By: Keffer H.B. No. 3032
  relating to the sale by the Brazos River Authority of certain
  property at Possum Kingdom Lake.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 8502, Special District Local Laws Code,
  is amended by adding Section 8502.013a to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Lake" means Possum Kingdom Lake.
               (2)  "Project Land" means real property within the
  project boundary for the license issued to the Authority by the
  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for project number
               (3)  "Captive Property To Be Sold" means all real
  property owned by the Authority at the Lake that sits above the 1000
  foot mean sea level contour line and is surrounded by property owned
  by a single freeholder and/or the Lake; except the term "Captive
  Property To Be Sold" does not include any property currently leased
  for residential purposes, nor does it include any Project Land.
               (4)  "Offeree" means any person to whom an offer to sell
  Captive Property To Be Sold is to be made under this subsection.
         (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter,
  the Authority is directed to sell all Captive Property To Be Sold in
  accordance with the directives of this section.
               (1)  Within 90 days of the effective date of this Act,
  the Authority shall publish a list of each parcel at the Lake that
                     (a)  owned by the Authority at the Lake;
                     (b)  sits above the 1000 foot mean sea level
  contour line; and
                     (c)  is surrounded by property owned by a single
  freeholder and or the Lake.  Each such parcel shall be deemed
  "Captive Property To Be Sold."
               (2)  Each listed parcel of Captive Property To Be Sold
  shall be offered for sale at its fair market value to the Offeree
  who owns the property which surrounds that specific parcel.
               (3)  Any Offeree who desires to purchase any parcel of
  Captive Property To Be Sold must submit a written statement of their
  intent to purchase such parcel to the Authority within 180 days of
  the publication of the list of parcels by the Authority.  Should no
  written statement of intent to purchase any specific parcel be
  submitted to the Authority within 180 days of the publication of the
  list of parcels by the Authority, that parcel shall remain the
  property of the Authority.
               (4)  The Authority shall accept and process the written
  statements of intent to purchase in the order in which they are
               (5)  Any sale of property shall be handled as if it were
  a private sale for fair market value under Texas Water Code Section
         (c)  Any dispute arising under this subsection (including
  any dispute concerning the designation of property as Captive
  Property To Be Sold, or the fair market value of any property to be
  sold) shall be resolved by action in the district court of Travis
  County, and any claim to governmental immunity on behalf of the
  Authority is hereby waived for the determination of any such
         (d)  For each parcel to be sold pursuant to this subsection,
  the Authority shall:
               (1)  provide to each Offeree a survey of the property
  that is prepared by a licensed state land surveyor or a registered
  professional land surveyor, and that is dated not earlier than the
  date one year before the effective date of the Act enacting this
               (2)  pay all reasonable, normal, customary, and
  documented closing costs associated with the sale of the property;
               (3)  if applicable, pay all reasonable and necessary
  costs incurred for any required Federal Energy Regulatory
  Commission approval of the sale of the property to be purchased
  under this section.
         (e)  For any property sold under this section, the Authority
  shall provide a Special Warranty Deed encompassing all interests in
  the property held by the Authority, subject only to those
  restrictions and prohibitions contained in the deed of conveyance
  under which the Authority originally acquired title to the
  property.  Any such deed that is made on behalf of the Authority and
  that is properly acknowledged, proved, and recorded is sufficient
  to convey the Authority's interest in the property.
         (f)  Chapters 232 and 272, Local Government Code, shall not
  apply to any sale of property under this section.
         (g)  The Authority may use proceeds from the sale of property
  under this section for any Authority purpose.
         SECTION 2.  Section 8502.013a, Special District Local Laws
  Code, as added by this Act, prevails to the extent that it conflicts
  with any other state law.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.