81R14043 KCR-D
  By: McClendon H.B. No. 3687
  relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Youth
  Commission and the creation of the juvenile justice improvement
  plan committee.
         SECTION 1.  Section 61.020, Human Resources Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 61.020.  SUNSET PROVISION. The Texas Youth Commission
  is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset Act).
  Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter, the
  commission is abolished and this chapter expires September 1, 2015
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 61, Human Resources Code,
  is amended by adding Section 61.067 to read as follows:
  At the request of a court that commits a child to the commission,
  the commission shall provide the court with periodic updates on the
  progress the child is making while committed to the commission.
         (b)  A report provided under Subsection (a) may include any
  information the commission determines to be relevant in evaluating
  the child's progress, including, as applicable, information
  concerning the child's treatment, education, and health.
         (c)  A report provided under this section may not include
  information that is protected from disclosure under state or
  federal law. 
         SECTION 3.  Subtitle A, Title 3, Human Resources Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 65 to read as follows:
         Sec. 65.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Committee" means the juvenile justice
  improvement plan committee established under Section 65.002.
               (2)  "Plan" means the comprehensive juvenile justice
  improvement plan developed by the committee under Section
  (a)  The juvenile justice improvement plan committee is
         (b)  The executive commissioner of the Texas Youth
  Commission and the executive director of the Texas Juvenile
  Probation Commission are co-presiding officers of the committee.
         (c)  The executive commissioner of the Texas Youth
  Commission and the executive director of the Texas Juvenile
  Probation Commission shall each appoint four members to the
  committee. The executive commissioner and executive director shall
  each appoint:
               (1)  one committee member who represents the interests
  of a local juvenile probation department;
               (2)  one committee member who represents the interests
  of juvenile offenders;
               (3)  one committee member who represents the interests
  of the families of juvenile offenders; and
               (4)  one committee member who represents an
  organization that advocates on behalf of juvenile offenders, the
  families of juvenile offenders, or the victims of delinquent or
  criminal conduct.
         Sec. 65.003.  DEVELOPMENT OF PLAN. (a) Not later than June
  1, 2010, the committee shall:
               (1)  develop a comprehensive juvenile justice
  improvement plan for fiscal years 2011-2015; and
               (2)  deliver a copy of the plan to and accept comments
  and review of the plan from:
                     (A)  the governor;
                     (B)  the lieutenant governor;
                     (C)  the speaker of the house of representatives;
                     (D)  the Criminal Justice Legislative Oversight
         (b)  The committee is not obligated to make changes to the
  plan as a result of receiving review and comments under Subsection
         (c)  The committee shall annually review and update the plan.
  (a)  The comprehensive juvenile justice improvement plan must
  include a master plan for the operation of secure correctional
  facilities operated by the Texas Youth Commission.  The committee
  shall evaluate state and county infrastructure to determine the
  number of beds needed in secure correctional facilities.
         (b)  The master plan developed under Subsection (a), taking
  into consideration the timing and cost of relocating or closing any
  facilities operated on September 1, 2009, by the Texas Youth
  Commission, must identify:
               (1)  which facilities, if any, operated by the Texas
  Youth Commission should be closed; and
               (2)  which areas of the state, if any, lack a sufficient
  number of locally operated secure or nonsecure correctional
         (c)  The committee shall develop the master plan to achieve
  the following goals:
               (1)  to the maximum extent possible, reserving
  facilities operated by or under contract with the state for higher
  risk juveniles;
               (2)  increasing reliance on alternatives to secure
  placement, except when secure placement is necessary to address
  adequately a juvenile offender's treatment needs or prevent the
  juvenile offender from reoffending;
               (3)  serving juveniles in settings that are as close to
  the juveniles' homes as possible;
               (4)  using facility and program designs proven to be
  most effective in rehabilitating juveniles;
               (5)  locating facilities as geographically close as
  possible to necessary workforce and other services; and
               (6)  developing county centers or consortiums that
  enhance county collaboration.
         Sec. 65.005.  PLAN COMPONENT: DATA SHARING. The
  comprehensive juvenile justice improvement plan must include a
  specific process and procedures for:
               (1)  developing shared data systems for agencies of
  this state that serve youth, including the Texas Youth Commission,
  the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, the Department of Family
  and Protective Services, the Department of State Health Services,
  the Health and Human Services Commission, and the Texas Education
  Agency; and
               (2)  to the maximum extent allowed by state and federal
  law, improving access by those agencies to educational and mental
  health records for juveniles who are placed on probation or
  committed to the custody of the state.
  REENTRY PLANNING. The comprehensive juvenile justice improvement
  plan must include a specific process and procedures and, if
  appropriate, a policy for:
               (1)  routinely assessing the risk and needs of
  juveniles in this state who are placed on juvenile probation or
  committed to the custody of the state;
               (2)  developing or improving validated risks and needs
  assessments and policies to assess juveniles at crucial points in
  the juvenile justice system, including:
                     (A)  before adjudication of a juvenile's case;
                     (B)  on commitment of a juvenile to the custody of
  the state; and
                     (C)  at release from a correctional facility or on
  the termination of control by the state;
               (3)  ensuring that a juvenile's minimum length of stay
  and placement in a particular facility directly address the
  identified needs of the juvenile;
               (4)  establishing timelines to identify and implement
  state and local programs for community supervision, local
  placement, and state commitment that have proven to be effective;
               (5)  providing training concerning the programs
  described by Subdivision (4) to state and local personnel;
               (6)  improving reentry into the community for juveniles
  exiting the juvenile justice system at the state or local level;
               (7)  increasing the use of the Texas Correctional
  Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments, community
  resource coordination groups, and other community resources for
  juveniles on parole or probation; and
               (8)  ensuring that youth exiting state commitment or
  extended probation placements have the appropriate personal
  identification and service referrals to ensure the delivery of
  essential services, including mental health treatment, to them
  without delay on their return to the community.
  The comprehensive juvenile justice improvement plan must include
  the development of a comprehensive system to measure the
  performance of the entire juvenile justice system in this state.
  The system must include performance measures that show the costs of
  different levels of supervision and treatment to enable
  identification of the most cost-effective programs.
         (b)  The committee shall consult with the Legislative Budget
  Board and the budget, planning, and policy division of the
  governor's office in developing the comprehensive system to measure
  performance under Subsection (a).
         Sec. 65.008.  EXPIRATION. This chapter expires December 31,
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.