81R5447 KLA-D
  By: Chavez H.B. No. 4073
  relating to a franchise tax credit for certain research and
  development activities.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter O-1 to read as follows:
         Sec. 171.741.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter, "base
  amount," "basic research payment," and "qualified research
  expense" have the meanings assigned those terms by Section 41,
  Internal Revenue Code, except that all of those payments and
  expenses must be for research conducted within this state.
         Sec. 171.742.  ELIGIBILITY. A taxable entity is eligible
  for a credit against the tax imposed under this chapter in the
  amount and under the conditions and limitations provided by this
         Sec. 171.743.  CALCULATION OF CREDIT. (a)  The credit for
  any report equals five percent of the sum of:
               (1)  the excess of qualified research expenses incurred
  in this state during the period on which the tax is based over the
  base amount for this state; and
               (2)  the basic research payments determined under
  Section 41(e)(1)(A), Internal Revenue Code, for this state during
  the period on which the tax is based.
         (b)  A taxable entity may elect to compute the credit for
  qualified research expenses incurred in this state in a manner
  consistent with the alternative incremental credit described in
  Section 41(c)(4), Internal Revenue Code, only if for the
  corresponding federal tax period:
               (1)  a federal election was made to compute the federal
  credit under Section 41(c)(4), Internal Revenue Code;
               (2)  the taxable entity was a member of a consolidated
  group for which a federal election was made under Section 41(c)(4),
  Internal Revenue Code; or
               (3)  the taxable entity did not claim the federal
  credit under Section 41(a)(1), Internal Revenue Code.
         (c)  For purposes of the alternate credit computation method
  in Subsection (b), the credit percentages applicable to qualified
  research expenses described in Sections 41(c)(4)(A)(i), (ii), and
  (iii), Internal Revenue Code, are 0.41 percent, 0.55 percent, and
  0.69 percent, respectively.
         (d)  The burden of establishing entitlement to and the value
  of the credit is on the taxable entity.
         (e)  For the purposes of this section, "gross receipts" as
  used in Section 41, Internal Revenue Code, means gross receipts as
  determined under Section 171.103.
         Sec. 171.744.  LIMITATIONS. The sum of the total credit
  claimed under this subchapter for a report, including the amount of
  any carryforward credit under Section 171.745, and the amount of
  unused credits accrued under Subchapter O before its repeal on
  January 1, 2008, and claimed on the report as authorized by Section
  18(d), Chapter 1 (H.B. 3), Acts of the 79th Legislature, 3rd Called
  Session, 2006, may not exceed 50 percent of the amount of franchise
  tax due for the report before any other applicable tax credits.
         Sec. 171.745.  CARRYFORWARD. If a taxable entity is
  eligible for a credit that exceeds the limitation under Section
  171.744, the taxable entity may carry the unused credit forward for
  not more than 20 consecutive reports.  Credits, including credit
  carryforwards, are considered to be used in the following order:
               (1)  a credit carryforward of unused credits accrued
  under Subchapter O before its repeal on January 1, 2008, and claimed
  as authorized by Section 18(d), Chapter 1 (H.B. 3), Acts of the 79th
  Legislature, 3rd Called Session, 2006;
               (2)  a credit carryforward under this subchapter; and
               (3)  a current year credit.
         Sec. 171.746.  BIENNIAL REPORT BY COMPTROLLER. (a)  Before
  the beginning of each regular session of the legislature, the
  comptroller shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor,
  and the speaker of the house of representatives a report that
               (1)  the total amount of expenses and payments incurred
  by taxable entities that claim a credit under this subchapter;
               (2)  the total amount of credits applied against the
  tax under this chapter and the amount of unused credits including:
                     (A)  the total amount of franchise tax due by
  taxable entities claiming a credit under this subchapter before and
  after the application of the credit;
                     (B)  the average percentage reduction in
  franchise tax due by taxable entities claiming a credit under this
                     (C)  the percentage of tax credits that were
  awarded to taxable entities with fewer than 100 employees; and
                     (D)  the two-digit standard industrial
  classification of taxable entities claiming a credit under this
               (3)  the geographical distribution of expenses and
  payments giving rise to a credit authorized by this subchapter;
               (4)  the effect of the credit provided by this
  subchapter on the amount of research and development performed in
  this state and employment in research and development in this
  state; and
               (5)  the effect of the credit provided under this
  subchapter on employment, capital investment, and personal income
  in this state and on state tax revenues.
         (b)  The final report issued prior to the expiration of this
  subchapter shall include historical information on the credit
  authorized under this subchapter.
         (c)  The comptroller may not include in the report
  information that is confidential by law.
         (d)  For purposes of this section, the comptroller may
  require a taxable entity that claims a credit under this subchapter
  to submit information, on a form provided by the comptroller, on the
  location of the taxable entity's research expenses and payments in
  this state and any other information necessary to complete the
  report required by this section.
         Sec. 171.747.  COMPTROLLER POWERS AND DUTIES. The
  comptroller shall adopt rules and forms necessary to implement this
         Sec. 171.748.  ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. A taxable entity may
  not convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this
  subchapter to another entity unless all of the assets of the taxable
  entity are conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same
         Sec. 171.749.  EXPIRATION. (a)  This subchapter expires
  December 31, 2019.
         (b)  The expiration of this subchapter does not affect the
  carryforward of a credit under Section 171.745 that was accrued
  before the date this subchapter expires.
         SECTION 2.  Section 403.030(a), Government Code, as
  effective April 1, 2009, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  For purposes of evaluating the effect on economic
  development in this state, the comptroller, before each regular
  session of the legislature, shall collect and make available
  information that:
               (1)  lists the strategies in the General Appropriations
  Act identified as meeting the statewide priority goal or service
  category of economic development, if any, of each state agency and
  institution of higher education, as defined by Section 61.003,
  Education Code, including:
                     (A)  legislative appropriations or actual
  expenditures, as applicable, for each strategy;
                     (B)  the method of financing of each strategy; and
                     (C)  outcome measures associated with each
  appropriate strategy that are listed in the General Appropriations
  Act or the Automated Budget and Evaluation System of Texas (ABEST);
               (2)  lists all investments financed with money from the
  Texas growth fund created by Section 70, Article XVI, Texas
               (3)  contains a summary of the information reported
  under Subchapter D, Chapter 502, Local Government Code, by each
  corporation created under Chapter 504 or 505, Local Government
  Code, and a copy of the report submitted by each of the 10
  corporations with the largest total revenue in the most recent
  fiscal year ending before the date the information compiled under
  this section is made available;
               (4)  contains a summary of the report required by
  Section 403.014 and information on the effect on revenues of
  [allocation or] apportionment under Section [Sections] 171.106
  [and 171.1061], Tax Code;
               (5)  contains a summary of reports the comptroller is
  required to submit by other law to evaluate the effectiveness of Tax
  Code provisions, including a report [reports] required by Section
  171.746 [Sections 171.707, 171.727, 171.759, and 171.809], Tax
  Code; and
               (6)  to the extent practicable, contains information on
  employment, capital investment, and personal income relating to:
                     (A)  at least two tax provisions described by
  Section 403.014; and
                     (B)  changes in school district property tax law
  or Tax Code provisions enacted by the most recent legislature.
         SECTION 3.  (a) This Act applies only to a report originally
  due on or after the effective date of this Act.
         (b)  The change in law made by this Act does not affect the
  obligation for or the payment, computation, and collection of the
  franchise tax for a report originally due before the effective date
  of this Act.  The obligation for and the payment, computation, and
  collection of the franchise tax for a report originally due before
  the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on
  the date the report was originally due and that law is continued in
  effect for those purposes.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2010.