81R11604 NC-D
  By: King of Taylor H.B. No. 3717
  relating to exemptions from the requirement to hold a license to
  practice physical therapy.
         SECTION 1.  Section 453.004(b), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a physical therapy aide;
               (2)  a physical therapy student or physical therapist
  assistant student:
                     (A)  participating in an accredited physical
  therapy or physical therapist assistant educational program; and
                     (B)  being supervised by a license holder under
  this chapter;
               (3)  a student:
                     (A)  participating in an accredited allied health
  science program leading to licensure by another state agency; and
                     (B)  being supervised by properly licensed,
  certified, or registered personnel;
               (4)  a person practicing physical therapy and engaging
  in a special project in patient care while working toward a
  postprofessional [an advanced] degree from an accredited college or
  university; [or]
               (5)  a physical therapist who does not live in this
  state, is licensed by the appropriate authority, and is in this
  state for a period not to exceed six months to attend an educational
  activity; or
               (6)  a person who practices physical therapy or as a
  physical therapy assistant and who is:
                     (A)  practicing physical therapy in the United
  States armed services, United States Public Health Service, or
  Veterans Administration in compliance with federal regulations for
  licensure of health care providers;
                     (B)  licensed in another jurisdiction of the
  United States or credentialed to practice physical therapy in
  another country if the person:
                           (i)  is teaching, demonstrating, or
  practicing physical therapy in an educational seminar in this state
  for not more than 60 days in a 12-month period; or
                           (ii)  by contract or employment, is
  practicing physical therapy in this state for not more than 60 days
  in a 12-month period for an athletic team or organization or a
  performing arts company temporarily competing or performing in this
  state; or
                     (C)  licensed in another jurisdiction of the
  United States, if the person notifies the board of the person's
  intent to practice in this state, and:
                           (i)  is practicing physical therapy for not
  more than 60 days during a declared local, state, or national
  disaster or emergency; or
                           (ii)  is displaced from the person's
  residence or place of employment due to a declared local, state, or
  national disaster and is practicing physical therapy in this state
  for not more than 60 days after the date the disaster is declared.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.