81R385 MCK-D
  By: Howard of Fort Bend H.B. No. 3328
  relating to immunization requirements for children.
         SECTION 1.  Section 81.023, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 81.023.  IMMUNIZATION.  (a)  The executive commissioner
  of the Health and Human Services Commission may recommend to the
  legislature immunizations that may be added to the list of required
  immunizations [board shall develop immunization requirements] for
  children under Section 161.004, Sections 38.001 and 51.933,
  Education Code, and Section 42.043, Human Resources Code.
         (b)  Control measures imposed by the department or a local
  health authority under Section 81.082 during a public health
  disaster may require immunizations other than those listed in
  Section 161.004 only if the public health disaster occurs when the
  legislature is not in session. If the legislature is called to
  session during the disaster, the control measures requiring
  immunizations have no effect unless the legislature approves the
  control measures by joint resolution.
         (c)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission [board] shall cooperate with the Department of
  Family and Protective [and Regulatory] Services in promoting
  [formulating and implementing] the immunization requirements for
  children admitted to child-care facilities.
         (d) [(c)]  The executive commissioner of the Health and
  Human Services Commission [board] shall cooperate with the State
  Board of Education in promoting the [formulating and implementing]
  immunization requirements for students admitted to public or
  private primary or secondary schools.
         SECTION 2.  Section 161.004(a), Health and Safety Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), each [Every] child
  in the state shall be immunized against hepatitis B, diphtheria,
  tetanus, pertussis, influenza, haemophilus influenzae type b,
  pneumococcal disease, poliomyelitis, rubeola, mumps, rubella,
  varicella, hepatitis A, and meningococcal disease [vaccine
  preventable diseases caused by infectious agents] in accordance
  with the [immunization] schedule adopted by the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.  The
  executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission
  may not require immunizations against any additional diseases 
         SECTION 3.  Section 38.001, Education Code, as amended by
  Chapters 43 (H.B. 1098) and 94 (H.B. 1059), Acts of the 80th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is reenacted and amended to
  read as follows:
  Except as provided by Subsection (c), each [Each] student shall be
  fully immunized against diphtheria, rubeola, rubella, mumps,
  tetanus, pertussis, varicella, hepatitis B, and poliomyelitis and,
  for students attending a school in a high-incidence geographic area
  as determined by the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission, hepatitis A [, except as provided by
  Subsection (c)].
         (b)  The [Subject to Subsections (b-1) and (c), the]
  executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission
  may not modify or delete any of the immunizations in Subsection (a)
  and [or] may not require immunizations against additional diseases
  as a requirement for admission to any elementary or secondary
         (b-1)  Each year, the Department of State Health Services
  shall prepare a list of the immunizations required under this
  section for admission to public schools and of any additional
  immunizations the department recommends for school-age children.  
  The department shall prepare the list in English and Spanish and
  make the list available in a manner that permits a school district
  to easily post the list on the district's Internet website as
  required by Section 38.019.
         (b-2) [(b-1)]  Immunization against human papillomavirus is
  not required for a person's admission to any elementary or
  secondary school; however, by using existing resources, the Health
  and Human Services Commission shall provide educational material
  about the human papillomavirus vaccine that is unbiased, medically
  and scientifically accurate, and peer reviewed, available to
  parents or legal guardians at the appropriate time in the
  immunization schedule by the appropriate school.  This subsection
  preempts any contrary executive order issued by the governor.  This
  subsection expires January 11, 2013 [2011].
         (c)  Immunization is not required for a person's admission to
  any elementary or secondary school if the person applying for
               (1)  submits to the admitting official:
                     (A)  an affidavit or a certificate signed by a
  physician who is duly registered and licensed to practice medicine
  in the United States, in which it is stated that, in the physician's
  opinion, the immunization required poses a significant risk to the
  health and well-being of the applicant or any member of the
  applicant's family or household; or
                     (B)  an affidavit signed by the applicant or, if a
  minor, by the applicant's parent or guardian stating that the
  applicant declines immunization for reasons of conscience,
  including a religious belief; or
               (2)  is a member of the armed forces of the United
  States and is on active duty.
         (c-1)  An affidavit submitted under Section (c)(1)(B) must
  be on a form described by Section 161.0041, Health and Safety Code,
  and must be submitted to the admitting official not later than the
  90th day after the date the affidavit is notarized.
         (d)  The Department of State Health Services shall provide
  the required immunization to children in areas where no local
  provision exists to provide those services.
         (e)  A person may be provisionally admitted to an elementary
  or secondary school if the person has begun the required
  immunizations and if the person continues to receive the necessary
  immunizations as rapidly as is medically feasible.  The Department
  of State Health Services shall adopt rules relating to the
  provisional admission of persons to an elementary or secondary
         (f)  A person who has not received the immunizations required
  by this section for reasons of conscience, including because of the
  person's religious beliefs, may be excluded from school in times of
  a public health disaster as defined by Section 81.003, Health and
  Safety Code [emergency or epidemic declared by the commissioner of
  public health].
         SECTION 4.  Sections 51.933(b) and (e), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission [Texas Board of Health] may not require
  immunizations against [the diseases listed in Subsection (a) and]
  additional diseases for students at any institution of higher
  education [who are pursuing a course of study in a human or animal
  health profession, and the board may require those immunizations
  for any students in times of an emergency or epidemic in a county
  where the commissioner of public health has declared such an
  emergency or epidemic].
         (e)  A person who has not received the immunizations required
  by this section for reasons of conscience, including because of the
  person's religious beliefs, may be excluded from school in times of
  a public health disaster as defined by Section 81.003, Health and
  Safety Code.  [The exception provided by Subsection (d)(1)(B) does
  not apply in a time of emergency or epidemic declared by the
  commissioner of public health.]
         SECTION 5.  Sections 42.043(a), (b), and (c), Human
  Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission [department] shall make rules for the
  immunization of children in facilities regulated under this
         (b)  Each [The department shall require that each] child at
  an appropriate age shall [have a test for tuberculosis and] be
  immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis,
  mumps, rubella, rubeola, haemophilus influenzae type b, hepatitis
  B, varicella, [invasive] pneumococcal disease, and hepatitis A [and
  against any other communicable disease] as recommended by the
  Department of State Health Services. The immunization must be
  effective on the date of first entry into the facility. However, a
  child may be provisionally admitted if the required immunizations
  have begun and are completed as rapidly as medically feasible.
         (c)  The executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission [Texas Department of Health] shall make rules
  for the provisional admission of children to facilities regulated
  under this chapter. The executive commissioner of the Health and
  Human Services Commission [and] may not modify or delete any of the
  immunizations listed in Subsection (b) [of this section] or require
  additional immunizations as a requirement for admission to a
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.