By: Smith of Tarrant, Callegari, Vo, Merritt, H.B. No. 4061
      Harless, et al.
  relating to the consequences of an arrest for or conviction of
  certain intoxication offenses.
         SECTION 1.  This Act shall be known as the Todd Levin-Lilly
  Lalime Memorial Act.
         SECTION 2.  Article 17.441(c), Code of Criminal Procedure,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  If the defendant is required to have the device
  installed, the magistrate shall require that the defendant have the
  device installed on the appropriate motor vehicle, at the
  defendant's expense, not later than the 10th [before the 30th] day
  after the date the defendant is released on bond.
         SECTION 3.  Section 5(d), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended to read as follows:
         (d)  In all other cases the judge may grant deferred
  adjudication unless:
               (1)  the defendant is charged with an offense:
                     (A)  under Section 49.07 or 49.08 [Sections
  49.04-49.08], Penal Code; [or]
                     (B)  under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, or
  49.065, Penal Code, and, at the time of the offense, the defendant:
                           (i)  held a commercial driver's license or a
  commercial driver learner's permit; or
                           (ii)  was driving a commercial vehicle;
                     (C)  for which punishment may be increased under
  Section 49.09, Penal Code; or
                     (D)  for which punishment may be increased under
  Section 481.134(c), (d), (e), or (f), Health and Safety Code, if it
  is shown that the defendant has been previously convicted of an
  offense for which punishment was increased under any one of those
               (2)  the defendant:
                     (A)  is charged with an offense under Section
  21.11, 22.011, or 22.021, Penal Code, regardless of the age of the
  victim, or a felony described by Section 13B(b) of this article; and
                     (B)  has previously been placed on community
  supervision for any offense under Paragraph (A) of this
  subdivision; or
               (3)  the defendant is charged with an offense under:
                     (A)  Section 21.02, Penal Code; or
                     (B)  Section 22.021, Penal Code, that is
  punishable under Subsection (f) of that section or under Section
  12.42(c)(3), Penal Code.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 13(i) and (n), Article 42.12, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, are amended to read as follows:
         (i)  If a person convicted of an offense under Sections
  49.04-49.08, Penal Code, is placed on community supervision, the
  court shall [may] require as a condition of community supervision
  that the defendant have a device installed, on the motor vehicle
  owned by the defendant or on the vehicle most regularly driven by
  the defendant, that uses a deep-lung breath analysis mechanism to
  make impractical the operation of the motor vehicle if ethyl
  alcohol is detected in the breath of the operator and that the
  defendant not operate any motor vehicle that is not equipped with
  that device.  [If it is shown on the trial of the offense that an
  analysis of a specimen of the person's blood, breath, or urine
  showed an alcohol concentration level of 0.15 or more at the time
  the analysis was performed, or if the person is convicted of an
  offense under Sections 49.04-49.06, Penal Code, and punished under
  Section 49.09(a) or (b), Penal Code, or of a second or subsequent
  offense under Section 49.07 or 49.08, Penal Code, and the person
  after conviction of either offense is placed on community
  supervision, the court shall require as a condition of community
  supervision that the defendant have the device installed on the
  appropriate vehicle and that the defendant not operate any motor
  vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped with that device. Before
  placing on community supervision a person convicted of an offense
  under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code, the court shall determine
  from criminal history record information maintained by the
  Department of Public Safety whether the person has one or more
  previous convictions under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code, or has
  one previous conviction under Sections 49.04-49.07, Penal Code, or
  one previous conviction under Section 49.08, Penal Code. If it is
  shown on the trial of the offense that an analysis of a specimen of
  the person's blood, breath, or urine showed an alcohol
  concentration level of 0.15 or more at the time the analysis was
  performed, or if the court determines that the person has one or
  more such previous convictions, the court shall require as a
  condition of community supervision that the defendant have that
  device installed on the motor vehicle owned by the defendant or on
  the vehicle most regularly driven by the defendant and that the
  defendant not operate any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is
  equipped with the device described in this subsection.] The court
  shall require the defendant to obtain the device at the defendant's
  own cost not later than the 10th [before the 30th] day after the
  date of conviction unless the court finds that to do so would not be
  in the best interest of justice and enters its findings on record.
  The court shall require the defendant to promptly provide evidence
  to the court [within the 30-day period] that the device has been
  installed on the appropriate vehicle and order the device to remain
  installed on that vehicle for a period not less than 50 percent of
  the supervision period. If the court determines the offender is
  unable to pay for the device, the court may impose a reasonable
  payment schedule not to exceed twice the period of the court's
  order. The Department of Public Safety shall approve devices for
  use under this subsection. Section 521.247, Transportation Code,
  applies to the approval of a device under this subsection and the
  consequences of that approval. Notwithstanding the provisions of
  this section, if a person is required to operate a motor vehicle in
  the course and scope of the person's employment and if the vehicle
  is owned by the employer, the person may operate that vehicle
  without installation of an approved ignition interlock device if
  the employer has been notified of that driving privilege
  restriction and if proof of that notification is with the vehicle.
  This employment exemption does not apply, however, if the business
  entity that owns the vehicle is owned or controlled by the person
  whose driving privilege has been restricted. [A previous
  conviction may not be used for purposes of restricting a person to
  the operation of a motor vehicle equipped with an interlock
  ignition device under this subsection if:
               [(1)     the previous conviction was a final conviction
  under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, 49.07, or 49.08, Penal
  Code, and was for an offense committed more than 10 years before the
  instant offense for which the person was convicted and placed on
  community supervision; and
               [(2)     the person has not been convicted of an offense
  under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, 49.07, or 49.08 of that
  code, committed within 10 years before the date on which the instant
  offense for which the person was convicted and placed on community
         (n)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or
  other law, the judge who places on community supervision a
  defendant who is younger than 21 years of age and convicted for an
  offense under Sections 49.04-49.08, Penal Code, shall[:
               [(1)]  order that the defendant's driver's license be
  suspended for 90 days beginning on the date that the person is
  placed on community supervision [; and
               [(2)     require as a condition of community supervision
  that the defendant not operate a motor vehicle unless the vehicle is
  equipped with the device described by Subsection (i) of this
         SECTION 5.  Section 13, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended by adding Subsection (o) to read as follows:
         (o)  A judge granting deferred adjudication to a defendant
  for an offense under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, or
  49.065, Penal Code, shall require the defendant to have an ignition
  interlock device installed under Subsection (i), regardless of
  whether the defendant would be required to have the device
  installed if the defendant was convicted.
         SECTION 6.  Subchapter A, Chapter 102, Code of Criminal
  Procedure, is amended by adding Article 102.0184 to read as
  CONVICTIONS: MEMORIAL SIGNS. (a) In addition to other costs on
  conviction imposed by this chapter, a person convicted of an
  offense under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.07, or 49.08, Penal Code,
  that involved the operating of a motor vehicle and resulted in the
  death of another person shall pay a memorial sign fee not to exceed
  $300 as a court cost on conviction of the offense.
         (b)  In this article, a person is considered convicted if:
               (1)  a sentence is imposed on the person; or
               (2)  the person is placed on community supervision.
         (c)  A clerk of the court shall collect the costs and pay them
  to the comptroller for deposit to the credit of the memorial sign
  account established under Section 201.9095, Transportation Code.
         SECTION 7.  (a)  Section 102.021, Government Code, is
  amended to conform to Chapter 1263 (H.B. 3060), Acts of the 80th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, and is further amended to read
  as follows:
  PROCEDURE. A person convicted of an offense shall pay the following
  under the Code of Criminal Procedure, in addition to all other
               (1)  court cost on conviction of any offense, other
  than a conviction of an offense relating to a pedestrian or the
  parking of a motor vehicle (Art. 102.0045, Code of Criminal
  Procedure) . . . $4;
               (2)  a fee for services of prosecutor (Art. 102.008,
  Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $25;
               (3)  fees for services of peace officer:
                     (A)  issuing a written notice to appear in court
  for certain violations (Art. 102.011, Code of Criminal
  Procedure) . . . $5;
                     (B)  executing or processing an issued arrest
  warrant, [or] capias, or capias pro fine (Art. 102.011, Code of
  Criminal Procedure) . . . $50;
                     (C)  summoning a witness (Art. 102.011, Code of
  Criminal Procedure) . . . $5;
                     (D)  serving a writ not otherwise listed (Art.
  102.011, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $35;
                     (E)  taking and approving a bond and, if
  necessary, returning the bond to courthouse (Art. 102.011, Code of
  Criminal Procedure) . . . $10;
                     (F)  commitment or release (Art. 102.011, Code of
  Criminal Procedure) . . . $5;
                     (G)  summoning a jury (Art. 102.011, Code of
  Criminal Procedure) . . . $5;
                     (H)  attendance of a prisoner in habeas corpus
  case if prisoner has been remanded to custody or held to bail (Art.
  102.011, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $8 each day;
                     (I)  mileage for certain services performed (Art.
  102.011, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $0.29 per mile; and
                     (J)  services of a sheriff or constable who serves
  process and attends examining trial in certain cases (Art. 102.011,
  Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . not to exceed $5;
               (4)  services of a peace officer in conveying a witness
  outside the county (Art. 102.011, Code of Criminal
  Procedure) . . . $10 per day or part of a day, plus actual
  necessary travel expenses;
               (5)  overtime of peace officer for time spent
  testifying in the trial or traveling to or from testifying in the
  trial (Art. 102.011, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . actual cost;
               (6)  court costs on an offense relating to rules of the
  road, when offense occurs within a school crossing zone (Art.
  102.014, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $25;
               (7)  court costs on an offense of passing a school bus
  (Art. 102.014, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $25;
               (8)  court costs on an offense of truancy or
  contributing to truancy (Art. 102.014, Code of Criminal
  Procedure) . . . $20;
               (9)  cost for visual recording of intoxication arrest
  before conviction (Art. 102.018, Code of Criminal
  Procedure) . . . $15;
               (10)  cost of certain evaluations (Art. 102.018, Code
  of Criminal Procedure) . . . actual cost;
               (11)  additional costs attendant to certain
  intoxication convictions under Chapter 49, Penal Code, for
  emergency medical services, trauma facilities, and trauma care
  systems (Art. 102.0185, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $100;
               (12)  additional costs attendant to certain child
  sexual assault and related convictions, for child abuse prevention
  programs (Art. 102.0186, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $100;
               (13)  cost for DNA testing for certain felonies (Art.
  102.020, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $250;
               (14)  court cost on an offense of public lewdness or
  indecent exposure (Art. 102.020, Code of Criminal
  Procedure) . . . $50;
               (15)  if required by the court, a restitution fee for
  costs incurred in collecting restitution installments and for the
  compensation to victims of crime fund (Art. 42.037, Code of
  Criminal Procedure) . . . $12; [and]
               (16)  if directed by the justice of the peace or
  municipal court judge hearing the case, court costs on conviction
  in a criminal action (Art. 45.041, Code of Criminal
  Procedure) . . . part or all of the costs as directed by the judge;
               (17)  costs attendant to convictions under Chapter 49,
  Penal Code, and under Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, to help
  fund drug court programs established under Chapter 469, Health and
  Safety Code (Art. 102.0178, Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . $50;
               (18)  costs attendant to convictions of certain
  offenses under Chapter 49, Penal Code, for the memorial sign
  program under Section 201.909, Transportation Code (Art. 102.0184,
  Code of Criminal Procedure) . . . not to exceed $300.
         (b)  Section 102.0215, Government Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 8.  Section 411.081(e), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (e)  A person is entitled to petition the court under
  Subsection (d) only if during the period of the deferred
  adjudication community supervision for which the order of
  nondisclosure is requested and during the applicable period
  described by Subsection (d)(1), (2), or (3), as appropriate, the
  person is not convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication
  community supervision under Section 5, Article 42.12, Code of
  Criminal Procedure, for any offense other than an offense under the
  Transportation Code punishable by fine only.  A person is not
  entitled to petition the court under Subsection (d) if the person
  was placed on the deferred adjudication community supervision for
  or has been previously convicted or placed on any other deferred
  adjudication for:
               (1)  an offense requiring registration as a sex
  offender under Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure;
               (2)  an offense under Section 20.04, Penal Code,
  regardless of whether the offense is a reportable conviction or
  adjudication for purposes of Chapter 62, Code of Criminal
               (3)  an offense under Section 19.02, 19.03, 22.04,
  22.041, 25.07, or 42.072, Penal Code; [or]
               (4)  any other offense involving family violence, as
  defined by Section 71.004, Family Code; or
               (5)  an offense under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05,
  49.06, or 49.065, Penal Code.
         SECTION 9.  Sections 49.09(a), (b), and (g), Penal Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), an offense under
  Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, or 49.065 is a Class A
  misdemeanor, with a minimum term of confinement of 30 days, if it is
  shown on the trial of the offense that the person has previously
  been convicted one time of an offense relating to the operating of a
  motor vehicle while intoxicated, an offense of operating an
  aircraft while intoxicated, an offense of operating a watercraft
  while intoxicated, or an offense of operating or assembling an
  amusement ride while intoxicated.
         (b)  An offense under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, or
  49.065 is a felony of the third degree if it is shown on the trial of
  the offense that the person has previously been convicted:
               (1)  one time of an offense under Section 49.08 or an
  offense under the laws of another state if the offense contains
  elements that are substantially similar to the elements of an
  offense under Section 49.08; or
               (2)  two times of any other offense relating to the
  operating of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, operating an
  aircraft while intoxicated, operating a watercraft while
  intoxicated, or operating or assembling an amusement ride while
         (g)  A conviction may be used for purposes of enhancement
  under this section or enhancement under Subchapter D, Chapter 12,
  but not under both this section and Subchapter D. A deferred
  adjudication for an offense under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05,
  49.06, or 49.065 is considered a conviction for purposes of
  enhancement of penalties under this section or Subchapter D,
  Chapter 12.
         SECTION 10.  Subchapter K, Chapter 201, Transportation Code,
  is amended by adding Section 201.9095 to read as follows:
         Sec. 201.9095.  MEMORIAL SIGN ACCOUNT. The memorial sign
  account is created as a dedicated account in the general revenue
  fund of the state treasury.  Money in the account may be
  appropriated only to the Texas Department of Transportation to pay
  costs incurred in posting memorial signs under Section 201.909.
         SECTION 11.  Section 521.246, Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  If the person's license has been suspended after a conviction under
  Sections 49.04-49.08 [Section 49.04, 49.07, or 49.08], Penal Code,
  as [the judge, before signing an order, shall determine from the
  criminal history record information maintained by the department
  whether the person has any previous conviction under those laws.
         [(b)     As part of the order the judge may restrict the person
  to the operation of a motor vehicle equipped with an ignition
  interlock device if the judge determines that the person's license
  has been suspended following a conviction under Section 49.04,
  49.07, or 49.08, Penal Code. As] part of the order, the judge shall
  restrict the person to the operation of a motor vehicle equipped
  with an ignition interlock device [if the judge determines that:
               [(1)     the person has two or more convictions under any
  combination of Section 49.04, 49.07, or 49.08, Penal Code; or
               [(2)     the person's license has been suspended after a
  conviction under Section 49.04, Penal Code, for which the person
  has been punished under Section 49.09, Penal Code].
         (b)  [(c)] The person shall obtain the ignition interlock
  device at the person's own expense unless the court finds that to do
  so is not in the best interest of justice and enters that finding in
  the record. If the court determines that the person is unable to
  pay for the device, the court may impose a reasonable payment
  schedule for a term not to exceed twice the period of the court's
         (c)  [(d)] The court shall require the ignition interlock
  device to be installed not later than the 10th day after the date
  the occupational license takes effect and shall order the ignition
  interlock device to remain installed for at least half of the period
  of supervision.
         (d)  [(e)] A person to whom this section applies may operate
  a motor vehicle without the installation of an approved ignition
  interlock device if:
               (1)  the person is required to operate a motor vehicle
  in the course and scope of the person's employment;
               (2)  the vehicle is owned by the person's employer;
               (3)  the employer is not owned or controlled by the
  person whose driving privilege is restricted;
               (4)  the employer is notified of the driving privilege
  restriction; and
               (5)  proof of that notification is with the vehicle.
         [(f)     A previous conviction may not be used for purposes of
  restricting a person to the operation of a motor vehicle equipped
  with an interlock ignition device under this section if:
               [(1)     the previous conviction was a final conviction
  under Section 49.04, 49.07, or 49.08, Penal Code, and was for an
  offense committed more than 10 years before the instant offense for
  which the person was convicted; and
               [(2)     the person has not been convicted of an offense
  under Section 49.04, 49.07, or 49.08 of that code committed within
  10 years before the date on which the instant offense for which the
  person was convicted.]
         SECTION 12.  Section 521.2476(b), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The minimum standards shall require each vendor to:
               (1)  be authorized by the department to do business in
  this state;
               (2)  install a device only if the device is approved
  under Section 521.247;
               (3)  obtain liability insurance providing coverage for
  damages arising out of the operation or use of devices in amounts
  and under the terms specified by the department;
               (4)  install the device and activate any
  anticircumvention feature of the device not later than the 10th day 
  [within a reasonable time] after the date the vendor receives
  notice that installation is ordered by a court;
               (5)  install and inspect the device in accordance with
  any applicable court order;
               (6)  repair or replace a device not later than 48 hours
  after receiving notice of a complaint regarding the operation of
  the device;
               (7)  remove a device not later than the 10th day after
  the date the owner or operator of the vehicle requests removal and
  provides a copy of a court order to the vendor showing that the
  owner or operator is no longer restricted to the use of a motor
  vehicle equipped with an ignition interlock device;
               (8)  submit a written report of any violation of a court
  order to that court and to the person's supervising officer, if any,
  not later than 48 hours after the vendor discovers the violation;
               (9) [(8)]  maintain a record of each action taken by
  the vendor with respect to each device installed by the vendor,
  including each action taken as a result of an attempt to circumvent
  the device, until at least the fifth anniversary after the date of
               (10) [(9)]  make a copy of the record available for
  inspection by or send a copy of the record to any court, supervising
  officer, or the department on request; and
               (11) [(10)]  annually provide to the department a
  written report of each service and ignition interlock device
  feature made available by the vendor.
         SECTION 13.  Article 102.0184, Code of Criminal Procedure,
  as added by this Act, applies only to a cost on conviction for an
  offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act. An
  offense committed before the effective date of this Act is covered
  by the law in effect when the offense was committed, and the former
  law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this
  section, an offense was committed before the effective date of this
  Act if any element of the offense was committed before that date.
         SECTION 14.  The Texas Department of Transportation by rule
  shall ensure that a memorial sign posted under Section 201.909,
  Transportation Code, is released at the end of the one-year posting
  period to the person who requested the posting under Subsection (d)
  of that section, regardless of whether the person was required to
  submit a fee to help defray the costs of posting.
         SECTION 15.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this Act,
  the changes in law made by this Act apply only to an offense
  committed on or after the effective date of this Act. An offense
  committed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the
  law in effect when the offense was committed, and the former law is
  continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of this section,
  an offense was committed before the effective date of this Act if
  any element of the offense was committed before that date.
         (b)  The changes in law made by this Act in amending Articles
  17.441 and 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, and Section 521.246,
  Transportation Code, relating to the time frame for installation
  and removal of an ignition interlock device, apply only to a court
  order entered on or after the effective date of this section. A
  court order entered before the effective date of this section is
  governed by the law in effect when the court order was entered, and
  the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (c)  The Department of Public Safety by rule shall establish
  the minimum standards required by Section 521.2476(b),
  Transportation Code, as amended by this Act, not later than
  December 1, 2009.
         SECTION 16.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.