81R8585 DAK-F
  By: Flynn H.B. No. 3801
  relating to regulation of prepaid funeral benefits.
         SECTION 1.  Section 154.002, Finance Code, is amended by
  amending Subdivisions (1) and (6) and adding Subdivisions (1-a),
  (6-a), and (14) to read as follows:
               (1)  "Cash advance item" has the meaning assigned by 16
  C.F.R. Section 453.1.
               (1-a)  "Commission" means the Finance Commission of
               (6)  "Funeral provider" means the person [funeral home]
  designated in a prepaid funeral benefits contract that has agreed
  to provide the specified prepaid funeral benefits.
               (6-a)  "Insurance-funded contract" means an
  insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits contract.
               (14)  "Trust-funded contract" means a trust-funded
  prepaid funeral benefits contract.
         SECTION 2.  Section 154.102, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 154.102.  PERMIT APPLICATION; FEE. To obtain a permit
  to sell or continue to sell prepaid funeral benefits, a person must:
               (1)  be one of the following, if the person proposes to
  offer and sell prepaid funeral benefits contracts subject to
  Subchapter E:
                     (A)  a funeral provider;
                     (B)  an insurance company; or
                     (C)  the insurance holding company for an
  insurance company if the insurance company does not have the
  authority under its domiciliary law to directly hold a permit
  issued under this chapter;
               (2)  be a funeral provider, if the person proposes to
  offer and sell prepaid funeral benefits contracts subject to
  Subchapter F;
               (3)  file an application for a permit with the
  department on a form prescribed by the department;
               (4) [(2)]  pay a filing fee in an amount set by the
  commission under Section 154.051; and
               (5) [(3)]  if applicable, pay extraordinary expenses
  required for out-of-state investigation of the person.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 154.106(a) and (b), Finance Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A permit holder shall notify [by registered mail] the
  department and either the depository of the money held under
  Subchapter F or the issuer of insurance policy funding contracts
  under Subchapter E of a contract to transfer [in the] ownership of
  the permit holder's business not later than the seventh day after
  the date the contract [transfer] is executed [completed].
         (b)  If the proposed transferee [transfer is to a person who]
  is not a permit holder, the proposed transferee [person] shall file
  an application for a permit with the department in accordance with
  this subchapter.  If the application is complete, the commissioner
  shall approve or deny the application before the 16th [not later
  than the 30th] day after the date the application was received.  The
  transfer of prepaid funeral benefits contracts of the permit holder
  that is the transferor may not occur until after the date a permit
  is issued to the applicant that is the transferee [transfer is
         SECTION 4.  Section 154.109(b), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner by order may refuse to renew a permit
  if the commissioner finds, by examination or other credible
  evidence, that the permit holder does not possess a qualification
  required by Section 154.103(b) for issuance of an initial permit,
  or that the permit holder:
               (1)  committed one or more of the acts described by
  Subsection (a); and
               (2)  did not correct the violation before the 31st day
  after the date of written notice from the commissioner.
         SECTION 5.  Chapter 154, Finance Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter C-1 to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.131.  BROCHURE.  (a)  A seller, directly or
  through the seller's designated agent, shall provide an
  informational brochure to each potential purchaser of a prepaid
  funeral benefits contract.
         (b)  The brochure must:
               (1)  describe the regulation of prepaid funeral
  benefits contracts and the trust and insurance funding options
  available under the law of this state; and
               (2)  include a reference to the Internet website
  required under Section 154.132.
         (c)  The department:
               (1)  must approve an informational brochure before the
  brochure may be used by the seller; and
               (2)  may provide a model informational brochure that
  complies with this section.
         Sec. 154.132.  WEBSITE.  (a)  The department shall establish
  and maintain an Internet website that provides information to
  enable consumers to make informed decisions relating to the
  purchase of prepaid funeral benefits.
         (b)  The website:
               (1)  must include a description of the trust and
  insurance funding options available under the law of this state;
               (2)  may include links to and be linked from the
  department's website, the Texas Department of Insurance website,
  and the Texas Funeral Service Commission website; and
               (3)  may include additional information or links to
  additional information that the department determines may be
  helpful to consumers of prepaid funeral benefits in this state.
         Sec. 154.133.  REFERENCE OR LINK TO WEBSITE.  Any sales
  literature or a website that offers or promotes the sale of prepaid
  funeral benefits contracts to the public must include a reference
  or link to the Internet website required under Section 154.132.
         SECTION 6.  Sections 154.151(c) and (e), Finance Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  If a [A] funeral provider designated in the contract to
  provide prepaid funeral benefits is [that are] not the seller
  licensed under this chapter, [sold by] the funeral provider must:
               (1)  be a party to the contract; [and]
               (2)  agree in the contract to provide those benefits;
               (3)  acknowledge and agree to discharge the
  responsibilities imposed on a funeral provider by Section 154.161,
  either in the prepaid funeral benefits contract or in a separate
  writing signed by the funeral provider and the seller.
         (e)  The commission [Finance Commission of Texas] by rule
  shall establish a standard disclosure that must be included in each
  contract to inform purchasers of the goods and services that will be
  provided or excluded under the contract and the circumstances under
  which the contract may be modified after death of the beneficiary.  
  The commission by rule may prescribe a form for the standard
  disclosure that is designed to more closely conform to variations
  in sales contract forms that serve different purposes.
         SECTION 7.  Subchapter D, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.1511 to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.1511.  CASH ADVANCE ITEMS:  NON-GUARANTEED
  MERCHANDISE AND SERVICES.  (a)  A purchaser of a prepaid funeral
  benefits contract may agree to advance funds for all or any portion
  of the estimated cost of cash advance items included in a prepaid
  funeral benefits contract, the actual cost of which are to be
  determined by existing prices at the time the items are delivered or
  provided in connection with at-need performance of the contracted
         (b)  Cash advance items included in a prepaid funeral
  benefits contract must be clearly grouped together and segregated
  from prepaid funeral benefits in a manner that will permit the
  average consumer to easily understand that:
               (1)  cash advance items are not fixed or guaranteed in
  price; and
               (2)  additional money may be required to fully pay for
  those items at the time of the funeral.
         (c)  A seller shall administer purchaser funds received in
  advance for cash advance items under a prepaid funeral benefits
  contract in the manner required by Section 154.159.
         (d)  After the death of the contract beneficiary, the funeral
  provider shall apply the proportionate part of the trust or
  insurance policy proceeds received under the contract that is
  derived from advance payment of cash advance items to the current
  purchase price for the items. To the extent the proportionate part
  of contract proceeds:
               (1)  is less than the current purchase price for the
  cash advance items, the funeral provider may collect additional
  money for the difference in exchange for delivering or providing
  the items as part of the contracted funeral; or
               (2)  is greater than the current purchase price for the
  cash advance items, the funeral provider shall promptly refund the
  excess amount unless that amount is offset against other amounts
  due to the funeral provider in connection with the contracted
         SECTION 8.  Section 154.155(d), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  The purchaser is entitled to receive the actual amount
  paid by the purchaser and half of all earnings attributable to that
  money, less the amount permitted to be retained as provided by
  Section 154.252, except as provided by Subsection (e) and by
  Sections 154.1511, 154.1551, 154.205, and 154.254.
         SECTION 9.  Section 154.1551, Finance Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (d), (e), and (f) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The funeral merchandise, funeral [and] services, and
  cash advance items selected in [to be provided by the seller under]
  a fully paid prepaid funeral benefits contract may be modified
  after the death of the beneficiary if the modification complies
  with this section [Subsection (b)] or is otherwise agreed to in a
  writing signed by the seller or funeral provider and the person
  charged with the disposition of the beneficiary's remains by
  Section 711.002(a), Health and Safety Code, except that[:
               [(1)]  if the purchaser of the contract is also the
               (1) [(A)]  the contracted funeral merchandise and
  services may not be modified if the contract contains a clause that
  prohibits modification; and
               (2) [(B)]  a modification may not change the type of
  disposition specified by the purchaser in the contract, whether by
  burial, cremation, or another alternative by which the purchaser's
  remains attain their final resting place, as provided by Section
  711.002(g), Health and Safety Code[; and
               [(2)     the value attributed to any contracted funeral
  merchandise or service that is surrendered or exchanged in a
  modification must be computed on a comparable time-price basis with
  the price charged for substituted funeral merchandise or service
  provided as part of the modification].
         (d)  A modification of contracted funeral merchandise or
  services must comply with Subsection (b), and the value attributed
  to any contracted funeral merchandise or service that is
  surrendered or exchanged in the modification must be computed on a
  comparable time-price basis with the price charged for substituted
  funeral merchandise or service provided as part of the
         (e)  A modification of cash advance items included in the
  contract under Section 154.1511 must comply with Subsection (f).
         (f)  A person charged with disposition of the beneficiary's
  remains may add, surrender, cancel, or modify any cash advance item
  included under the contract at the time the funeral is performed
  only if:
               (1)  the value attributed to any contracted funeral
  merchandise or service that is surrendered in a modification,
  determined as provided under Subsection (d), may be applied to the
  unpaid cost of contracted or additional cash advance items; and
               (2)  the funeral provider promptly refunds the
  proportionate part of the trust or insurance policy proceeds
  received under the contract that is derived from advance payment of
  a surrendered or canceled cash advance item to the extent the
  proceeds are not applied to the unpaid cost of additional cash
  advance items or additional funeral merchandise or services
  requested by the person charged with disposition of the
  beneficiary's remains.
         SECTION 10.  Section 154.156(a), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits contract may
  irrevocably waive the purchaser's right to cancel the contract
  under Section 154.155. The waiver must be in a separate writing
  signed by the purchaser and the seller and [not earlier than the
  15th day after the date of the purchase of the contract. The form of
  the waiver] must comply with the plain language requirements for
  the form of a sales contract under Section 154.151.
         SECTION 11.  Section 154.160(b), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The seller shall notify the department of:
               (1)  the designation not later than the 10th day after
  the date the seller becomes subject to this chapter;  and
               (2)  any change in the designation not later than the
  10th day after [within the 10-day period preceding] the date of the
         SECTION 12.  Subchapter D, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.161 to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.161.  RESPONSIBILITIES OF FUNERAL PROVIDER.  (a)  
  The funeral provider under a prepaid funeral benefits contract
  subject to this chapter shall:
               (1)  in compliance with applicable law, protect any
  nonpublic personal financial and health information of the
  purchaser and contract beneficiary in the possession of the funeral
               (2)  after the death of the contract beneficiary:
                     (A)  deliver the contracted funeral merchandise
  and services and cash advance items required under the contract,
  subject to Section 154.1551;
                     (B)  prepare a written pre-need to at-need
  reconciliation to verify that the specified goods and services are
  delivered or performed for the agreed price and promptly refund any
  contract overcharges that may be revealed by the reconciliation;
                     (C)  if advance payment of cash advance items was
  included in the contract, prepare a reconciliation of proceeds
  applied to cash advance items; and
               (3)  with respect to each prepaid funeral benefits
  contract for which the funeral provider is not also the seller:
                     (A)  sign the reconciliations required by
  Subsection (a)(2);
                     (B)  promptly deliver the records that verify
  contract performance to the seller, including the final at-need
  contract, the certificate of performance, and the reconciliations
  required under Subsection (a)(2);
                     (C)  if requested by the seller, correct or
  explain any discrepancy in a reconciliation required under
  Subsection (a)(2); and
                     (D)  provide copies of any other records or
  documentation related to the offer, sale, and performance of the
  contract that are reasonably requested by the seller or the
  department, including records related to any refund required by
  Section 154.1511 or 154.1551.
         (b)  The seller shall report to the department any
  discrepancy in a reconciliation required under Subsection (a)(2)
  that remains unresolved after a request for correction is made
  under Subsection (a)(3)(C).
         SECTION 13.  Subchapter E, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.2021 to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.2021.  REQUIREMENTS FOR INSURANCE POLICIES. (a) An
  insurance policy used to fund prepaid funeral benefits under this
  chapter must contain the following statement on the cover page or
  otherwise within the policy or a rider to the policy: "This policy
  is issued to fund a prepaid funeral benefits contract subject to
  Chapter 154 of the Texas Finance Code. Cancellation of the prepaid
  funeral benefits contract does not automatically cancel this
         (b)  The aggregate initial face value of one or more
  insurance policies issued to fund a prepaid funeral benefits
  contract may not exceed the total contract price by more than five
  percent unless the purchaser:
               (1)  receives a conspicuous written disclosure of the
  purpose and amount of the excess coverage and how the insurance
  benefit will be applied at contract maturity; and
               (2)  consents in writing to the purchase of the excess
         SECTION 14.  Section 154.205, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  A purchaser of an insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits
  contract who cancels the contract [during the first year of the
  contract when payments required under the contract are current] is
  entitled to receive the cash surrender value of the insurance
  policy if the policy is also canceled. Cancellation of the contract
  does not automatically cancel the funding insurance policy.
         SECTION 15.  Section 154.206, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 154.206.  ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHT TO BENEFITS. The
  purchaser of an insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits contract
  may irrevocably assign the purchaser's ownership of and rights to
  benefits under the insurance policy to the seller, the funeral
  provider, the trustee, or other person. An assignee under this
  section is subject to a fiduciary duty to apply the insurance policy
  benefits as provided by the contract and this chapter.
         SECTION 16.  Section 154.207(a), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The seller or funeral provider may withdraw the benefits
  payable under an insurance policy funding prepaid funeral benefits
               (1)  the beneficiary named in the contract dies;
               (2)  the funeral service is completed; [and]
               (3)  the funeral provider has completed the provider's
  obligations under Section 154.161(a) with respect to the contract;
               (4)  the insurance company is presented with:
                     (A)  appropriate affidavits by an officer or
  designated agent of the seller on forms prescribed by the
  department, attesting to matters required by Subsections (a)(2) and
  (3); and
                     (B)  a certified copy of the death certificate.
         SECTION 17.  Section 154.262(a), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The seller of a trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits
  contract may withdraw an amount equal to the original contract
  amount paid by the purchaser and the earnings attributable to the
  contract, less the amount retained under Section 154.252, after:
               (1)  the beneficiary named in the contract dies;
               (2)  the funeral service is completed; [and]
               (3)  the funeral provider has completed the provider's
  obligations under Section 154.161(a) with respect to the contract;
               (4)  the depository is presented with:
                     (A)  appropriate affidavits by an officer or agent
  of the seller on forms prescribed by the department, attesting to
  matters required by Subsections (a)(2) and (3); and
                     (B)  a certified copy of the death certificate.
         SECTION 18.  Section 154.351, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 154.351.  MAINTENANCE OF GUARANTY FUND. (a) The
  commission by rule shall establish and the department shall
  maintain a fund to guarantee performance by sellers of prepaid
  funeral benefits contracts of their obligations to the purchasers
  [under the provisions of this chapter governing prepaid funeral
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), for purposes of
  claims and assessments, the department shall maintain separate
  accounts within the fund for trust-funded contracts and
  insurance-funded contracts.
         (c)  The advisory council under Section 154.355 may
  authorize borrowing between accounts to facilitate prompt and
  efficient resolution of claims against an account with an
  insufficient balance if:
               (1)  the indebted account is obligated to pay interest
  at a rate that will reasonably compensate the lending account for
  lost earnings;
               (2)  required or planned assessments for the benefit of
  the indebted account are pending and sufficient to repay the
  lending account; and
               (3)  assessments collected for the benefit of the
  indebted account are transferred to the lending account until the
  borrowed amount plus interest has been repaid.
         SECTION 19.  Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.3525 to read as follows:
  (a)  The department shall assess and collect from a seller not more
  than $1 for each insurance-funded contract sold during each
  calendar year and shall deposit the assessments in the
  insurance-funded contract account within the fund.
         (b)  The department shall stop assessing the amounts
  required by Subsection (a) when the amount in the insurance-funded
  contract account reaches $1 million.
         SECTION 20.  Section 154.355, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 154.355.  ADVISORY COUNCIL. (a)  An advisory council
  composed of the following individuals shall supervise the operation
  and maintenance of the fund:
               (1)  the commissioner or the commissioner's
               (2)  the attorney general or the attorney general's
               (3)  two representatives [one representative] of the
  prepaid funeral industry appointed by the commission, one of whom
  represents trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits contract sellers
  and one of whom represents insurance-funded prepaid funeral
  benefits contract sellers [Finance Commission of Texas]; and
               (4)  one consumer representative appointed by the
  commission [Finance Commission of Texas].
         (b)  The prepaid funeral industry and consumer
  representatives serve two-year terms and may not serve more than
  four [two] terms.
         (c)  The commissioner shall render a final decision [cast the
  deciding vote] if there is a tie vote by members of the advisory
         SECTION 21.  Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.3551 to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.3551.  LIMIT ON LIABILITY.  (a)  A member of the
  advisory council is not personally liable for damages arising from
  the member's official act or omission under this subchapter unless
  the act or omission is corrupt or malicious.
         (b)  The attorney general shall defend an action brought
  against a member of the advisory council arising from an official
  act or omission under this subchapter, including an action
  instituted after the defendant's service with the advisory council
  has terminated.
         (c)  The attorney general is not required to defend a member
  of the advisory council against an action relating to:
               (1)  the disposition of a claim filed under this
  subchapter; or
               (2)  any issue other than the applicability or effect
  of the limitation on liability under this section.
         (d)  The commissioner on behalf of the fund, with the advice
  and consent of the advisory council, may contract with the attorney
  general under Chapter 771, Government Code, for legal services not
  covered by this section.
         SECTION 22.  Section 154.356, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  CONTRACTS TO PAY CLAIMS. (a)  To pay a claim against the fund when
  the balance of the trust-funded contract account [fund] is
  insufficient to pay that claim, the advisory council may assess
  each [person that holds a] permit holder that has outstanding
  trust-funded contracts an amount [under this chapter] based on the
  permit holder's proportionate share of the purchasers' deposits on
  all outstanding trust-funded [prepaid funeral benefits] contracts
  determined as of the end of the preceding calendar year.
         (b)  The assessments shall be deposited in the trust-funded
  contract account within the fund and administered by the department
  and the advisory council in accordance with commission rules.
         (c)  An assessment made under this section is in addition to
  any assessment required by Section 154.352.
         (d)  A seller whose permit is revoked or surrendered remains
  liable for any unpaid assessment made before the date of the
  revocation or surrender.
         SECTION 23.  Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.3565 to read as follows:
  CONTRACTS TO PAY CLAIMS.  (a)  To pay a claim against the fund when
  the balance of the insurance-funded contract account is
  insufficient to pay that claim, the advisory council may assess
  each permit holder that has outstanding insurance-funded contracts
  an amount based on the permit holder's proportionate share of all
  outstanding insurance-funded contracts determined as of the end of
  the preceding calendar year.
         (b)  The assessments shall be deposited in the
  insurance-funded contract account within the fund and administered
  by the department and the advisory council in accordance with
  commission rules.
         (c)  An assessment made under this section is in addition to
  any assessment required by Section 154.3525.
         (d)  A seller whose permit is revoked or surrendered remains
  liable for any unpaid assessment made before the date of the
  revocation or surrender.
         SECTION 24.  Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 154.358, 154.359, and 154.360 to read as
         Sec. 154.358.  CLAIMS AGAINST FUND.  (a)  The payment of a
  claim or expense from the fund is a matter of privilege and not of
  right, and a person does not have a vested right in the fund as a
  beneficiary or otherwise.
         (b)  A claim against the fund may be made by:
               (1)  a purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits
               (2)  a purchaser's estate;
               (3)  a permit holder or funeral provider who assumes or
  performs a contract; or
               (4)  a claimant for the benefit of a group of purchasers
  of prepaid funeral benefits contracts as part of a plan to arrange
  for another permit holder to assume the contract obligations.
         (c)  An approved claim or expense relating to a trust-funded
  contract may be paid only from the fund's trust-funded contract
  account.  An approved claim or expense relating to an
  insurance-funded contract may be paid only from the fund's
  insurance-funded contract account.
         Sec. 154.359.  PERMISSIBLE USES OF FUND.  (a)  In addition to
  uses authorized by Section 154.354, the fund may be used to pay:
               (1)  a loss attributable to the failure or inability of
  a permit holder to provide the prepaid funeral benefits under a
  prepaid contract or to refund the appropriate amount due because of
  a contract cancellation;
               (2)  expenses of a plan to arrange for another permit
  holder to assume the obligations under a prepaid funeral benefits
  contract or a group of prepaid funeral benefits contracts if the
  commissioner finds, with the advice and consent of the advisory
  council, that the plan is reasonable and in the best interests of
  the contract beneficiaries;
               (3)  administrative expenses related to servicing and
  handling outstanding prepaid funeral benefits contracts that have
  not been assumed by another permit holder;
               (4)  expenses for administering the receivership of an
  insolvent permit holder if the permit holder's assets are
  insufficient to pay those expenses; and
               (5)  expenses to employ and compensate a consultant, an
  agent, legal counsel, an accountant, and any other person
  appropriate and consistent with the purpose of the fund, as
  determined by the advisory council.
         (b)  The fund is not authorized to pay any claimant an amount
  that exceeds the contractual obligations specified by the express
  written terms of the prepaid funeral benefits contract, including:
               (1)  a claim based on marketing materials;
               (2)  a claim based on side letters or other documents
  that do not comply with the requirements of this chapter;
               (3)  a claim based on misrepresentation of the benefits
  conferred by the contract or a funding insurance policy; or
               (4)  a claim for court costs, attorney's fees,
  penalties, or consequential or incidental damages.
         (c)  A claim may not be approved for a loss to the extent the
  claim is insured, bonded, or otherwise covered, protected, or
  reimbursed from other sources, including coverage provided by the
  Texas Life, Accident, Health, and Hospital Service Insurance
  Guaranty Association under Chapter 463, Insurance Code.
         Sec. 154.360.  SUBROGATION.  (a)  A person receiving a
  benefit under this chapter, including a payment of or on account of
  a contractual obligation or provision of substitute or alternative
  prepaid funeral benefits, is considered to have assigned to the
  fund the rights under, and any cause of action relating to, the
  prepaid funeral benefits contract to the extent of the benefit
  received. Notwithstanding this assignment by law, the commissioner
  may require a payee to execute a formal assignment of the person's
  rights and cause of action to the fund as a condition of receiving a
  right or benefit under this subchapter.
         (b)  The fund retains all common law rights of subrogation
  and any other equitable or legal remedy that would have been
  available to a recipient of benefits from the fund with respect to a
  prepaid funeral benefits contract.
         (c)  The commissioner, on behalf of the fund, may bring an
  action against any person and may employ and compensate a
  consultant, an agent, legal counsel, an accountant, or any other
  person the commissioner considers appropriate to collect a
  subrogated amount. Payment shall be made from the appropriate
  account within the fund for these services. Any recovery of a
  subrogated amount shall be deposited in the appropriate account
  within the fund.
         SECTION 25.  Sections 154.408(b) and (d), Finance Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The order must state:
               (1)  with reasonable certainty the grounds for the
  order; and
               (2)  the effective date of [, which may not be before
  the 16th day after the date] the order [is mailed].
         (d)  Except as provided by Section 154.4081, the [The] order
  takes effect as proposed, except that the order may not take effect
  before the 16th day after the date the order is mailed unless the
  person named in the order requests a hearing not later than the 15th
  day after the date the order is mailed.
         SECTION 26.  Subchapter I, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.4081 to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.4081.  EMERGENCY ORDER.  (a)  The commissioner may
  issue an emergency order that takes effect immediately if the
  commissioner finds that immediate and irreparable harm is
  threatened to the public or a beneficiary under a prepaid funeral
  benefits contract.
         (b)  An emergency order remains in effect unless stayed by
  the commissioner.
         (c)  The person named in the order may request in writing an
  opportunity for a hearing to show that the emergency order should be
  stayed. On receipt of the request, the commissioner shall set a
  time for the hearing before the 22nd day after the date the
  commissioner received the request, unless extended at the request
  of the person named in the order.
         (d)  The hearing is an administrative hearing relating to the
  validity of findings that support immediate effect of the order.
         SECTION 27.  The heading to Section 154.412, Finance Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 28.  Section 154.412, Finance Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a), (c), and (d) and adding Subsections
  (c-1), (f), and (g) to read as follows:
         (a)  The [After the commissioner cancels or fails to renew a
  permit under Section 154.109(a) or on notice to a person required to
  obtain a permit under this chapter, the] commissioner may issue an
  order to seize accounts in which [the] prepaid funeral funds
  [money], including earnings, may be [where that money is] held and
  may issue an order to seize the records that relate to the sale of
  prepaid funeral benefits if the commissioner finds, by examination
  or other credible evidence, that the person:
               (1)  failed to deposit or remit money in accordance
  with Subchapter E or F;
               (2)  misappropriated, converted, or illegally withheld
  or failed or refused to pay on demand money entrusted to the person
  that belongs to the beneficiary under a prepaid funeral benefits
               (3)  refused to submit to examination by the
               (4)  was the subject of an order to cancel, suspend, or
  refuse to renew a permit; or
               (5)  does not hold a permit or transferred the
  ownership of its business to another person who does not hold a
  permit [and who:
                     [(A)     did not apply for a new permit before the
  31st day after the date the transfer was completed; or
                     [(B)  was denied a new permit].
         (c)  An order takes effect immediately, and remains in effect
  unless stayed by the commissioner, if the commissioner finds that
  immediate and irreparable harm is threatened to the public or a
  beneficiary under a prepaid funeral benefits contract. If such a
  threat does not exist, the order must state the effective date,
  which may not be before the 16th day after the date the order is
         (c-1)  An emergency order remains in effect unless stayed by
  the commissioner. The person named in the order may request in
  writing an opportunity for a hearing to show that the emergency
  order should be stayed. On receipt of the request, the commissioner
  shall set a time before the 22nd day after the date the commissioner
  received the request, unless extended at the request of the person
  named in the order.  The hearing is an administrative hearing
  relating to the findings that support immediate effect of the
         (d)  A nonemergency [An] order takes effect as proposed
  unless the person named in the order requests a hearing not later
  than the 15th day after the date the order is mailed.
         (f)  After the issuance of an order under this section, the
  commissioner may initiate an administrative claim for ancillary
  relief, including a claim for:
               (1)  costs incurred in the administration, transfer, or
  other disposition of the seized assets and records; or
               (2)  costs reasonably expected to be incurred in
  connection with the administration and performance of any
  outstanding prepaid funeral benefits contracts sold by a person
  subject to the order.
         (g)  The remedy provided by Subsection (f) is not exclusive
  and does not limit the commissioner's discretion to seek an
  additional remedy authorized under this subchapter.
         SECTION 29.  Section 1701.005(a), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  This chapter does not apply to [a rider or endorsement
               (1)  a rider or endorsement that is used at the request
  of the holder of a policy, contract, or certificate subject to this
  chapter and that[; and
               [(2)]  relates to:
                     (A)  the manner of distribution of benefits under
  the policy, contract, or certificate; or
                     (B)  the reservation of rights and benefits under
  the policy, contract, or certificate; or
               (2)  the modification of a previously approved
  insurance policy form for the sole purpose of adding the statement
  required by Section 154.2021(a).
         SECTION 30.  (a)  Section 154.102, Finance Code, as amended
  by this Act, applies only to an application for a new permit filed
  on or after September 1, 2009. An application for a new permit that
  was filed in good faith before the effective date of this Act is
  governed by the law as it existed immediately before the effective
  date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that
         (b)  Section 154.102, Finance Code, as amended by this Act,
  does not apply to the renewal of a permit originally issued before
  September 1, 2009, if the permit is timely and continuously renewed
  after that date and is not suspended, canceled, or nonrenewed for
  reasons other than the requirements of Section 154.102, Finance
  Code. An application for renewal that meets the conditions of this
  subsection is governed by the law as it existed immediately before
  the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect
  for that purpose.
         (c)  Section 154.151, Finance Code, as amended by this Act,
  and Section 154.2021(b), Finance Code, as added by this Act, apply
  only to a prepaid funeral benefits contract entered into on or after
  September 1, 2009. A prepaid funeral benefits contract entered
  into before September 1, 2009, is governed by the law as it existed
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         (d)  Section 154.2021(a), Finance Code, as added by this Act,
  applies only to an insurance policy that is delivered, issued for
  delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2010.  A policy
  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2010,
  is governed by the law as it existed immediately before the
  effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         SECTION 31.  (a)  Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Finance Code, as
  amended by this Act, does not apply to a loss under an
  insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits contract that arises
  from or relates to the occurrence of one of the following events
  before September 1, 2009:
               (1)  an event of default under the contract;
               (2)  the suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew
  the permit of the contract seller under Chapter 154, Finance Code;
               (3)  the bankruptcy, receivership, seizure, or other
  failure of the contract seller.
         (b)  Money in the guaranty fund on September 1, 2009, is
  allocated to the trust-funded account within the guaranty fund
  created by Section 154.351, Finance Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 32.  Section 154.106(c), Finance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 33.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
         (b)  The following provisions take effect January 1, 2010:
               (1)  Subchapter C-1, Chapter 154, Finance Code, as
  added by this Act; and
               (2)  Section 154.2021(a), Finance Code, as added by
  this Act.