81R29127 CS-D
  By: Gattis, Vaught, Riddle H.B. No. 3282
  Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3282:
  By:  McReynolds C.S.H.B. No. 3282
  relating to cottage food production operations.
         SECTION 1.  Section 437.001, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Subdivisions (2-a), (2-b), (3-a), and (5) to read
  as follows:
               (2-a)  "Baked good" includes cookies, cakes, breads,
  Danishes, donuts, pastries, pies, and other items that are prepared
  by baking in an oven.  A baked good does not include a potentially
  hazardous food item as defined by department rule.
               (2-b)  "Cottage food production operation" means an
  individual, operating out of the individual's home, who produces a
  baked good for sale.
               (3-a)  "Executive commissioner" means the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.
               (5)  "Home" means a primary residence that is occupied
  by the individual who operates a cottage food production operation
  and that contains a kitchen and appliances designed for common
  residential usage.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 437, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Sections 437.0195, 437.022, and 437.023 to read as
         Sec. 437.0195.  EXEMPTION FOR CERTAIN BAKED GOODS.  A
  kitchen in a private home that produces baked goods for sale or
  service at a function, such as a religious, charitable, or
  nonprofit organization's bake sale, is not a food service
  establishment or cottage food production operation for purposes of
  this chapter.
  OPERATIONS.  (a)  A cottage food production operation that is
  registered under this section is not a food service establishment
  for purposes of this chapter.
         (b)  The executive commissioner by rule shall adopt minimum
  standards for a cottage food production operation to protect the
  public health and ensure a safe food supply.  Minimum standards
  adopted under this section may not be so onerous as to make the
  establishment of a cottage food production operation impractical.  
  The minimum standards must provide for:
               (1)  the registration of cottage food production
  operations under this section; and
               (2)  the labeling of products from a cottage food
  production operation as "Home Produced."
         (c)  Minimum standards adopted under Subsection (b) may
  require that a registered cottage food production operation comply
  with provisions of this chapter that the executive commissioner
  determines are appropriate and consistent with this section.
         (d)  The executive commissioner by rule may require an
  inspection of a cottage food production operation if the department
  has reason to believe that the cottage food production operation is
               (1)  in violation of this section or a rule adopted
  under this section; or
               (2)  in an unsanitary manner.
         (e)  The executive commissioner may not require as a
  condition of registration under this section:
               (1)  the use of commercial grade surfaces;
               (2)  the use of commercial grade appliances;
               (3)  a separate kitchen for conducting the cottage food
  production operation; or
               (4)  the submission of plans and specifications before
  the construction or remodel of a cottage food production operation.
         (f)  Before beginning operations as a cottage food
  production operation, the operator of the cottage food production
  operation must:
               (1)  register with the department as a cottage food
  production operation; and
               (2)  successfully complete a basic food safety
  education or training program for food handlers accredited by the
  department under Chapter 438.
         (g)  The department shall issue a registration to an
  applicant for a cottage food production operation if the applicant:
               (1)  pays a registration fee in an amount not to exceed
  $50, as required by the department; and
               (2)  meets the other requirements of this section.
         (h)  A local health department:
               (1)  may not regulate the production of food at a
  cottage food production operation conducting business in
  compliance with this section that does not offer products to the
  public for consumption on the premises of the operation; and
               (2)  may investigate a cottage food production
  operation as a part of an investigation into the source of a
  food-borne illness outbreak.
  OPERATION.  A food service establishment, other than a cottage food
  production operation, may not use a product produced in a cottage
  food production operation as an ingredient in any food that is
  prepared by the food service establishment and offered by the
  establishment to the public for consumption.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.