line of Engel Road, S 25° 12' 46" E
  2844.86 feet to a point on the Green Valley Special Utility District
  Waste Water CCN Service Area, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Northwest line of said Green Valley Special
  Utility District Waste Water CCN Service area dated March 1, 2007, S
  61° 22' 34" W 1019.68 feet, N 73° 13' 38" W 3159.91 feet, S 59° 48' 35"
  W 1686.03 feet, S 16° 07' 18" W 1195.49 feet, S 26° 32' 20" W 1385.27
  feet, S 37° 34' 44" W 1377.64 feet, S 47° 47' 06" W 1357.78 feet, S 59°
  46' 05" W 1275.50 feet, and N 86° 56' 15" W 1337.40 feet to a point
  for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Westerly line of the Green Valley Special
  Utility District Waste Water CCN service area dated March 1, 2007, S
  05° 55' 06" W 1572.21 feet to Guadalupe County Municipal District
  No. 2, Volume 535, Page 729, for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Northerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 2, Volume 535, Page 729, N 11° 22' 26" W
  1159.11 feet, N 44° 03' 31" W 33.63 feet, N 12° 17' 18" W 1304.67
  feet, N 28° 57' 44" W 248.60 feet, N 29° 29' 38" W 798.63 feet, N 29°
  45' 48" W 1594.04 feet to a point;
         THENCE:  Along a Northerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 29° 45' 48" W
  435.04 feet to a point on the South line of Interstate Highway No.
  35 for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Westerly line of Interstate Highway No. 35,
  S 47° 13' 00" W 283.13 feet, S 59° 45' 00" W 650.00 feet, S 70° 46' 00"
  W 764.00 feet, S 59° 45' 00" W 999.40 feet, S 14° 54' 00" W 268.00
  feet, S 59° 45' 00" W 60.00 feet, N 75° 07' 50" W 268.00 feet, S 59° 45'
  00" W 600.30 feet, S 59° 45' 00" W 1146.90 feet, S 59° 23' 00" W
  1004.40 feet, S 59° 45' 00" W 338.20 feet, S 15° 01' 00" W 166.20 feet
  to a point on the East line of F.M. 1103 for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Southerly line of F.M. 1103, S 30° 00' 00" E
  1940.70 feet, S 30° 14' 00" E 1222.10 feet to a point;
         THENCE:  Along a said curve of F.M. 1103, a curve to the left
  having an arc length of 336.10 feet, a radius of 1870.10 feet, a
  tangent of 168.50 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of S 35° 22'
  55" E 335.65 feet to a point;
         THENCE:  Along a Southerly line of F.M. 1103, S 40° 32' 00" E
  31.51 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Easterly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 59° 11' 22" E
  1069.61 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Northerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 30° 40' 08" W
  152.83 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Easterly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 59° 53' 28" E
  187.37 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Southerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, S 30° 02' 33" E
  1962.63 feet, S 30° 02' 31" E 1676.84 feet, S 54° 59' 41" E 382.07
  feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Easterly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 50° 38' 57" E
  1659.32 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Northerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 30° 27' 56" W
  1635.89 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Westerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, S 62° 05' 45" W
  275.29 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Northerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 29° 22' 19" W
  573.93 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Easterly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 58° 39' 42" E
  567.90 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Northerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 30° 18' 39" W
  699.33 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Easterly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 1, Volume 535, Page 726, N 58° 57' 47" E
  555.23 feet to a point on the Guadalupe County Municipal District
  No. 2 for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Southerly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 2, Volume 535, Page 729, S 30° 40' 57" E
  2015.01 feet to a point on for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Easterly line of the Guadalupe County
  Municipal District No. 2, Volume 535, Page 729, N 59° 23' 24" E
  1585.98 feet to a point on said Green Valley Special Utility
  District Waste Water CCN service area dated March 1, 2007 for
         THENCE:  Along a Southerly line of said Green Valley Special
  Utility District Waste Water CCN service area dated March 1, 2007, S
  24° 01' 15" E 898.36 feet for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Westerly line of said Green Valley Special
  Utility District Waste Water CCN service area dated March 1, 2007, S
  70° 59' 09" W 750.68 feet for corner;
         THENCE:  Along a Westerly line of said Green Valley Special
  Utility District Waste Water CCN service area dated March 1, 2007, S
  00° 12' 29" E 780.03 feet to a point for corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along a West line of said Green Valley
  Special Utility District Waste Water CCN service area dated March
  1, 2007, S 30° 13' 40" E 592.32 feet and S 30° 13' 40" E crossing Green
  Valley Road No. 376, crossing Weil Road and continuing on a total
  distance of approximately 10,000 feet to a point on the Southerly
  side of Short Weyel Road, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Southerly line of said Short Weyel Road, S
  59° 46' 20" W crossing Sassmann Road No. 371, a total distance of
  1250.0 feet to a point in the Westerly line of said Sassmann Road,
  for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Westerly line of Sassmann Road No. 371, S
  30° 13' 40" E 6675.28 feet to its intersection with the North line of
  Country Lane, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Northerly line of Country Lane, S 59° 50'
  38" W 124.0 feet to a point in same, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Crossing Country Lane, S 28° 56' 23" E 1154.17 feet,
  S 28° 15' 01" E 471.11 feet, and S 29° 35' 40" E crossing the Missouri
  Pacific Railroad and F.M. Highway No. 78, a total distance of 824.71
  feet to a point in the Southerly line of F.M. Highway No. 78, for a
         THENCE:  Along the Southerly line of F.M. Highway No. 78, N
  84° 29' 20" E 3998.45 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left,
  for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along said curve to the left, having a radius of
  10,808.0 feet, an arc length of 1043.78 feet, and a chord bearing
  and distance of N 81° 43' 20" E 1043.38 feet to the end of said curve,
  for a corner;
         THENCE:  Continuing along the Southerly line of F.M. Highway
  No. 78, N 78° 57' 20" E 540.60 feet to its intersection with the
  approximate centerline of what is called Cattle Creek, for a
         THENCE:  In a Southwesterly direction, along the approximate
  centerline of said Cattle Creek, as follows:
S 01° 04' 38" W 455.79 feet,
S 16° 29' 33" W 274.45 feet,
S 77° 58' 48" E 295.37 feet,
S 34° 47' 53" W 157.45 feet,
S 08° 43' 54" E 150.30 feet,
S 31° 38' 14" W 238.45 feet,
S 15° 45' 42" E 503.38 feet,
S 00° 54' 01" E 250.46 feet,
S 35° 04' 45" W 179.19 feet,
S 67° 35' 55" W 178.15 feet,
N 81° 29' 11" W 250.53 feet,
N 61° 31' 11" W 230.14 feet,
S 40° 59' 08" W 633.28 feet,
S 56° 33' 18" W 261.51 feet,
N 61° 33' 54" W 125.30 feet,
N 31° 40' 47" W 337.75 feet,
N 47° 39' 14" W 248.20 feet,
S 78° 12' 45" W 432.90 feet,
S 54° 43' 07" W 452.12 feet,
S 33° 22' 24" W 440.20 feet,
S 17° 09' 40" W 657.67 feet,
S 13° 34' 54" W 799.23 feet,
S 31° 32' 24" W 276.48 feet,
S 65° 44' 05" W 184.88 feet,
N 79° 45' 07" W 417.68 feet,
S 84° 28' 30" W 772.85 feet,
N 58° 10' 18" W 290.55 feet,
N 80° 10' 16" W 144.54 feet,
S 56° 38' 15" W 213.22 feet,
S 15° 13' 10" W 283.78 feet,
S 07° 18' 35" E 288.70 feet,
S 03° 08' 48" W 302.59 feet,
S 20° 20' 51" W 184.77 feet,
S 39° 35' 43" W 587.70 feet,
S 39° 25' 21" W 1104.65 feet,
S 58° 17' 29" W 414.00 feet,
S 89° 20' 08" W 257.78 feet,
N 59° 48' 31" W 477.06 feet,
N 37° 30' 37" W 405.38 feet,
S 72° 36' 13" W 117.97 feet,
S 41° 54' 55" W 273.14 feet,
S 55° 49' 19" W 413.18 feet, and
N 86° 51' 13" W 520.99 feet to its intersection
  with the Southerly line of Arizpe Road No. 319, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along said Southerly line, S 59° 45' 31" W 353.63
  feet, S 19° 32' 48" W 24.13 feet, and S 59° 41' 22" W crossing
  Haeckerville Road No. 327, a total distance of 2058.68 feet to a
  point in the Westerly line of Haeckerville Road No. 327, for a
         THENCE:  Along the Westerly line of Haeckerville Road No.
  327, S 30° 08' 43" E 3988.32 feet to its intersection with the
  Northerly line of Lower Seguin Road No. 318, for a corner;
         THENCE:  Along the Northerly line of Lower Seguin Road No.
  318, as follows:
S 80° 02' 06" W 2674.71 feet,
S 80° 32' 01" W 250.16 feet,
S 81° 27' 20" W 672.30 feet,
S 65° 17' 39" W 122.49 feet,
S 59° 52' 20" W 819.78 feet,
S 60° 22' 20" W 308.70 feet,
S 60° 08' 20" W 1135.50 feet,
S 60° 08' 56" W 208.38 feet,
S 59° 27' 05" W 311.26 feet,
N 84° 30' 52" W 133.91 feet,
S 89° 15' 51" W 170.37 feet, and
N 80° 11' 40" W 117.85 feet to the Point of
         SECTION 2.  (a)  The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor has submitted the notice and Act to the
  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor,
  lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
  within the required time.
         (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
  and accomplished.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.