81R7139 KEL-D
  By: Creighton H.B. No. 3451
  relating to procedures regarding the forfeiture and collection of
  certain bail bonds.
         SECTION 1.  Article 22.04, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 22.04.  REQUISITES OF CITATION. A citation shall be
  sufficient if it be in the form provided for citations in other
  civil cases in such court; provided, however, that a copy of the
  judgment of forfeiture entered by the court, a copy of the forfeited
  bond, and a copy of any power of attorney attached to the forfeited
  bond shall be attached to the citation and the citation shall notify
  the parties cited to appear and show cause why the judgment of
  forfeiture should not be made final.
         SECTION 2.  Article 22.05, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 22.05.  CITATION AS IN OTHER CIVIL ACTIONS. If service
  of citation is not waived under Article 22.03, a surety is entitled
  to notice by service of citation, the length of time and in the
  manner required in other civil actions; and the officer executing
  the citation shall return the same as in other civil actions.  It
  shall not be necessary to give notice to the defendant unless he has
  furnished his address on the bond, in which event notice to the
  defendant shall be deposited in the United States mail directed to
  the defendant at the address shown on the bond or the last known
  address of the defendant.
         SECTION 3.  Article 22.06, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 22.06.  CITATION BY PUBLICATION. Where the surety is a
  nonresident of the State, or where he is a transient person, or
  where his residence is unknown, the district or county attorney
  may, upon application in writing to the county clerk, stating the
  facts, obtain a citation to be served by publication; and the same
  shall be served by a publication and returned as in other civil
         SECTION 4.  Article 22.10, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 22.10.  SCIRE FACIAS DOCKET. When a forfeiture has been
  declared upon a bond, the court or clerk shall docket the case upon
  the scire facias or upon the civil docket, in the name of the State
  of Texas, as plaintiff, and the principal and his sureties, if any,
  as defendants; and, except as otherwise provided by this chapter,
  the forfeiture proceedings are considered to be civil actions [had
  therein shall be] governed by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure 
  [same rules governing other civil suits].
         SECTION 5.  Article 22.13(b), Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A surety exonerated under Subdivision 5, Subsection
  (a), remains obligated to pay all filing fees and costs of court,
  any reasonable and necessary costs incurred by a county to secure
  the return of the principal, and interest accrued on the bond amount
  from the date of the judgement nisi to the date of the principal's
         SECTION 6.  Article 22.14, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 22.14.  JUDGMENT FINAL. When, upon a trial of the
  issues presented, no sufficient cause is shown for the failure of
  the principal to appear, the judgment shall be made final against
  him and his sureties, if any, for the amount in which they are
  respectively bound and for all filing fees and costs of court; and
  the same shall be collected by execution as in other civil actions.
  Separate executions shall issue against each party for the amount
  adjudged against him. The filing fees and costs of court shall be
  equally divided between the sureties, if there be more than one.
         SECTION 7.  Article 22.16, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 22.16.  REMITTITUR AFTER FORFEITURE. (a) After
  forfeiture of a bond and before entry of a final judgment, the court
  shall, on written motion, remit to the surety the amount of the
  bond, after deducting the filing fees, costs of court, [and] any
  reasonable and necessary costs to the county for the return of the
  principal, and the interest accrued on the bond amount as provided
  by Subsection (c) if the principal is released on new bail in the
  case or the case for which bond was given is dismissed.
         (b) For other good cause shown and before the entry of a final
  judgment against the bond, the court in its discretion may remit to
  the surety all or part of the amount of the bond after deducting the
  filing fees, costs of court, [and] any reasonable and necessary
  costs to the county for the return of the principal, and the
  interest accrued on the bond amount as provided by Subsection (c).
         (c) For the purposes of this article, interest accrues on the
  bond amount from the date of forfeiture in the same manner and at
  the same rate as provided for the accrual of prejudgment interest in
  other civil cases.
         SECTION 8.  Article 22.17, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Art. 22.17.  SPECIAL BILL OF REVIEW. (a) Not later than two
  years after the date a final judgment is entered in a bond
  forfeiture proceeding, the surety on the bond may file with the
  court a special bill of review. A special bill of review may
  include a request, on equitable grounds, that the final judgment be
  reformed and that all or part of the bond amount be remitted to the
  surety, after deducting the filing fees, costs of court, [any]
  reasonable costs to the county for the return of the principal, and
  the interest accrued on the bond amount from the date of forfeiture.
  The court in its discretion may grant or deny the bill in whole or in
         (b) For the purposes of this article, interest accrues on the
  bond amount from the date of:
               (1) forfeiture to the date of final judgment in the same
  manner and at the same rate as provided for the accrual of
  prejudgment interest in other civil cases; and
               (2) final judgment to the date of the order for
  remittitur at the same rate as provided for the accrual of
  postjudgment interest in other civil cases.
         SECTION 9.  Article 103.0031(h), Code of Criminal Procedure,
  is repealed.
         SECTION 10.  The change in law made by this Act in amending
  Chapter 22, Code of Criminal Procedure, and in repealing Article
  103.0031(h), Code of Criminal Procedure, applies only to a bail
  bond that is executed on or after the effective date of this Act. A
  bail bond executed before the effective date of this Act is governed
  by the law in effect when the bail bond was executed, and the former
  law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.