81R4514 MTB-F
  By: Smith of Harris H.B. No. 3917
  relating to the creation and administration of the Texas Local
  Participation Transportation Program.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 403, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter O to read as follows:
         Sec. 403.351.  DEFINITIONS. In this section:
               (1)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
               (2)  "Fund" means the Texas local participation
  transportation fund.
               (3)  "Local project sponsor" means:
                     (A)  a municipality;
                     (B)  a county, including a county acting under
  Chapter 284, Transportation Code;
                     (C)  a regional mobility authority under Chapter
  370, Transportation Code; or
                     (D)  a regional tollway authority under Chapter
  366, Transportation Code.
               (4)  "Program" means the Texas Local Participation
  Transportation Program created under this subchapter.
               (5)  "Project" means a tolled or non-tolled facility:
                     (A)  authorized under Section 222.104,
  Transportation Code; and
                     (B)  sponsored by a local project sponsor.
               (6)  "Total project cost" in connection with a project
  means the estimated costs of:
                     (A)  planning, environmental assessment,
  regulatory permitting and compliance, design, construction,
  construction oversight and inspection, right-of-way acquisition,
  utility relocation, program management, legal services, and
  financial advisory services; and
                     (B)  financing, but only to the extent financing
  costs relate to the securitization of amounts received from the
  fund and received under an agreement made under Section 222.104,
  Transportation Code.
  FUND. (a) The Texas local participation transportation fund is a
  dedicated account in the general revenue fund.
         (b)  The fund is composed of:
               (1)  money transferred to the fund at the direction of
  the legislature;
               (2)  gifts and grants contributed to the fund;
               (3)  interest and earnings received from investments of
  money in the fund; and
               (4)  money repaid by a local project sponsor under a
  loan made under this subchapter.
         (c)  Money in the fund may be used only for the
  administration of this subchapter and may not be appropriated for
  any other purpose.
         (d)  Sections 403.095 and 404.071 do not apply to the fund.
         Sec. 403.353.  GIFTS AND GRANTS. The comptroller may solicit
  and accept gifts and grants to the fund. A gift or grant to the fund
  may be used in the same manner as other money in the fund, subject to
  any limitation or requirement placed on the gift or grant by the
  donor or granting entity.
         Sec. 403.354.  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY. The comptroller may
  adopt rules relating to the implementation of the program and any
  other rules necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
  PROGRAM. (a)  The comptroller shall administer a program to
  encourage local project sponsors to participate in the delivery of
  eligible projects by providing the sponsors disbursements from the
         (b)  In administering the program, the comptroller shall
  develop a process for certifying the eligibility of projects
  nominated by local project sponsors for disbursements from the
  fund. The process must require a local project sponsor to submit a
  request for certification that includes:
               (1)  a description of the benefits anticipated to
  result from the project, including the impact on:
                     (A)  local economic development and
                     (B)  congestion on public highways, future
  mobility needs of this state, and the development or expansion of
  transportation in the state;
                     (C)  safety to the traveling public; and
                     (D)  air quality;
               (2)  a description of local support for the project and
  any known local public opposition;
               (3)  a proposed schedule for the development and
  completion of the project, including an estimate of the date on
  which the project will be open to traffic; and
               (4)  a commitment by the local project sponsor to
  comply with all state or federal laws.
         (c)  In addition to information provided under Subsection
  (b), a request for certification must contain:
               (1)  sufficient information to determine that the local
  project sponsor is an entity eligible to receive funding under this
               (2)  a specific description of the project, including
  project limits and connections with other transportation
               (3)  identification of the scope of work to be
  completed and a detailed estimate of total project costs;
               (4)  a commitment that the local project sponsor
  intends to enter into an agreement for development of the project
  under Section 222.104, Transportation Code; and
               (5)  a proposed plan for funding the project that:
                     (A)  is in compliance with Subsection (d); and
                     (B)  specifically identifies the contribution of
  local sources to the total project cost.
         (d)  An eligible project may not receive more than 50 percent
  of the total project cost from the fund.
         Sec. 403.356.  DETERMINATION OF CONTRIBUTION. For purposes
  of determining the amount contributed by local sources to the total
  project cost under Section 403.355, a sponsor may include, as
  applicable, funds on hand, ad valorem taxes, local option taxes or
  fees dedicated to the project, economic development grants, other
  project specific gifts and grants, and, if the project is planned as
  a toll facility, toll revenues.
         Sec. 403.357.  ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAM. In administering
  the program the comptroller shall:
               (1)  prepare an annual report projecting the amount of
  funding available based on estimates of future deposits to the fund
  and of money to be repaid to the fund by local project sponsors
  under loans made under this subchapter;
               (2)  establish guidelines for disbursements from the
  fund that link disbursements with proposed project development and
  completion schedules submitted under Section 403.355(b)(3); and
               (3)  establish guidelines and protocols for use by the
  department in certifying that a project for which a request for
  certification is submitted is not inconsistent with existing and
  planned improvements to the state highway system.
         Sec. 403.358.  PROJECT CERTIFICATION. (a) If the comptroller
  finds that a project for which a request for certification is
  submitted is eligible for disbursements from the fund, the
  comptroller shall:
               (1)  issue a certification to the local project sponsor
  to begin negotiations with the department under Section 222.104,
  Transportation Code; and
               (2)  provide the department, based on the type of
  projects that will most effectively meet the economic development
  needs of this state, with guidelines that the department shall
  follow in advancing projects authorized under Section 222.104,
  Transportation Code, and negotiating agreements for projects under
  that section, so that projects may be certified under this
  subchapter as eligible for funding, including guidelines on:
                     (A)  prescribing the roles and responsibility of
  the parties for all significant work to be performed;
                     (B)  delegating to the local project sponsor, to
  the maximum extent permitted by law, the full responsibility for
  project development;
                     (C)  requiring a local project sponsor to meet
  state design criteria, construction specifications, and contract
  administration procedures unless the department grants an
  exception; and
                     (D)  defining the maximum total funds available
  for the project in consideration of the total project costs and the
  money available in the fund.
         (b)  A project for which a certification is issued under this
  section does not require further approval by the department under
  Section 222.104, Transportation Code, before an agreement may be
         Sec. 403.359.  FUND DISBURSEMENTS. (a) After a project is
  certified under this subchapter, the comptroller may make
  disbursements from the fund to a local project sponsor in the form
  of a grant or loan in accordance with guidelines established under
  Section 403.357(2).
         (b)  The comptroller may not make a disbursement from the
  fund for a project until there is a signed agreement under Section
  222.104, Transportation Code, that is consistent with Section
         Sec. 403.360.  FEES.  In connection with each application
  for certification of a project under this subchapter, the
  comptroller shall impose and collect from the local project sponsor
  an application fee in an amount sufficient to cover the costs
  incurred by the comptroller in administering this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2009.