81R26723 ATP-D
  By: King of Taylor, Vaught H.B. No. 2919
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 2919:
  By:  Corte C.S.H.B. No. 2919
  relating to the regulation of land use to ensure compatible
  development with military facilities in certain counties.
         SECTION 1.  Section 397.005, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  PROPOSED ORDINANCE, RULE, OR PLAN. (a) This subsection applies to
  a defense community other than a defense community described by
  Subsection (b). If a defense community determines that an
  ordinance, rule, or plan proposed by the community may impact a
  defense base or the military exercise or training activities
  connected to the base, the defense community shall seek comments
  and analysis from the defense base authorities concerning the
  compatibility of the proposed ordinance, rule, or plan with base
  operations. The defense community shall consider and analyze the
  comments and analysis before making a final determination relating
  to the proposed ordinance, rule, or plan.
         (b)  This subsection applies only to a defense community that
  includes a municipality with a population of more than 110,000
  located in a county with a population of less than 135,000 and that
  has not adopted airport zoning regulations under Chapter 241.  A
  defense community that proposes to adopt or amend an ordinance,
  rule, or plan in an area located within eight miles of the boundary
  line of a defense base or the military exercise or training
  activities connected to the base shall seek comments and analysis
  from the defense base authorities concerning the compatibility of
  the proposed ordinance, rule, or plan with base operations.
         (c)  A defense community described by Subsection (b) shall
  consider and analyze any comments and analysis received from the
  defense base authorities under Subsection (b) before making a final
  determination relating to the proposed ordinance, rule, or plan.
  The defense community described by Subsection (b) may not make a
  final determination under this subsection until the 31st day after
  the date comments and analysis are requested under Subsection (b).
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 397, Local Government Code, is amended
  by adding Section 397.006 to read as follows:
  PROPOSED STRUCTURE. (a) This section applies only to a defense
  community that includes a municipality with a population of more
  than 110,000 located in a county with a population of less than
  135,000 and that has not adopted airport zoning regulations under
  Chapter 241.
         (b)  On receipt of an application for a permit as described
  by Section 245.001 for a proposed structure in an area located
  within eight miles of the boundary line of a defense base or the
  military exercise or training activities connected to the base, the
  defense community reviewing the application shall seek comments and
  analysis from the defense base authorities concerning the
  compatibility of the proposed structure with base operations.
         (c)  The defense community shall consider and analyze any
  comments and analysis received from the defense base authorities
  under Subsection (b) before making a final determination relating
  to approval of the permit for the proposed structure. The defense
  community may not make a final determination under this subsection
  until the earlier of the date comments and analysis are received
  from the defense base authorities or the fifth business day after
  the date comments and analysis are requested under Subsection (b).  
  In this subsection, "business day" means any day other than a
  Saturday, Sunday, or state or federal holiday.
         (d)  This section does not apply if a defense community is
  required to take immediate action on an application to protect the
  public health, safety, or welfare of residents of the defense
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.