By: McReynolds, Pena (Senate Sponsor - Nelson) H.B. No. 3961
         (In the Senate - Received from the House April 29, 2009;
  May 1, 2009, read first time and referred to Committee on Health
  and Human Services; May 11, 2009, reported adversely, with
  favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote: Yeas 8,
  Nays 0; May 11, 2009, sent to printer.)
  relating to the regulation of nursing.
         SECTION 1.  Section 301.155(c), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  The board shall assess a [$3] surcharge of not less than
  $3 or more than $5 for a registered nurse and a [$2] surcharge of not
  less than $2 or more than $3 for a vocational nurse to the fee
  established by the board under Subsection (a) for a license holder
  to renew a license under this chapter. The board may use nine cents
  of the registered nurse surcharge and six cents of the vocational
  nurse surcharge to cover the administrative costs of collecting and
  depositing the surcharge. The board quarterly shall transmit the
  remainder of each surcharge to the Department of State Health
  Services to be used only to implement the nursing resource section
  under Section 105.002, Health and Safety Code. The board is not
  required to collect the surcharge if the board determines the funds
  collected are not appropriated for the purpose of funding the
  nursing resource section.
         SECTION 2.  Section 301.157, Occupations Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (d-4) and adding Subsections (d-8), (d-9),
  (d-10), and (d-11) to read as follows:
         (d-4)  The board may recognize and accept as approved under
  this section a school of nursing or educational program operated in
  another state and approved by a state board of nursing or other
  regulatory body of that [another] state.  The board shall develop
  policies to ensure that the other state's [state board's] standards
  are substantially equivalent to the board's standards.  
         (d-8)  For purposes of Subsection (d-4), a nursing program
  is considered to meet standards substantially equivalent to the
  board's standards if the program:
               (1)  is part of an institution of higher education
  located outside this state that is approved by the appropriate
  regulatory authorities of that state;
               (2)  holds regional accreditation by an accrediting
  body recognized by the United States secretary of education and the
  Council for Higher Education Accreditation;
               (3)  holds specialty accreditation by an accrediting
  body recognized by the United States secretary of education and the
  Council for Higher Education Accreditation, including the National
  League for Nursing Accrediting Commission;
               (4)  requires program applicants to be a licensed
  practical or vocational nurse, a military service corpsman, or a
  paramedic, or to hold a college degree in a clinically oriented
  health care field with demonstrated experience providing direct
  patient care; and
               (5)  graduates students who:
                     (A)  achieve faculty-determined program outcomes,
  including passing criterion-referenced examinations of nursing
  knowledge essential to beginning a registered nursing practice and
  transitioning to the role of registered nurse;
                     (B)  pass a criterion-referenced summative
  performance examination developed by faculty subject matter
  experts that measures clinical competencies essential to beginning
  a registered nursing practice and that meets nationally recognized
  standards for educational testing, including the educational
  testing standards of the American Educational Research
  Association, the American Psychological Association, and the
  National Council on Measurement in Education; and
                     (C)  pass the National Council Licensure
  Examination for Registered Nurses at a rate equivalent to the
  passage rate for students of approved in-state programs.
         (d-9)  A graduate of a clinical competency assessment
  program operated in another state and approved by a state board of
  nursing or other regulatory body of another state is eligible to
  apply for an initial license under this chapter if:
               (1)  the board allowed graduates of the program to
  apply for an initial license under this chapter continuously during
  the 10-year period preceding January 1, 2007;
               (2)  the program does not make any substantial changes
  in the length or content of its clinical competency assessment
  without the board's approval;
               (3)  the program remains in good standing with the
  state board of nursing or other regulatory body in the other state;
               (4)  the program participates in the research study
  under Section 105.008, Health and Safety Code.
         (d-10)  In this section, the terms "clinical competency
  assessment program" and "supervised clinical learning experiences
  program" have the meanings assigned by Section 105.008, Health and
  Safety Code.
         (d-11)  Subsections (d-8), (d-9), (d-10), and (d-11) expire
  December 31, 2017. As part of the first review conducted under
  Section 301.003 after September 1, 2009, the Sunset Advisory
  Commission shall:
               (1)  recommend whether Subsections (d-8) and (d-9)
  should be extended; and
               (2)  recommend any changes to Subsections (d-8) and
  (d-9) relating to the eligibility for a license of graduates of a
  clinical competency assessment program operated in another state.
         SECTION 3.  Section 301.160(a)(2), Occupations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "Targeted continuing nursing education" means
  continuing education focusing on a skill that would likely benefit
  a significant proportion of [registered] nurses in a particular
  practice area.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 301.160(b) and (j) are amended to read
  as follows:
         (b)  The board may develop pilot programs to evaluate the
  effectiveness of mechanisms, including proactive nursing peer
  review and targeted continuing nursing education, for maintenance
  of the clinical competency of a [registered] nurse in the nurse's
  area of practice and the understanding by [registered] nurses of
  the laws, including regulations, governing the practice of
  [professional] nursing.
         (j)  The board shall issue an annual report regarding any
  pilot programs developed or approved and a status report on those
  programs, including preliminary or final findings concerning their
  effectiveness. The board shall mail the report to statewide
  associations of [registered] nurses and[, registered nurse]
  educators[,] and employers of [registered] nurses that request a
  copy. [The board shall issue a final report not later than
  September 1, 2000.]
         SECTION 5.  Sections 301.1605(a) and (c), Occupations Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The board may approve and adopt rules regarding pilot
  programs for innovative applications in the practice and regulation
  of [professional] nursing.
         (c)  In approving a pilot program, the board may grant the
  program an exception to the mandatory reporting requirements of
  Sections 301.401-301.409 or to a rule adopted under this chapter or
  Chapter 303 that relates to the practice of [professional] nursing,
  including education and reporting requirements for [registered]
  nurses. The board may not grant an exception to:
               (1)  the education requirements of this chapter unless
  the program includes alternate but substantially equivalent
  requirements; or
               (2)  the mandatory reporting requirements unless the
                     (A)  is designed to evaluate the efficiency of
  alternative reporting methods; and
                     (B)  provides consumers adequate protection from
  [registered] nurses whose continued practice is a threat to public
         SECTION 6.  Sections 301.1606(a) and (b), Occupations Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The [Before January 1, 2004, the] board may [shall]
  solicit proposals for pilot programs designed to evaluate the
  efficacy and effect on protection of the public of reporting
  systems designed to encourage identification of system errors.
         (b)  The board may grant a pilot program approved under this
  section an exception to the mandatory reporting requirements of
  Sections 301.401-301.409 or to a rule adopted under this chapter or
  Chapter 303 that relates to the practice of [professional] nursing,
  including education and reporting requirements for [registered]
  nurses. If the board grants an exception, the board may require
  that the program:
               (1)  provide for the remediation of the deficiencies of
  a [registered] nurse who has knowledge or skill deficiencies that
  unless corrected may result in an unreasonable risk to public
               (2)  provide for supervision of the nurse during
  remediation of deficiencies under Subdivision (1);
               (3)  require reporting to the board of a [registered]
                     (A)  who fails to satisfactorily complete
  remediation, or who does not make satisfactory progress in
  remediation, under Subdivision (1);
                     (B)  whose incompetence in the practice of
  [professional] nursing would pose a continued risk of harm to the
  public; or
                     (C)  whose error contributed to a patient death or
  serious patient injury; or
               (4)  provide for a nursing peer review committee to
  review whether a [registered] nurse is appropriate for remediation
  under Subdivision (1).
         SECTION 7.  Subchapter E, Chapter 301, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 301.206 and 301.207 to read as follows:
  EMERGENCY RELIEF PROGRAMS. (a) In this section, "emergency relief
  program" means a program operated or sponsored by the federal
  government, the state, or a nonprofit organization to provide
  nurses to assist in providing health care to victims or potential
  victims of a disaster or state or local emergency.
         (b)  A nurse's personal contact information, including
  e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers, collected by
  the board for use by an emergency relief program is:
               (1)  confidential and not subject to disclosure under
  Chapter 552, Government Code; and
               (2)  not subject to disclosure, discovery, subpoena, or
  other means of legal compulsion for release to anyone other than for
  the purpose of contacting the nurse to assist in an emergency relief
  PROVIDED FOR LICENSURE. Information regarding a person's diagnosis
  or treatment for a physical condition, mental condition, or
  chemical dependency that the person submits to the board for a
  petition for a declaratory order of eligibility for a license or for
  an application for an initial license or a license renewal under
  this chapter is confidential to the same extent information
  collected on a nurse as part of an investigation of a complaint is
  confidential under Section 301.466.
         SECTION 8.  Section 301.257(a), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A person may petition the board for a declaratory order
  as to the person's eligibility for a license under this chapter if
  the person has reason to believe that the person is ineligible for
  the license and:
               (1)  is enrolled or planning to enroll in an
  educational program that prepares a person for an initial license
  as a registered nurse or vocational nurse; or [and]
               (2)  is an applicant for a [has reason to believe that
  the person is ineligible for the] license.
         SECTION 9.  Section 301.401(2), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
               (2)  "Minor incident" means conduct by a nurse that
  does not indicate that the nurse's continued practice poses a risk
  of harm to a patient or another person. This term is synonymous
  with "minor error" or "minor violation of this chapter or board
         SECTION 10.  Subchapter J, Chapter 301, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 301.4521 to read as follows:
  In this section:
               (1)  "Applicant" means:
                     (A)  a petitioner for a declaratory order of
  eligibility for a license; or
                     (B)  an applicant for an initial license or
  renewal of a license.
               (2)  "Evaluation" means a physical or psychological
  evaluation conducted to determine a person's fitness to practice
         (b)  The board may require a nurse or applicant to submit to
  an evaluation only if the board has probable cause to believe that
  the nurse or applicant is unable to practice nursing with
  reasonable skill and safety to patients because of:
               (1)  physical impairment;
               (2)  mental impairment; or
               (3)  chemical dependency or abuse of drugs or alcohol.
         (c)  A demand for an evaluation under Subsection (b) must be
  in writing and state:
               (1)  the reasons probable cause exists to require the
  evaluation; and
               (2)  that refusal by the nurse or applicant to submit to
  the evaluation will result in an administrative hearing to be held
  to make a final determination of whether probable cause for the
  evaluation exists.
         (d)  If the nurse or applicant refuses to submit to the
  evaluation, the board shall schedule a hearing on the issue of
  probable cause to be conducted by the State Office of
  Administrative Hearings. The nurse or applicant must be notified
  of the hearing by personal service or certified mail. The hearing
  is limited to the issue of whether the board had probable cause to
  require an evaluation. The nurse or applicant may present testimony
  and other evidence at the hearing to show why the nurse or applicant
  should not be required to submit to the evaluation. The board has
  the burden of proving that probable cause exists.  At the conclusion
  of the hearing, the hearing officer shall enter an order requiring
  the nurse or applicant to submit to the evaluation or an order
  rescinding the board's demand for an evaluation.  The order may not
  be vacated or modified under Section 2001.058, Government Code.
         (e)  If a nurse or applicant refuses to submit to an
  evaluation after an order requiring the evaluation is entered under
  Subsection (d), the board may:
               (1)  refuse to issue or renew a license;
               (2)  suspend a license; or
               (3)  issue an order limiting the license.
         (f)  The board may request a nurse or applicant to consent to
  an evaluation by a practitioner approved by the board for a reason
  other than a reason listed in Subsection (b). A request for an
  evaluation under this subsection must be in writing and state:
               (1)  the reasons for the request;
               (2)  the type of evaluation requested;
               (3)  how the board may use the evaluation;
               (4)  that the nurse or applicant may refuse to submit to
  an evaluation; and
               (5)  the procedures for submitting an evaluation as
  evidence in any hearing regarding the issuance or renewal of the
  nurse's or applicant's license.
         (g)  If a nurse or applicant refuses to consent to an
  evaluation under Subsection (f), the nurse or applicant may not
  introduce an evaluation into evidence at a hearing to determine the
  nurse's or applicant's right to be issued or retain a nursing
  license unless the nurse or applicant:
               (1)  not later than the 30th day before the date of the
  hearing, notifies the board that an evaluation will be introduced
  into evidence at the hearing;
               (2)  provides the board the results of that evaluation;
               (3)  informs the board of any other evaluations by any
  other practitioners; and
               (4)  consents to an evaluation by a practitioner that
  meets board standards established under Subsection (h).
         (h)  The board shall establish by rule the qualifications for
  a licensed practitioner to conduct an evaluation under this
  section. The board shall maintain a list of qualified
  practitioners. The board may solicit qualified practitioners
  located throughout the state to be on the list.
         (i)  A nurse or applicant shall pay the costs of an
  evaluation conducted under this section.
         (j)  The results of an evaluation under this section are:
               (1)  confidential and not subject to disclosure under
  Chapter 552, Government Code; and
               (2)  not subject to disclosure by discovery, subpoena,
  or other means of legal compulsion for release to anyone, except
  that the results may be:
                     (A)  introduced as evidence in a proceeding before
  the board or a hearing conducted by the State Office of
  Administrative Hearings under this chapter; or
                     (B)  included in the findings of fact and
  conclusions of law in a final board order.
         (k)  If the board determines there is insufficient evidence
  to bring action against a person based on the results of any
  evaluation under this section, the evaluation must be expunged from
  the board's records.
         (l)  The board shall adopt guidelines for requiring or
  requesting a nurse or applicant to submit to an evaluation under
  this section.
         (m)  The authority granted to the board under this section is
  in addition to the board's authority to make licensing decisions
  under this chapter.
         SECTION 11.  Sections 301.453(a) and (b), Occupations Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If the board determines that a person has committed an
  act listed in Section 301.452(b), the board shall enter an order
  imposing one or more of the following:
               (1)  denial of the person's application for a license,
  license renewal, or temporary permit;
               (2)  issuance of a written warning;
               (3)  administration of a public reprimand;
               (4)  limitation or restriction of the person's license,
                     (A)  limiting to or excluding from the person's
  practice one or more specified activities of nursing; or
                     (B)  stipulating periodic board review;
               (5)  suspension of the person's license [for a period
  not to exceed five years];
               (6)  revocation of the person's license; or
               (7)  assessment of a fine.
         (b)  In addition to or instead of an action under Subsection
  (a), the board, by order, may require the person to:
               (1)  submit to care, counseling, or treatment by a
  health provider designated by the board as a condition for the
  issuance or renewal of a license;
               (2)  participate in a program of education or
  counseling prescribed by the board, including a program of remedial
               (3)  practice for a specified period under the
  direction of a registered nurse or vocational nurse designated by
  the board; or
               (4)  perform public service the board considers
         SECTION 12.  Section 301.4535, Occupations Code, is amended
  by adding Subsection (a-1) and amending Subsection (b) to read as
         (a-1)  An applicant or nurse who is refused an initial
  license or renewal of a license or whose license is suspended under
  Subsection (a) is not eligible for a probationary, stipulated, or
  otherwise encumbered license unless the board establishes by rule
  criteria that would permit the issuance or renewal of the license.
         (b)  On final conviction or a plea of guilty or nolo
  contendere for an offense listed in Subsection (a), the board, as
  appropriate, may not issue a license to an applicant, shall refuse
  to renew a license, or shall revoke a license [if the applicant or
  license holder did not previously disclose the conviction or plea
  and the fifth anniversary of the date the person successfully
  completed community supervision or parole has not occurred].
         SECTION 13.  Subchapter J, Chapter 301, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 301.4551 to read as follows:
  ALCOHOL USE. The board shall temporarily suspend the license of a
  nurse as provided by Section 301.455 if the nurse is under a board
  order prohibiting the use of alcohol or a drug or requiring the
  nurse to participate in a peer assistance program, and the nurse:
               (1)  tests positive for alcohol or a prohibited drug;
               (2)  refuses to comply with a board order to submit to a
  drug or alcohol test; or
               (3)  fails to participate in the peer assistance
  program and the program issues a letter of dismissal and referral to
  the board for noncompliance.
         SECTION 14.  Section 301.468, Occupations Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (e) and (f) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The board may determine that an order denying a license
  application or suspending a license be probated. A person subject
  to a probation order shall conform to each condition the board sets
  as the terms of probation, including a condition:
               (1)  limiting the practice of the person to, or
  excluding, one or more specified activities of professional nursing
  or vocational nursing; [or]
               (2)  requiring the person to submit to supervision,
  care, counseling, or treatment by a practitioner designated by the
  board; or
               (3)  requiring the person to submit to random drug or
  alcohol tests in the manner prescribed by the board.
         (e)  A hearing under this section is limited to a
  determination of whether the person violated the terms of the
  probation order under Subsection (a) and whether the board should:
               (1)  continue, rescind, or modify the terms of
  probation, including imposing an administrative penalty; or
               (2)  enter an order denying, suspending, or revoking
  the person's license.
         (f)  If one of the conditions of probation is the
  prohibition of using alcohol or a drug or participation in a peer
  assistance program, violation of that condition is established by:
               (1)  a positive drug or alcohol test result;
               (2)  refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test as
  required by the board; or
               (3)  a letter of noncompliance from the peer assistance
         SECTION 15.  Section 63.202(f), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (f)  Notwithstanding the limitation provided by Subsection
  (b), grants awarded under Subsection (c) for the state fiscal
  biennium ending on August 31, 2009, and the fiscal biennium ending
  on August 31, 2011, by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
  Board shall be awarded to programs preparing students for initial
  licensure as registered nurses or programs preparing qualified
  faculty members with a master's or doctoral degree for the program,
  including programs at two-year institutions of higher education,
  four-year general academic teaching institutions, health science
  centers, and independent or private institutions of higher
  education, or to the nursing resource section established under
  Section 105.002(b), Health and Safety Code. In awarding grants
  under this subsection, the coordinating board may:
               (1)  give priority to institutions proposing to address
  the shortage of registered nurses by promoting innovation in
  education, recruitment, and retention of nursing students and
  qualified faculty;
               (2)  award grants on a competitive basis; [and]
               (3)  consider the availability of matching funds; and
               (4)  fund a study by the nursing resource section to
  evaluate the competencies of clinical judgment and behaviors that
  professional nursing students should possess at the time of
         SECTION 16.  Chapter 105, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Section 105.008 to read as follows:
  this section:
               (1)  "Clinical competency assessment program" means a
  professional nursing prelicensure program that employs a
  criterion-referenced summative performance examination, developed
  by subject matter experts, to verify its graduates' attainment of
  the clinical competency necessary for initial licensure as a
  registered nurse.
               (2)  "Professional nursing prelicensure program" means
  a professional nursing educational program that prepares students
  to obtain an initial license as a registered nurse.
               (3)  "Research study" means the study described by
  Subsection (b).
               (4)  "Supervised clinical learning experiences
  program" means a professional nursing prelicensure program that
  requires students to complete a required number of supervised
  clinical learning experiences provided by qualified clinical
  faculty involving multiple, ongoing assessments and feedback.
         (b)  To the extent funding is available, the nursing resource
  section established under Section 105.002(b) shall conduct a
  research study to identify:
               (1)  a set of expected student outcomes in terms of
  clinical judgment and behaviors that professional nursing students
  should possess at the time of graduation from a professional
  nursing prelicensure program;
               (2)  standardized, reliable, and valid clinical exit
  evaluation tools that could be used to evaluate the competencies in
  clinical judgment and behaviors that professional nursing students
  possess at the time of graduation from a professional nursing
  prelicensure program;
               (3)  any correlation between the success rate of
  graduates of professional nursing prelicensure programs on
  standardized clinical exit evaluation tools and their educational
  and experiential background, including:
                     (A)  length and type of health care work
  experience before entering the professional nursing prelicensure
                     (B)  health care work experience during the
  professional nursing prelicensure programs; and
                     (C)  alternative methods of teaching clinical
  judgment and behaviors, including supervised clinicals and
  simulation laboratories; and
               (4)  any correlation between the required number of
  hours in supervised clinical learning experiences and expected
  student outcomes in terms of clinical judgment and behaviors.
         (c)  In addition to any other objective, the research study
  must be designed to determine if the graduates of a clinical
  competency assessment program are substantially equivalent to the
  graduates of supervised clinical learning experiences programs in
  terms of clinical judgments and behaviors. For purposes of this
  subsection, the clinical competency assessment program must be one
               (1)  has been requiring a clinical competency
  assessment for at least 10 years;
               (2)  has students who reside in this state;
               (3)  has graduates who have been considered by the
  Texas Board of Nursing to be eligible to apply for a registered
  nurse license as a result of graduating from the program on or
  before January 1, 2007; and
               (4)  conducts the clinical competency assessment at a
  facility or facilities located in this state under the supervision
  of a qualified clinical faculty member who is a registered nurse and
  who holds a master's or doctoral degree in nursing.
         (d)  Considerations to be used in determining substantial
  equivalence under Subsection (c) must include the differences
  between the clinical competency assessment program and the
  supervised clinical learning experiences program in:
               (1)  the methods of evaluating students' clinical
  judgment and behaviors;
               (2)  performance on standardized clinical exit
  evaluation tools;
               (3)  the ability of graduates to transition to and
  assimilate in the registered nurse's role; and
               (4)  passage rates on the National Council Licensure
         (e)  The nursing resource section shall contract with an
  independent researcher to develop the research design and conduct
  the research. The independent researcher must be selected by a
  selection committee composed of:
               (1)  one representative elected by a majority of the
  nursing advisory committee under Section 104.0155, who is the chair
  of the selection committee;
               (2)  one representative designated by the Texas Health
  Care Policy Council;
               (3)  the presiding officer of the Texas Board of
               (4)  one representative of the Texas Higher Education
  Coordinating Board, designated by the governor;
               (5)  one representative designated by the Texas
  Hospital Association;
               (6)  one representative designated by the Texas
  Association of Business;
               (7)  one representative designated by a clinical
  competency assessment program that meets the requirements of
  Section 301.157(d-8), Occupations Code; and
               (8)  the nurse researcher member of the nursing
  advisory committee under Section 104.0155.
         (f)  The nursing resource section shall complete the study
  not later than June 30, 2014, and shall submit a report to the
  office of the governor, the Senate Committee on Health and Human
  Services, and the House Committee on Public Health. The report must
  include a research abstract prepared by the independent researcher.
         (g)  The nursing resource section may cooperate with the
  Texas Board of Nursing and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
  Board in conducting the study.
         (h)  The nursing advisory committee formed under Section
  104.0155 shall serve as the oversight committee for the study.
         (i)  Any data collected as part of the study that contains
  information identifying specific students, patients, or health
  care facilities is confidential, is not subject to disclosure under
  Chapter 552, Government Code, and may not be released unless all
  identifying information is removed.
         (j)  In addition to funds appropriated by the legislature,
  the nursing resource section may solicit, receive, and spend
  grants, gifts, and donations from public or private sources for the
  purpose of conducting the study.
         (k)  If grants or other funds are available through the
  National Council of State Boards of Nursing that could be used to
  fund the study, the nursing resource section shall apply for the
  funds to the maximum amount available up to the estimated cost of
  the study. In making the application or accepting the funding, the
  nursing resource section may not relinquish any oversight
  responsibility for the study, including responsibility for
  designing and conducting the research or developing the findings.
         SECTION 17.  Section 301.202(b), Occupations Code, is
         SECTION 18.  (a) The change in law made by Section 301.4521,
  Occupations Code, as added by this Act, applies only to an
  application filed with the Texas Board of Nursing on or after the
  effective date of this Act. An application filed before the
  effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the
  application was filed, and the former law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         (b)  The changes in law made by Section 301.4551, Occupations
  Code, as added by this Act, and Section 301.468, Occupations Code,
  as amended by this Act, apply only to a violation of an order issued
  by the Texas Board of Nursing on or after the effective date of this
  Act. A violation of an order issued by the Texas Board of Nursing
  before the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in
  effect when the order was issued, and the former law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 19.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2009.
  * * * * *