81R12858 SMH-F
  By: Geren H.B. No. 3664
  relating to a requirement of a permit or permit amendment from the
  Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for the construction or
  modification of an electric generating facility in the coastal zone
  of this state that uses wind power.
         SECTION 1.  The legislature finds that:
               (1)  the development of wind power in this state is
  important to this state;
               (2)  wind-powered electric generating facilities, or
  wind farms, are expensive to build, represent multimillion-dollar
  investments, and necessarily have large footprints;
               (3)  there is not currently in this state a regulatory
  or permitting structure that ensures that wind farms do not damage
  the ecologically sensitive coastal zone of this state; and
               (4)  there is a need for this state to implement some
  regulation and permitting of wind farms to protect the coastal
  resources of this state and preserve property rights in this state
  without unnecessarily impinging on or delaying the development of
  wind power.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 33, Natural Resources Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter J to read as follows:
         Sec. 33.701.  DEFINITION. In this section, "commission"
  means the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
         Sec. 33.702.  APPLICABILITY. This section applies only to
  an electric generating facility located or proposed to be located
  in the coastal zone that uses wind power.
         Sec. 33.703.  PERMIT OR PERMIT AMENDMENT REQUIRED. Before
  work is begun on the construction of a new facility or the
  modification of an existing facility, the person planning the
  construction or modification must obtain a permit or permit
  amendment from the commission.
         Sec. 33.704.  APPLICATION. (a)  To obtain a permit or permit
  amendment described by Section 33.703, a person must submit an
  application to the commission.
         (b)  An application must be on a form adopted by rule by the
  commission. The form must require the applicant to provide the
  information necessary to enable the commission to determine whether
  to issue the permit or permit amendment.
  The commission shall adopt rules providing for notice, the
  submission of public comments, and an opportunity for a public
  hearing on an application.
         (b)  An owner of land adjacent to a facility or proposed
  facility or a nonprofit organization formed with the goal of
  protection or enjoyment of natural resources, including a fishing,
  conservation, bird-watching, or similar organization, is presumed
  to have a justiciable interest sufficient to confer standing to
  participate in a public hearing on an application.
         Sec. 33.706.  ISSUANCE OF PERMIT OR PERMIT AMENDMENT. (a)  
  The commission may issue a permit or permit amendment for a facility
  or proposed facility only if the commission determines that the
  facility or proposed facility will not present an unacceptable risk
  to the resources of the coastal zone or unreasonably interfere with
  the rights of property owners in the vicinity of the facility or
  proposed facility.
         (b)  In making a determination under this section, the
  commission shall consider whether the location of the facility or
  proposed facility is consistent with the goals and policies of the
  management program.
         (c)  The commission shall adopt rules for making
  determinations under this section. Rules adopted under this
  section must provide for the consideration and protection of:
               (1)  officially designated wildlife areas;
               (2)  officially designated wildlife preserves;
               (3)  threatened or endangered species or designated
  critical habitats;
               (4)  districts, sites, buildings, structures, or
  objects significant in American or Texas history, architecture,
  archaeology, engineering, or culture that are listed, or are
  eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places;
               (5)  Indian religious sites;
               (6)  floodplain, hurricane, or tornado zones;
               (7)  wetlands, native vegetation, and surface water and
  groundwater flow;
               (8)  adjacent property owners; and
               (9)  migratory wildlife and migration corridors.
  DEPARTMENT. The commission shall consult with the Parks and
  Wildlife Department in adopting rules under this subchapter.
         SECTION 3.  Section 33.2053(f), Natural Resources Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (f)  The Texas [Natural Resource Conservation] Commission on
  Environmental Quality shall comply with Sections 33.205(a) and (b)
  when issuing or approving:
               (1)  a wastewater discharge permit;
               (2)  a permit for a new concentrated animal feeding
  operation located one mile or less from a critical area or coastal
               (3)  a permit for solid or hazardous waste treatment,
  storage, or disposal;
               (4)  creation of a special purpose district or approval
  of bonds for the purpose of construction of infrastructure on
  coastal barriers;
               (5)  levee improvement or flood control projects;
               (6)  a certification of a federal permit for the
  discharge of dredge or fill material;
               (7)  a declaration of an emergency and request for an
  emergency release of water;
               (8)  a new permit for an annual appropriation of:
                     (A)  5,000 or more acre-feet of water within the
  program boundary; or
                     (B)  10,000 or more acre-feet of water outside the
  program boundary but within 200 stream miles of the coast;
               (9)  an amendment to a water permit for an increase in
  an annual appropriation of:
                     (A)  5,000 or more acre-feet of water within the
  program boundary; or
                     (B)  10,000 or more acre-feet of water outside the
  program boundary but within 200 stream miles of the coast; [or]
               (10)  a change in the purpose of use of an annual
  appropriation of water to a more consumptive use of:
                     (A)  5,000 or more acre-feet of water within the
  program boundary; or
                     (B)  10,000 or more acre-feet of water outside the
  program boundary but within 200 stream miles of the coast; or
               (11)  a permit or permit amendment for an electric
  generating facility that uses wind power.
         SECTION 4.  This Act applies only to an electric generating
  facility that uses wind power for which construction or
  modification begins on or after the effective date of this Act. A
  facility for which construction or modification began before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the construction or modification began, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect June 1, 2009, if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for effect on that
  date, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.