By: Harless H.B. No. 4124
  relating to certain possessory liens on certain motor vehicles,
  motorboats, vessels, or outboard motors.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 70, Section 70.001,
  Property Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 70.001.  WORKER'S LIEN. (a)  A worker in this state who
  by labor repairs an article, including a vehicle, motorboat,
  vessel, or outboard motor, may retain possession of the article
               (1)  the amount due under the contract for the repairs
  is paid; or
               (2)  if no amount is specified by contract, the
  reasonable and usual compensation is paid.
         (b)  If a worker relinquishes possession of a motor vehicle,
  motorboat, vessel, or outboard motor in return for a check, money
  order, or a credit card transaction on which payment is stopped, has
  been dishonored because of insufficient funds, no funds or because
  the drawer or maker of the order or the credit card holder has no
  account or the account upon which it was drawn or the credit card
  account has been closed, the lien provided by this section
  continues to exist and the worker is entitled to possession of the
  vehicle, motorboat, vessel, or outboard motor until the amount due
  is paid, unless the vehicle, motorboat, vessel, or outboard motor
  is possessed by a person who became a bona fide purchaser of the
  vehicle after a stop payment order was made. A person entitled to
  possession of property under this subsection is entitled to take
  possession thereof in accordance with the provisions of Section
  9.609, Business & Commerce Code.
         (c)  A worker may take possession of an article under
  Subsection (b) only if the person obligated under the repair
  contract has signed a notice stating that the article may be subject
  to repossession under this section. A notice under this subsection
  must be:
               (1)  separate from the written repair contract; or
               (2)  printed on the written repair contract, credit
  agreement, or other document in type that is boldfaced,
  capitalized, underlined, or otherwise set out from surrounding
  written material so as to be conspicuous with a separate signature
         (d)  A worker who takes possession of an article under
  Subsection (b) may require a person obligated under the repair
  contract to pay the costs of repossession as a condition of
  reclaiming the article only to the extent of the reasonable fair
  market value of the services required to take possession of the
  article. For the purpose of this subsection, charges represent the
  fair market value of the services required to take possession of an
  article if the charges represent the actual cost incurred by the
  worker in taking possession of the article.
         (e)  A worker may not transfer to a third party, and a person
  who performs repossession services may not accept, a check, money
  order, or credit card transaction that is received as payment for
  repair of an article and that is returned to the worker because of
  insufficient funds or no funds, because the drawer or maker of the
  check or money order or the credit card holder has no account, or
  because the account on which the check or money order is drawn or
  the credit card account has been closed.
         (f)  A person commits an offense if the person transfers or
  accepts a check, money order, or credit card transaction in
  violation of Subsection (e). An offense under this subsection is a
  Class B misdemeanor.
         (g)  A motor vehicle that is repossessed under this section
  shall be promptly delivered to the location where the repair was
  performed or a vehicle storage facility licensed under Chapter
  2303, Occupations Code. The motor vehicle must remain at the
  repair location or a licensed vehicle storage facility at all times
  until the motor vehicle is lawfully returned to the motor vehicle's
  owner or a lienholder or is disposed of as provided by this
         (h)  A prior security interest has priority over a possessory
  lien created under this Section.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2009.